Start with an Archangel

Chapter 275 Encirclement

Shu Xiao, who had obtained the frost dragon mount, controlled the rapid climb of the thunderstorm.

The roar of the dragon spread across the battlefield, and all the members of the Judgment Legion immediately discovered that their mounts were much faster.

An undead dragon that once appeared in the Shangjiang City system army actually appeared here, and this ultimate creature, which was obviously a level 14, was a member of the Judgment Legion.

Dreamless Wings, who had originally mounted the green dragon and was confidently preparing for a big fight, was stunned on the spot.

It seems that my green dragon hasn't shown its power yet. It only barked a few times and then it was time to leave.

"Legion Commander, it seems that Da Liang is well prepared. Now they have a level 14 undead dragon and a hidden archangel. He has the advantage on both the water and the air. If we don't adopt a decisive strategy, We're probably going to lose badly."

Shi Fei didn't expect that Daliang would take out another level 14 creature at this time. Now that his Archangel was still hidden, he was completely passive in terms of strategy.

At this time, Xiyang Zui, the lord of the Dongyue Territory, sent an anxious message: "Boss Fei, my 'Nanshan' is seriously flooded and sinking. The enemy is too strong. I will provide you with cover. You and your fleet should withdraw quickly." .”

Shi Fei glanced toward the rear of the fleet. The third-placed two-masted battleship "Nanshan" began to slow down and gradually separated from the fleet.

However, Daliang's fleet was not seriously damaged.

I was careless, I was careless, I didn't expect Wang Daliang to manage such a powerful military force in Shangjiang. He is now playing his cards bit by bit, and it is obvious that he has greater support behind him. This battle is really a disaster.

At this time, the person in charge of high-altitude early warning of the Judgment Legion reported: "Legion Commander, we found the Archangel. We found the Archangel. It's the bright Archangel Julian. She's very fast. She's flying towards me, asking for support." , please support..."

The altitude warning personnel went offline.

The Dominator Legion's background report: "The bright archangel killed our early warning personnel, and we lost the ability to monitor the entire sea area."

Da Liang actually took the initiative to use the Archangel at this time. What did he want to do? He should obviously know that I still have a trump card, so why did he expose the Archangel!

Is he using an archangel to seduce my golden dragon?

Shi Fei suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, "He also has the ultimate creature..."

At this time, the outer guard sentry ship urgently contacted Shi Fei: "Legion Commander, we found four unidentified single-masted battleship groups approaching the battlefield in the northeast, east, southeast, and south of the battlefield. There are a total of 50 single-masted battleships. Battleship, they ignored our warnings and their attitude was very unfriendly."

50 sloops? Which organization is it from? Who has the ability to own so many single-masted battleships on this sea?

The clouds in Shi Fei's heart became thicker and thicker.

This is not a desperate struggle by the college alliance, this is an encirclement war against the lords' combined fleet.

"All personnel left the battlefield immediately, we were ambushed!" Shi Fei, who was aware of the college alliance plan, immediately issued orders to the lords' combined fleet, "'Yinglong', 'Power' and 'Nanshan' are responsible for entangling the enemy's main fleet. The other ships dispersed and broke out..."

Shi Fei's breakout order had just been issued when news came from Ban Yue Mao: "According to reliable information, the University Alliance has reorganized the Yunxiao Fleet. They have built 60 single-masted warships in Pudong Military Port, 50 single-masted warships in Chongming Military Port, and Baoshan Military Port. Thirty single-masted warships were built at the military port, and 30 single-masted warships were built at the Nanhui military port.

Now the Yunxiao Fleet has 170 single-masted warships. The personnel of the Yunxiao Fleet have received these warships. Now they are coming out of these four ports and surrounding the combined fleet.

According to other intelligence, the Judgment Corps secretly received 50 single-masted warships yesterday and reorganized the Judgment fleet.

Now that the fleet of the University Alliance has far exceeded the size of the combined fleet, I suggest that the commander of the army immediately arrange for a retreat. "

The turbulence of the "Yinglong" became more severe, which showed that the frequency of its hits began to increase.

Shi Fei stood on the bridge of the "Ying Long" and looked at the chaotic battlefield.

Now the entire sea off Shangjiang is an ambush from all sides. Da Liang let his archangel control the altitude. The combined fleet cannot use high altitude warning to guide the fleet to break out, and can only scurry around in the encirclement of the college alliance.

If you want to compete with the Archangel for high altitude, you must invest in an ultimate creature of equal strength.

Shi Fei used the telescope to find the powerful archangel high in the sky, and she hovered there, with the surrounding airspace clearly visible to her eyes.

A sneak attack...impossible.

If you want to compete for high altitude, you can only fight a confrontation between ultimate creatures.

And is the archangel that Da Liang placed high in the sky a decoy? Does he really have a hidden level 14 creature, waiting for the final battle?

Or is this a bluff, trying to scare me into not wanting to fight with the ultimate creature?

Shi Fei's brain was thinking quickly, weighing the consequences of releasing all the ultimate creatures.

"Retreat..." Shi Fei finally could not bear the consequences of the failure of the final decisive battle. He ordered to Wumeng Wing: "Let our air force contain the Judgment Legion. You retreat with the Green Dragon and notify Dongyue Leader and Sun Moon." God Leader, please withdraw all their level 13 creatures. If the fleet is gone, we can rebuild it. If the level 13 creatures die, it will be very difficult to recruit them again."

The waters of Shangjiang exploded again.

A few days ago, the Yunxiao Fleet and Judgment Fleet under the College Alliance fought the largest naval battle in China with the Lords United Fleet.

No one thought that the college alliance, which had all its warships wiped out in the naval battle, could pull off a larger fleet in such a short period of time.

The college alliance, which does not miss any opportunity to promote itself, is broadcasting the naval battle live.

As many as eighteen camera crews captured the entire battlefield for the audience in all directions.

The single-masted battleships departed from the four military ports and sent out one after another ultra-long formations to fully demonstrate the power of the Yunxiao Fleet.

On the sea, the Judgment Fleet has been deployed in advance, cooperating with the warships coming out of Nanhui City to block the combined fleet's escape route to the south; the Yunxiao Fleet is responsible for blocking the combined fleet's escape route to the north.

In the middle battlefield, the main fleet commanded by Da Liang has determined the final victory. The ships of the combined fleet are fleeing in all directions. One of their three main ships has been sunk, and the other two are just lingering.

Everyone was staring at the three-masted battleship.

"Yinglong" is the just-announced flagship of the dominant fleet. It has 44 cannons and is currently the most powerful warship in the hands of players.

Now surrounded by columns of water stirred up by shells, it was heading for the end of its voyage.

But it still keeps fighting back, raising smoke, tragic and tragic.

In order to cover the retreat of the allied warships, the flying sand and rocks left the "Ying Long" behind.

Not judging a hero based on success or failure, this kind of behavior can't help but make people awe-inspiring.

With sufficient foreshadowing, the battlefield scenes will no longer be lengthy.

The name of the game about Shi Fei’s wife in his previous life will be revealed tomorrow, there is a surprise...

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