Start with an Archangel

Chapter 282 Ship Modification

After independently completing the design of a brand new single-masted battleship, Daliang felt like he was screwed.

Now, when Daliang can design the single-masted battleship, he is completely following the sketches provided by Keith to generate drawings, which can completely achieve a 100% drawing rate.

But independently design new battleships.

Daliang thought this was a fantasy.

Through studying ship design with Geese, Daliang already has a certain understanding of ship knowledge.

Then according to Giese's next explanation, Da Liang finally understood the difference between ship modification and new design.

The now popular single-masted battleships, two-masted battleships and three-masted battleships are already very perfect designs. The three important ship attributes of attack power, defense power and speed have reached the optimal balance point.

Ship modification is to strengthen a certain attribute point of a ship, and the consequences will inevitably cause the reduction of other attributes.

For example, the escort ship that maritime merchants prefer to use is a ship modified from the two-masted battleship.

The main job of the escort ship is to provide armed escort for the caravan. Detecting pirates in advance and warning the caravan to change its route is far more beneficial to the merchants than encountering pirate battles.

Escorts need increased speed to extend their cruising range.

Therefore, during the ship modification, the escort ship retained the firepower of 20 artillery pieces, but instead reduced the ship's dead weight and weakened its defense to increase the ship's speed.

In the same way, in order to increase the attack power of the two-masted armed merchant ship when encountering pirates, it added artillery on the basis of reducing the cargo hold.

In short, there are gains and losses in hull modification. Some superb ship designers can make a modified warship have higher attributes and lower attributes, but there will never be a situation where it only increases but does not decrease.

The brand-new ship design will never let you just draw a drawing with drastically reduced attributes and pass.

There are only two results for such a drawing when using skills to generate a ship drawing. Either it will turn into a normal ship drawing with a chance, or it will fail and become a useless drawing.

If you want to design a brand new ship design that is recognized by the system, you first need to design it independently, and secondly, you need the attributes of the ship to exceed the basic model.

In other words, if you want to become a master ship designer, you need to design a single-masted battleship that goes beyond the basic single-masted battleship.

The sub-attributes are not lower than the basic attributes, and the total attributes are higher than that of the sloop.

After listening to this, Daliang felt that it was impossible for him to complete this design.

"It's too difficult, mentor. I have only been exposed to ship design for a few days, and you want me to design a single-masted battleship independently?"

Giese said unhurriedly: "The independence mentioned here does not allow the use of blueprints that have already been designed. Each new single-masted battleship is a unique boutique and has its own battleship technology. But I can help you I will provide guidance and you will complete the design of this battleship. However, due to my confusion of thinking, you need to identify by yourself which of the things I said are suitable for your battleship."

Daliang was a little helpless about Ji Ji's mind, but it was much better than having no one to guide him in his research and exploration.

"Okay, I'll give it a try. Let's start designing a new single-masted battleship now?"

Giese said: "No, no, no, you only know the basics of sloop design now, and designing a new sloop requires a comprehensive understanding of the performance of the battleship. Follow the learning steps I assigned you, start with the ship Retrofitting begins. This knowledge allows you to understand how changing the hull design will affect various performance changes.”

Boat modification is not an easy skill to learn.

Because Giese's purpose was to let Daliang design a brand new single-masted battleship, he did not directly teach Daliang the ready-made drawings when teaching ship modification. Instead, he let Daliang explore the modifications to the single-masted battleship drawings by himself, and then after Daliang failed, he carefully explained the mistakes in the design drawings and how to improve them.

In this way, Da Liang spent one night among a bunch of failed renovation pictures.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Giss said to Daliang: "I'm going out for a while now, and I'll be back after noon. During this time, you are responsible for taking care of the ship model shop."

"Okay, mentor."

Daliang was already used to Ji Ji's behavior of going out every morning. It was obvious that he was doing something with the golden dragon corpse he provided, but Gis didn't say anything, and Daliang couldn't ask directly. As for tracking... Da Liang just thought about it. Gis was obviously very powerful and had many secrets. If he had to reveal his secrets, the gains would probably outweigh the losses.

Da Liang followed Guis into the front store, and then heard Guis exclaiming: "Why are my models gone? There are at least five models missing here. Could it be stolen? Impossible, no one dares in Flea Street Steal from me, Guise.”

Da Liang quickly looked around.

There were indeed a few more empty spaces on the display rack. As for the missing items, Da Liang didn't notice.

"A total of six ship models have been sold by me." Monica's voice came from the counter. She put the money bags on the counter and said, "The money is all here."

Da Liang almost dropped his jaw when he saw Jis.

Keith said: "How is this possible? Normally I can't sell a single ship model here for more than ten days. How could you sell so many! Moreover, this should have been sold last night. Who would come to the flea street at night? ?”

Monica said: "A strange man came last night and insisted on chatting with me after entering the store. I chatted with him without having anything to do, and then he said he would play a game and whoever loses would take off his clothes. I Say, your clothes are too dirty and I don’t want them. If you lose, just buy a ship model here.”

Daliang quickly asked: "What's the result?"

Monica showed off the few clothes she had on her body: "What do you think, sir?"

From head to toe, it’s so hot! Da Liang felt his blood surge.

Keith couldn't appreciate Monica's beauty, so he asked, "Did she leave her name?"

"He said his name was Polly, and asked your Excellency to find him at the Chief's Tavern after dawn."

Polly? Da Liang didn't expect that Polly would come to look for him at night. He probably wanted to take advantage of Monica when he saw her, but he lost completely.

But why did he come to me in the middle of the night?

Giss was in a hurry to go out. He collected the gold coins and said to Daliang: "Let the black elf look after the store. You can do whatever you want in the morning. Just remember to come back on time at noon."

Sure enough, the undead are all money-minded guys. Seeing that Monica's performance was so good, Brother, an old employee, was kicked away.

And the brother who kicked it was convinced.

Who is Polly? Known as the third-hand cat on Flea Street, he is an expert at playing with a short knife, and is even more proficient in casino skills. Gambling is prohibited in Flea Street.

Unexpectedly, Polly stumbled in front of Monica. It is true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.

If it had been my brother, I would have lost all my pants to Polly.

Bah...what does Polly want with brother's pants?

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