Start with an Archangel

Chapter 274 Playing cards

The firepower and firing speed are not as good as the opponent's.

Shi Fei finally knew why Daliang dared to fight with his eighty-three warships with only seven warships.

A well-trained two-masted battleship or above can fight against several times the number of single-masted battleships. This is common sense in future naval battles. Shi Fei knows it, but he didn't expect that there are players who can do it now.

It seems that if something is not done, the naval battle will be lost miserably.

Shi Fei looked at the sky. The Judgment Legion was on guard. All air forces were hovering over Da Liang's fleet, forming a protective layer with a thickness of a hundred meters. They did not fight head-on with the aerial forces of the United Dreamless Wings, but kept moving to keep their opponents at bay.

The situation cannot be opened up in the air either.

Private chat with Dreamless Wings: "Naval warfare is very detrimental to us. We must gain air superiority as soon as possible."

Dreamless Wings replied: "Without enough air power, I cannot break through their defense. I request to change my mount."

Under the current situation, Shi Fei is no longer allowed to hide his strength. "Ying Long" is his newly built three-masted warship and the flagship of the dominant fleet. This time, in order to express his determination to share the same hatred with the lords, he sent the "Yinglong" to Shangjiang.

This three-masted battleship must not make any mistakes. With this battleship, his fleet can suppress all dissent in the South China Sea.

Therefore, when Dreamless Wings requested to change his mount, Shi Fei didn't think too much about it.

"Allow, pay attention to the movements of the other party's archangel. The archangel named Julian is very fast. According to my classification of level 14 creatures, she should reach double A level. We need to cooperate well to kill her."

"Yes, legion commander, I will pay attention."

Dreamless Wings rides the Silver Pegasus. This gorgeous looking mount with very fast flying speed is loved by all players. However, its unit level is level 8, which also limits its ability to appear in the hands of players on a large scale.

After receiving Shi Fei's permission, Dreamless Wings ordered his men to retreat to slow down the impact on the Judgment Legion, and then he flew in the direction of the merchant fleet outside the battlefield.

Sudden changes occurred in the air force commanded by Wumeng Wing, which attracted the attention of Gu Tao, who was responsible for early warning work at high altitudes.

She stared at Dreamless Wings, and then looked in the direction of his flight.

It is the merchant fleet of the lords' combined fleet. These merchant ships are responsible for loading spare air mounts for the attrition of air troops.

Now Dreamless Wings is riding a Silver Pegasus, which is already a top mount. What does he want to do now leaving the air combat battlefield and flying to the merchant fleet?

So Gu Tao discovered that in the merchant fleet, a two-masted merchant ship began to dismantle its upper deck, and a large creature appeared from inside.

Gu Tao's voice sounded on the Judgment Corps channel at this time: "Attention to all combatants, a green dragon has been found. A green dragon has been found. The coordinates are ****: ****. The enemy's green dragon is leaving the cabin. Please make a plan for each unit. Emergency battle plan!”

At this time, a dragon roar came from a two-masted merchant ship parked on the sea in the distance.

The entire upper deck of a two-masted merchant ship was lifted open, revealing a large modified cabin inside.

A green dragon roared after seeing the sun, then spread its wings and flew into the sky.

There was another series of roars, and after demonstrating its majesty, the flying green dragon flew towards the Dreamless Wings.

"It's over, it's over. Master, have you seen it? There is a green dragon here. I heard from Sister Man that there is also a golden dragon flying across the sand and rocks. How do we fight two dragons?" Shu Xiao saw a green dragon rushing towards him in the distance. Finally, I couldn't help but feel a little worried. This was the ultimate creature at level 13, a born hero. Its combat power was far ahead of the level 12 troops.

After the ultimate creature's hero level increases, its combat power will skyrocket, killing low-level soldiers is like mowing grass.

Moreover, the green dragon is immune to level 1-3 magic. If you charge at will, it will rule the legion to be dispersed by it a few times.

As soon as the green dragon appeared, it was discovered by Gu Tao, who was on high-altitude warning. After receiving the news, the Judgment Legion immediately distanced itself from its teammates according to previous training. Dragon's Breath Breath is a range attack. If everyone is gathered together, they will die faster.

After seeing the Dreamless Wings switching to the Green Dragon in a dogfight, Shu Xiao, who knew he couldn't defeat him, immediately asked Daliang for help.

The obvious weapons of our fleet currently fighting on the sea are artillery, and they are not equipped with anti-air ballistae. The only thing that can stop the green dragon is the bright archangel.

After receiving Gu Tao's warning, Daliang also saw the green dragon immediately.

There was a golden dragon and a green dragon so quickly. Shi Fei obtained the ultimate creature very quickly.

But is a golden dragon and a green dragon Shi Fei's trump card?

"Master, Master, did you hear it? How to fight?"

Just as Daliang was thinking about what else was in Shi Fei's hand, he was called back to the battlefield by an anxious Shu Xiao.

"A green dragon... Shu Xiao, close to the water, ready to receive a new mount."

After hearing Daliang's order, Shu Xiao controlled the Silver Pegasus to dive towards the sea, and asked doubtfully: "The new mount in the sea? Master, is it a fish? But I don't think that green dragon is mentally retarded. Haili fight me."

Da Liang said angrily: "You mean your master and I are mentally retarded? Originally I wanted to give this mount to you, but now I have changed my mind. I will use it temporarily..."

Shu Xiao had already changed to level flight on the sea. He looked around and did not find the mount that Daliang said: "Just use it temporarily. What good mount can there be in the water... What is that? There seems to be something big coming up from the water. No, no way...Master, why don't you give me a whale and let me ride it to ram their warships!"

Flying close to the water, Shu Xiao found that the water below was shrouded in a large shadow, and it seemed that there was a huge thing floating upwards from the water quickly.

With such a big size, apart from whales, Shu Xiao really couldn't think of any creature in the sea with such a size.

And just when Shu Xiao was thinking about how to ride a whale to ram a battleship.

The water surface rolled violently, and a huge creature rushed out from the water. The sea water rolled down from his body to form a raging waterfall.

A roar sounded next to Shu Xiao, and the deafening sound almost pushed Shu Xiao off the back of the Silver Pegasus.

Then in the falling sea water, an undead dragon appeared in front of Shu Xiao's eyes, and the Silver Pegasus beside him was like a child looking up to an elephant.

"Master, Master, is this really for me?" Shu Xiao was already frightened. She had seen Daliang riding this undead dragon in the plot mission Qingye Island Naval Battle. It was called the Frost Dragon, a level 14 creature. Its combat power is comparable to that of a black dragon.

Now such a powerful creature is about to belong to him...

At this moment, Daliang's voice appeared in Shu Xiao's ears: "It's for temporary use. This is your punishment for being disrespectful. If you want this giant frost dragon, it depends on your performance in this battle."

"Master, don't worry, this sky is mine, no one can take it away!" Shu Xiao jumped onto the dragon saddle on the back of the frost dragon, stroked the horns that were as cold as rocks, and asked: "What's your name?" what name?"


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