Start with an Archangel

Chapter 280 Holy Bella

Three wishes, you can make three wishes to the gods in this game.

What do you want?

Money, beauty, power?

It’s all too low.

Da Liang asked expectantly: "Can I ask Ergus to be loyal to me?"

The angel said: "Yes, but your strength cannot restrain him, and he can betray you at any time. I advise you not to have too high demands on these three wishes. The higher the demands, the greater the loopholes, and the devil is the best at finding them." The guy with the loophole. What is in your best interest is to have Ergos seal his power immediately when you see him, and then give it to us."

Daliang said dissatisfied: "You have captured Ergus, what should I do with the two wishes I have left?"

"Boy, greed will only make you lose more. Remember, when you face Ergus, you must always remind yourself that he is a powerful demon, not a person who can still reason with you even if he hates you very much. Angel. Ergos’s purpose is Julian, and he will not tell other lord kings about Julian. As long as he is trapped and handed over to us, Julian can be safe."

yes! Da Liang calmed down.

Three wishes look good, but if the strength gap between the two sides is too big, Ergos may do some tricks when fulfilling the wishes, and the gains may outweigh the losses.

It seems that after meeting Ergos, we should really follow what the angel said and imprison Ergos immediately and hand him over to Yunzhong City for detention.

The first priority is to keep Julian.

He nodded brightly, but he should continue to ask for the benefits: "I know. I will do what you say when I see Ergus, but...since Ergus knows that I have this letter in my hand, he will probably hide it. I sneak up on Julian, are you really not going to give me some Archangels?”

"Just a Hell's Angel. Don't think that Cloud City takes you seriously. This letter is of no use to us. It's just an additional action plan for us. It's good for you to meet Ergos. , even if you don’t encounter Ergus, we in Cloud City can still defeat Hell.”

He was mercilessly despised, but there was nothing he could do.

"Since you are now the commander of the Guardian Angel of Shangjiang City, we will meet often in the future. Can I know your name?"

The angel lifted her blond hair from her eyes: "Bella, Holy Bella."

Kao! No wonder he is so awesome, he turns out to be the Holy Angel, a level 15 boss, on the same level as Juliet. If you include the hero level, Juliet may not be her opponent. But Juliet has the attribute of increasing damage to angels by 50%...

Just when Da Liang was comparing the fighting abilities of Juliet and Saint Bella in his mind, a loud voice shouted from outside the door: "Hey! Come out of that woman inside. No one beat me in Flea Street, and Polly can still get out alive, hurry up Point it out, otherwise we will kill all you minions."

Hearing the shouts outside, Holy Bella chuckled and placed a disposable magic scroll in front of Da Liang, and then said: "Our meeting ends here. After you trap Ergus, just tear it With this scroll, Yunzhong City can immediately locate it and open the gate of time and space to send out the angels to capture Ergos. I live in the palace of Shangjiang City. If you plan to hand Juliet over to Yunzhong City, you can go there at any time. Come to me and I promise you two archangels in exchange for Juliet.”

"I will not hand Julian over to Cloud City."

As if he expected Daliang's answer, Holy Bella said indifferently: "Then goodbye... There are people outside who are anxious to die."

Daliang followed Holy Bella and walked out the door: "The main city of the human race here, since Flea Street exists, it has its own reason for existing. I hope you can deal with the things outside calmly, otherwise if you control the scale once a fight breaks out, you will be defeated by the devil. It would be bad to take advantage of the loophole. I think since Ergus wants Julian, he should hide in this city."

Holy Bella stopped, turned to look at Da Liang and said: "It's very possible... a demon lord king is nearby. Thinking about it makes people's blood boil..."

After speaking, Bella opened the door and walked out.

Da Liang quickly caught up and ordered Julian to meet at Flea Street.

On the street outside the door, Polly and hundreds of ruffians stood opposite the ship model shop.

Da Liang could recognize that these were all guys who set up cards in Flea Street to ask for tolls. There were nine groups in total, and the nine leaders were all about the same strength as Polly, and they were all relatively advanced heroes.

Of course, the main job of these nine leaders is not as simple as collecting tolls. According to information from the University Alliance, there is a person who calls himself the Flea King living in Flea Street. He controls the entire underground power of Shangjiang City. Flea Street is his home base, and these nine bosses are responsible for guarding the roads of Flea Street. They only collect tolls. It's just fun for the nine bosses to kill time.

Therefore, Flea Street's hidden strength is very strong, otherwise it would be impossible to stand in Shangjiang City.

Holy Bella had just arrived and didn't know how deep the water was here. Daliang was really afraid that she would conflict with Flea Street.

Although Da Liang was very unhappy with this superior holy angel. If they were fighting life and death with Flea Street, it would be a show. But now that he has guessed that Ergos has sneaked into Shangjiang City, he must rely on these angels if he wants to keep Julian. .

It’s okay not to fight or not to fight.

Confronting Polly and his group at this time were ten angels wearing armor. Since they were all in human form and had folded their wings, they looked like ten Crusade heroes.

Facing the threat from a group of rogues, ten angels had already drawn their swords, waiting for Holy Bella to give the order to step forward and annihilate these people.

Holy Bella came out. She stood on the steps and looked at the sloppily dressed group of people in front of her with disgust.

The clothes were full of greasiness and mud, and I didn’t know if they had been changed. My hair was tangled, and there were small bugs crawling inside, so it must have been unwashed. The sour smell wafted over from afar. And the hostility exuded from these people makes it obvious that they are not kind people.

I really want to purify them all.

The aura of Holy Bella came out, and Polly, who felt the pressure, immediately stopped cursing and shouted loudly: "Who are you, and what do you want to do in our Flea Street?"

"Angel," Holy Bella said softly, but her voice rang in everyone's ears. Then she showed off her wings, which were pure white with a touch of gold, and exploded with pressure like air currents. The whole street seemed to be swept by a strong wind.

Then, all the angels showed their wings, the holy light condensed, and the hooligans were scared to retreat.

Holy angel! Archangel!

When Polly saw so many high-level angels, he realized that he had made a big mistake, but his responsibility did not allow him to turn around and escape. He drew his short knife and prepared to fight to the death.

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