Start with an Archangel

Chapter 273 Naval Battle

As they sailed, the Blackfire Fleet and Shi Fei's main fleet moved south together with a distance of 700 meters, and the single-masted battleship group was scattered further out on the sea.

Daliang hid behind the port side shield of the bridge, observed the enemy fleet, and then ordered.

"The fleet is approaching the enemy at an angle of 15 degrees, and all artillery is ready to fire. Target the enemy's flagship, and the No. 5 gun crew is calibrating the firing!"

A cannon shot.

A cannon located under the poop of the Skeleton Warrior was fired, and black projectiles drew a parabola in the air battle and shot towards the enemy flagship "Ying Long".

Then it fell into the sea water 100 meters away from the "Yinglong".

"Each artillery team adjusts its angle and all artillery is ready to fire."

While the gunners of the Black Fire Fleet adjusted the angle of the artillery, the "Ying Long" also fired a test shell.

Cannonballs flew over the Skeleton Warrior.

The quality of the sailors on Shi Fei's battleship is also quite high.


In a series of rumbling sounds, clouds of thick smoke rose from the sides of the Black Fire Fleet, and a row of projectiles formed a scattering surface and flew towards Shi Fei's main fleet.

Water pillars arose on the water where Shi Fei's main fleet was located.

Shi Fei's main fleet, which was covered by artillery shells, immediately counterattacked with a salvo of artillery fire.

The artillery fired on the sea surface, and the swaying water column set off a white water curtain around the two fleets.

The two fleets poured cannonballs at each other and quickly approached on the angled route.

Gradually, the three single-masted battleships behind Shi Fei's main fleet lost their shooting angle. As the distance approached, the firepower advantage of the Black Fire Fleet was revealed.

The first fire group led by Daliang tried desperately to rain down artillery shells on the three-masted warships and two two-masted warships of Shi Fei's main fleet, while the second fire group commanded by Sidney focused on the enemy's single-masted warships one by one. Fire attack.

Three-masted battleships and two-masted battleships have thick hulls, and iron armor plates are attached to the waterline. The 12-pound shells fired by the iron smoothbore cannon cannot cause much damage to their hulls in a short period of time.

The hull of a single-masted battleship is relatively weak, and a 12-pound shell can easily penetrate a single-masted battleship at close range.

When the distance between the two sides reached three hundred meters, the 40 artillery pieces commanded by Sidney stopped a single-masted battleship on the sea with two salvos.

The firepower advantage of the Black Fire Fleet began to show its power. Shi Fei ordered a single-masted battleship to fill the gap, and then ordered the fleet's course to shift eastward in an attempt to lure the Black Fire Fleet away from the coastline.

The position of 200 meters to 300 meters can give full play to the artillery advantage of the Black Fire Fleet. Watching Shi Fei's fleet change direction, Daliang ordered the Black Fire Fleet to stay close to the opponent and bite the "Ying Long" tightly without letting go.

Da Liang had just seen through the telescope that Shi Fei was on this three-masted battleship. It was obvious that this three-masted battleship belonged to Shi Fei. As long as he held down the ship and beat it to death, Shi Fei's trump cards would be revealed.

Attracted by Shi Fei's main fleet, the Blackfire Fleet began to move away from the coastline.

The single-masted battleships of the Lords United Fleet eagerly surrounded the Black Fire Fleet. They formed battle lines and moved towards the head and tail of the Black Fire Fleet, hoping to inflict heavy damage on the enemy fleet at the T-position.

The Blackfire Fleet began to make a large-scale snaking maneuver.

It is difficult for a single-mast battleship formation to form a concentrated firepower. The Black Fire Fleet relies on its elite sailors to quickly change the direction of sailing to avoid too much shell damage to the bow and stern of the battleship. At the same time, it uses the artillery on both sides to target the approaching single-mast battleship. The battleships attacked head on.

From the overall situation, the Lords United Fleet seemed to have completed the siege of the Black Fire Fleet, but on the actual battlefield, the Black Fire Fleet still had an absolute advantage in firepower in a local area through its neat formation and changeable navigation.

One after another, the single-masted warships were destroyed and parked on the water, but the Lords' combined fleet did not seem to cause much damage to the enemies in the encirclement.

Shu Xiao led the Judgment Legion to tightly protect the sky above the Black Fire Fleet.

Having experienced many naval battles with Daliang, Shu Xiao has a certain understanding of the situation in naval battles.

In the naval battle below, Da Liang's fleet has trapped the main force of the lord's combined fleet. A single-masted warship behind their main fleet has also been replaced. The single-masted warship joining behind can't even find its position in the fierce fire.

One of the enemy's three-masted warships and two two-masted warships have been isolated, and the outer group of single-masted warships can only circle around the middle battlefield and desperately fill the battlefield with warships in an attempt to attract the firepower of the Da Liang fleet. Get the battleship out.

Above the sea, battleships were fighting fiercely, and clouds of smoke rose and filled the sky.

In the aerial battle, Shu Xiao clearly felt that his opponent had increased the intensity of his attacks. They have already felt the pressure of naval battles and want to open up the situation from the air, and then reverse the passivity on the sea after gaining air superiority.

The Judgment Legion was firmly guarding the sky above the Blackfire Fleet. Since the situation in the naval battle was in its own favor, there was no need to fight the enemy in the air.

Shi Fei stood on the bridge of the "Ying Long". Now his main fleet only had this three-masted warship and the two two-masted warships behind it. The good defense allowed them to maintain their combat effectiveness, and the support came up The single-masted battleship was far behind due to gunfire.

Now Daliang's fleet has shortened the distance of the firefight to less than 200 meters, and a single-masted warship cannot even hold on to a salvo.

"How is this possible! The compact formation and high firing frequency can be said to be a high-quality system navy, but what about this clever on-the-spot route change? Players have just come into contact with navigation, and all naval battle tactics are still being explored. If air command requires talent, naval battle command relies more on experience than talent. In the current game, no player can surpass me in terms of naval battle command ability and experience. did Daliang do it?

If I hadn't seen Daliang on the other side's flagship, I would have suspected that I was in an exchange of fire with the elite navy of the same system. "

Shi Fei didn't know that Daliang had been tortured by Sidney more than ten times during the deduction for this battle. Daliang had learned countermeasures from Sidney for any tactical changes of the Lords United Fleet.

Therefore, Shi Fei's guess was not wrong. It was an excellent naval commander who was bullying him through Daliang.

Frequent hits caused the "Ying Long" to jolt violently. The quality gap of the sailors made the "Ying Long" fire less frequently than the Blackfire Fleet.

The results of the high-intensity training that the Black Fire Fleet spent on a large amount of gold coins were revealed at this moment. When the Black Fire Fleet fired five cannons, the "Ying Long" could only fire four cannons. The other two two-masted warships were even worse. These two warships from the Dongyue Territory and the Sun Moon God Territory had just entered the fleet. When the Black Fire Fleet fired five cannons, they could only fire three cannons.

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