Start with an Archangel

Chapter 279 Everything happens for a reason

Daliang said: "Julian is a soldier I hired, and I am responsible for all her actions. If there is any punishment in Yunzhong City, just come to me."

"Hey... I'm quite considerate of my subordinates." Angel snorted, and then said: "Don't worry, I'm not here to arrest you and Julian, and the arrester won't come in and tell you like this.

The five hell lord kings have successfully escaped from prison. Lucifer's group of fallen angels who betrayed Cloud City are no match for Satan. When Satan regains control of hell, the holy war that has ended for thousands of years will begin again.

The confrontation between justice and evil will spread to all planes.

The culprits who caused this fight: you and Julian...

It should have been left to the arbitration panel to give you a fair judgment, but Lord Metatron believed that it was his negligence that led to this disaster. He was affected by anger and did not notice Julian's abnormal behavior. "

Daliang asked: "So, Julian and I are fine?"

"Probably... When Ergos escaped, Metatron forgave your crime, and we respect his judgment. Now Julian is your mercenary. Before she did anything hostile to Cloud City, , I still won’t take action against her.”

Daliang asked doubtfully: "Then why did you come to me?"

"Now hell is still under the rule of Lucifer, and the strength of the five demon lords has not been restored. They are hiding in the main plane to recruit troops, seek allies, and accumulate strength. In order to find them, Yunzhong City has strengthened its control of the main plane. intensity of intervention.

And as the guardian angel commander of Shangjiang City, how could I not come and see the culprit that caused all this? Maybe I will die in this war caused by you in the near future. "

Angel's words actually made Daliang feel a little guilty.

Daliang quickly threw away the thought of apologizing: "Since the Demon Lord King has influenced the archangels guarding the prison, with or without me, they will eventually escape one day. Therefore, your war with the demons has no direct connection with me. Relationship. I think... if you have free time to come see me, why not bother looking for the five escaped demon lord kings."

"Hahaha," the angel laughed: "I came to see you because I was going to find the Demon Lord King. Now the other four archangels who were contaminated by evil have been controlled by us and imprisoned in Yunzhong City. They now belong to another kind of creature. ——Hell’s Angel, and the only Hell’s Angel not controlled by us is Julian. This is a new race. As the ancestor, Julian’s potential is very huge. The demon lords will not let her go, especially the Era Gus, he has the ability to allow Julian to complete the final transformation into the Hells Angels, so that they will have a new Lord King."

Daliang originally thought that because there was a strong wind guarding the evil prison, Juliet would lose the chance to transform into a complete Hell's Angel. Unexpectedly, Ergus also had the ability to transform Juliet.

No wonder……

At that time, Ergus threatened to come back to find Julian after escaping from prison. It turned out that this was his purpose.

Will Daliang be able to protect Julian when facing Ergus?

Definitely not.

Looking at the angel in front of him, he didn't seem to be worried about the future war, or perhaps this was the confidence of the powerful Yunzhong City.

Daliang asked: "What should I do? Since Julian may become the Lord King, Yunzhong City certainly does not want another powerful enemy."

"Of course, we very much hope that you can hand Julian over to us, and then have Yunzhong City research ways to expel the evil energy from their bodies."

Daliang firmly refused: "No, I will not hand Julian over to anyone. Looking at you, it seems that I have another choice?"

"Of course, angels pursue justice and order. As long as Julian has a contract with you, we will not arrest her casually. But the premise is that your position is in the name of justice and you promise to cooperate with us in arresting the demon lord Kings, and their minions.”

Doesn't sound like an easy task to accomplish.

But does Da Liang have a choice?

Yunzhong City opened a time and space gate next to Julian, just waiting for Da Liang to refuse so that he could forcibly arrest Julian.

The relationship between Daliang and Yunzhong City is not friendly now. If the relationship drops to hostility again, he will have to face the pursuit of the entire Yunzhong City.

"Okay! I promise to cooperate with you in capturing the Demon Lord King and their minions. But..." Daliang smiled and said: "You have also seen that with my strength, I cannot be the opponent of the Demon Lord King. Will you give me Some archangels, so that I can serve Yunzhong City better."

The angel laughed and said: "Although we have begun to cooperate, you are still not welcome in Yunzhong City. We will not take the initiative to provide you with angels. Of course, if there are angels who are willing to follow you, we will not stop them."

"But what if the Demon Lord King attacks us?"

"Then... you need this." The angel took out a piece of paper and placed it in front of Da Liang.

Da Liang picked it up and saw that it was the letter for help written by Ergus. It was because of this letter that he started this gorgeous game journey.

In this letter, Ergus claimed to be a god and promised to help the rescuer fulfill three wishes. But it turns out that this is just a scam by Ergos. Deception is the nature of demons. They only recognize strength and have no credibility at all.

Daliang remembered that this letter seemed to have been taken away by Metatron. Why did this angel take out this letter now?

"Is this letter of any use to us?"

The angel asked: "Have you ever thought about how this letter was sent even if Ergos couldn't get out of the prison we built?"

How do you know the settings of your game?

Da Liang shook his head.

"Ergeth claimed to be a god in the letter. In a sense, he is indeed a god. He is called the Fear Demon King by the extreme demon cultists. Ergus's status in hell is second only to Satan, the lord of hell, and Beelzebub, the prime minister of hell. Bu, has the power to peer into the law. This letter is that Ergus used his power of law to see you near the prison and teleported to you."

I see……

It turns out that this letter was sent by Ergos deliberately through the skeleton soldier. Otherwise, there were countless skeleton soldiers in this vast sea, but it was a coincidence that Brother was the first one to reveal this letter.

"But what does this mean?"

The angel smiled and said: "Ignorant mortals. Since Ergos has used the power of the law, any promise in this letter is protected by the law. Ergos promised in the letter that he must complete it. In other words, as at that time, The holder of this letter, the initiator of releasing Ergus, after you see Ergus, you can put forward three conditions to him that he must fulfill."

Da Liang put away the letter at lightning speed.

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