Start with an Archangel

Chapter 265 Judgment Legion Station Attack and Defense

In any case, the three Chinese territories started fighting over a gold mine far away from the mainland.

Moreover, the apparently isolated high school alliance was beaten violently at the doorstep by the lord's combined fleet, and is now holding on to its territory on the shore.

According to the strength of the lords' combined fleet, it was impossible to complete the landing operation, so Xu Man was not worried about damage to the Yunxiao Territory and several legion stations. However, being blocked is a great damage to the guild's prestige. Now that the college alliance has just come to dominate Shangjiang, if you show yourself to be weak and can be bullied, there is no guarantee that there won't be trouble from some dissatisfied guilds.

Moreover, the merchant ships of the University Alliance cannot go to sea, which is also a huge blow to the finance of the University Alliance.

That's why Xu Mancai urgently wants Da Liang to take action. Now that the College Alliance has lost its maritime combat capabilities, only Da Liang and his archangels can attack the lords' combined fleet from the air in order to repel these invading lords.

As long as an undefeated situation can be guaranteed, we can find a way to negotiate with the lords to solve the current dilemma facing the university alliance.

After Daliang knew the cause of the battle and the strength comparison between the two sides, he also flew to the Judgment Legion's station.

The Judgment Corps is the number one corps in the college alliance, and Xu Man spared no effort in the construction of the Judgment Corps station.

Yunxiao Territory has completed the construction of the secondary territory. The Judgment Legion has not only built a new wall, but also has many functional buildings inside. Xu Man even built a high-level horse stable here so that the Judgment Legion could recruit centaurs, the first-level elven soldiers.

At this time, the Judgment Corps station was shrouded in flames of war, and more than twenty enemy single-masted warships entered the bay port under the leadership of a two-masted warship.

The entire Judgment fleet has been sunk.

Only two forts kept firing, preventing the lords' combined fleet from approaching and bombarding the station.

There was a roaring sound.

In the air, Shu Xiao was leading members of the Judgment Legion to fight with the air power of the lords. Thousands of flying units almost covered the entire sky above the bay.

Both sides threw themselves into flying horses, and it was obvious that Shi Fei was here again.

Da Liang immediately lowered his altitude and flew swinging close to the ground.

Shi Fei's special skill has high lethality, long range and high accuracy. It can kill players instantly with one arrow.

At this time, Daliang did not dare to be a target in the air. No matter where Shi Fei was hiding, or whether he noticed him or not, Daliang quickly hid in the Judgment Legion's station.

"Shu Xiao, I'm at the legion station now. How is your place?"

"Master, I can't hold on anymore. The main reason is that our reserve of flying creatures is insufficient, and there are people who can't fly. Please ask the archangel to come up to help. With the archangel, we can fight them out."

Da Liang took a look at the battle situation in the air from the ground.

A large proportion of the aerial players in the Lords Alliance ride royal griffins and pegasus. Although the Judgment Legion is an aerial fast-reaction force created by the College Alliance, its flying mounts are still dominated by harpies and gargoyles. .

In terms of air strength, the Judgment Legion is weaker than the Lords Alliance.

If the Judgment Legion had not relied on the station to fight and was under the command of Shu Xiao, it would have lost its air superiority and the fort would have been directly threatened by the lords' coalition forces.

At that time, the lords' combined fleet can bombard the Judgment Corps station...

Shu Xiao now asked for help, but Daliang did not let Julian fly over for support.

Even though they knew that I had an archangel, the lords still blatantly attacked the Judgment Legion's headquarters, which was obviously a sign of fearlessness.

Even this battle in the air is a trap, to lure me and my archangel out, and then kill the two of us through subsequent plans.

Shi Fei laid a trap so confidently that he must have obtained another golden dragon.

The reborn ones are really awesome.

Therefore Julian cannot be used for the time being.

As for air superiority?

Brother's Silver Pegasus Knight has flown back from Mongolia. Together with the Royal Griffin and Griffin on Qingye Island and the Pegasus Knight traded from Feichen Island, we can definitely fight a beautiful counterattack here.

And unlike the last time he encountered Shi Fei, Julian could only fight alone. The frost dragon Astro is also on Feichen Island. As soon as Shi Fei shows up, two level 14 creatures will definitely kill him again.

The competition now is patience. Whoever takes off first and exposes his position will become passive in the next battle.

"Sidney, the Blackfire Fleet has entered combat mode and is waiting for my order to take the next step. How many dragon corpses have been fished out from the waters of Qingye Island?"

"Four have been fished out now, and I'm sending skeleton soldiers to look for the rest."

"Take two red dragon corpses to Jiading City."

"Yes, sir."

There are two restorative potions left, and I hope I can transform into a frost dragon this time.

If there are two frost dragons and an archangel, this battle is basically a sure win.

"Shu Xiao, someone is preparing to ambush my archangel. You must hold on in the air. Now I have assigned an army of flying creatures to your command, which is enough for you to repel these enemies. The lord's navy has come from afar, There certainly isn’t much of a reserve of flying creatures.”

"Okay Master, give me more troops... there are so many high-level flying creatures, Master is so powerful, just watch how I torture them."

80 Silver Pegasus Knights, 60 Pegasus Knights, 40 Royal Griffins, and 50 Griffins appeared in Shu Xiao's command sequence.

With this group of flying troops, Shu Xiao was able to protect the sky above the Judgment Legion's station. As long as the two forts were not destroyed, he could suppress the lords' combined fleet from approaching.

The lords' combined fleet is mainly composed of single-masted battleships. Da Liang has been drawing the design drawings of this kind of battleship in the past few days, and he is very familiar with the performance of this kind of battleship.

The defensive power of a single-masted battleship is basically zero in front of the refined iron smoothbore cannon, and one shot will make a hole.

Seeing that the lords' combined fleet was hiding far away from the fort's range, it was probably that they had already suffered a loss in front of the fine iron smoothbore cannon.

Artillery is also divided into different types according to different casting materials.

The more popular one now is the iron smoothbore cannon, which can fire 12-pound shells. Currently, the only iron smoothbore cannons that players can buy from system cities are iron smoothbore cannons of this caliber. At the same time, iron smoothbore cannons are also widely equipped by the system navy.

Fine iron smoothbore cannon, capable of firing 18-pound shells. Due to the immature casting technology, even the Pudong Fleet only equipped some fine iron smoothbore cannons on the Conqueror and Oath.

The more advanced one is the steel smoothbore cannon, which fires 24-pound shells. Current smelting technology cannot produce this kind of artillery, and it can only be obtained through alchemy. There are a small number of steel smoothbore guns equipped on the Oath, and a small number of them are deployed in important positions in Shangjiang city defense.

Theoretically, there are stainless steel smoothbore cannons and alloy smoothbore cannons that are more advanced than steel smoothbore cannons, but they have not been researched yet.

In the naval battle against the Chongming Fleet, the Conqueror was always at the forefront of the battle. Of course, its artillery was constantly used, and damage was inevitable.

The batch of refined iron smoothbore cannons in Daliang's hands were scraps eliminated from the Conqueror.

If there are no refined iron smoothbore cannons that have been eliminated at ordinary times, the iron smoothbore cannons can fully meet the Conqueror's daily training needs.

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