Start with an Archangel

Chapter 281 The War between Justice and Evil

But at this time, Holy Bella said: "Dirty mortals, killing you is simply dirtying my hands. I don't intend to be your enemy when I come to Flea Street this time, I just come to see a friend. Now... put you away weapons, or you will know the consequences of offending a holy angel."

At this time, ten more archangels appeared in the sky above Flea Street.

They revealed the complete form of the archangel, holding the sword in their hands, and their white wings slowly flapped. Their appearance was hidden in the hood, solemn and solemn.

A large group of archangels descended on Flea Street, bringing silence to the entire city.

The ruffians put away their weapons. No matter how strong they are, they are no match for so many angels. What's more, once they fight the angels, the army from Shangjiang City will definitely invade.

Flea Street can survive in Shangjiang City not only because of their power, but also because they know how not to touch the bottom line that the rulers of Shangjiang City can tolerate.

Seeing the local gangsters put down their hostile attitude, Holy Bella smiled with satisfaction: "There should be no one blocking the road to prevent me from leaving now, right? You should be grateful to the Viscount. If he hadn't begged me, I would never have allowed the city I protect to exist. Streets full of stench and sin.”

After saying that, Holy Bella soared into the sky, and the other archangels took off to follow her. No one dared to step forward to intercept her.

A vicious woman never forgets to trick her brother before she leaves.

Sure enough, after the angels left, the gangsters looked at Da Liang with strange eyes.

Then they all dispersed without saying anything.

I guess Daliang's favorability in Flea Street has dropped to unfriendly.

Although with the existence of Holy Bella and what she said before leaving, Da Liang does not have to worry about his safety in Flea Street, but it may be impossible to accept the mission in Flea Street. However, Da Liang had no intention of conquering Flea Street at first. Learning ship design from Geese already took up too much of his time.

After the storm subsided, Daliang walked back to the ship model hut, but Geese still did not appear.

It seems that Keith also gave himself four days off.

Julian walked in at this moment.

"Sir, what happened? Why did a large number of angels appear in Shangjiang City who didn't originally belong here?"

Since Juliet was in Julian's body, Daliang did not tell Julian that Ergos could transform Hell's Angel into its complete form. Instead, he said: "All five demon lord kings have escaped from prison. Yunzhong City speculates that they are hiding in the Lord's body." The world has regained its strength. In order to capture them, angels have begun to come to the main world in large numbers. A holy angel named Holy Bella and a powerful archangel team came to Shangjiang City. Due to the escape of the Demon Lord King, we released Erg It was caused by Sri Lanka, so they came to take a look.

It's okay, they themselves don't think highly of the Lord King, so they can't blame us. It's just that Juliet had better not let them find out. During this period, you try to stay in Feichen Island and restrain Juliet from acting recklessly. The guard system of Feichen Island has been established, making it difficult for both angels and demons to sneak in.

Then... after I finish handling the matters here, we will go to the Kingdom of Death to do territory construction tasks, and let the angels and demons fight here. "

Now that Julian has been targeted by Saint Bella and Ergos, Da Liang plans to hide Julian in the snow. As long as he learned the design of intermediate-level ships and could make two-masted ships, he would lead his army into the kingdom of death.

The Kingdom of Death is the base camp of the undead, and even angels and demons would not dare to invade the Kingdom of Death at will.

Julian also knew that his identity as a Hell's Angel was a taboo for Yunzhong City. The appearance of fallen angels made Yunzhong City very sensitive to any mutant angel. In particular, the evil represented by Hell's Angels and the good represented by angels are two different things. Extreme opposites.

"I will return to Feichen Island now. I suggest that Monica take over my duties as your escort for the time being."

Monica found her place in the Blackfire Territory after being demoted from being a wife in the game to being a hero for hire. Life in the surface world allowed the adaptable Monica to quickly change the values ​​​​of the black elf society. She dutifully completed the tasks assigned to her by Daliang.

Speaking of Monica, the scene at the wedding ceremony in the black elf camp flashed through Da Liang's mind, as well as the bridal chamber that was supposed to be full of spring (both were ruined in the hands of the Harmony Army).

Monica is a level 11 Dark Witch hero, capable of both long-range and close combat, especially the several dark magics that come with her special skills. She is a weakened version of the Magic Mage, but the Dark Witch's survivability is much better than that of the Magic Mage. In addition, Monica's specialty is defense, and she has a good strategic vision. If she stays with her and trains her, she will definitely become a hero who can be relied on.

Daliang nodded and agreed: "Let Monica come over."

"Yes, sir."

Julian left, and silence returned to the ship model cabin.

Da Liang casually made drawings of the single-masted ship, and then waited until night fell.

With a creaking sound of the door opening, Geese finally came back.

"The smell of angels, the smell of angels inside and outside my store. What happened today?" The smell of angels made Jiese very uncomfortable. After seeing Daliang, he asked: "Why are so many angels here?"

Daliang replied: "Teacher Gis, the angels are here to see me. I was involved in some things with Yunzhong City because of Julian. This time they are here to give me a new mission."

"The task of bringing so many angels together must be very important. However... the matter in Cloud City has nothing to do with us undead. Now that you have finished your vacation, we will continue to study ship design. Let the black man outside the door The elf comes in to look at the store, you come with me..."

The apprentice's bodyguard is very easy to use.

Da Liang followed Giss to the backyard. Night had already enveloped the place. Giss lit a few oil lamps and prepared to teach all night.

He looked anxious, as if he was really in a hurry.

"A few days ago, you learned the design of a single-mast class ship. There is nothing praiseworthy about this rigid design. At most, it makes you a mediocre ship designer." Geese quickly entered the teaching mode, He set up a blackboard, replaced it with a single-masted battleship design drawing, and then said: "A designer's understanding of the ship's structure and his ability to change the structure determine a ship's design." The ultimate achievement of the teacher.”

Daliang asked: "Teacher, when you talk about changing the ship structure, do you mean the ship modification you mentioned a few days ago?"

"Ship modification is only a foundation. Merely mastering ship modification technology can only make you a more powerful senior ship designer. And if you aim to become a master ship designer, you must start from junior ship design. The division started and independently completed the structural design of a brand new single-masted battleship."

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