Start with an Archangel

Chapter 283 Sewer

Daliang asked Monica to keep an eye on the ship model shop, but when he walked out the door, there was no trace of Geese.

The Chief's Tavern is the only pub on Flea Street. At the same time, he runs casinos, women's branches, black market transactions, and various shady missions.

Half of the vicious incidents in Shangjiang City are related to the Chief's Tavern. This is the source of evil in the city, and all the people who hang out here are notorious people.

Some players who are looking for excitement are also trying their best to sneak into this tavern. The rewards for the tasks flowed out from the Chief's Tavern are very high. Moreover, any one you catch here is a powerful hero. If you are lucky enough to recruit one, you will be a hero in no time.

As a public figure in Shangjiang City, Daliang usually covers his appearance in public places.

Wearing a smock and walking to the door of the Chief's Tavern, Daliang was stopped by two ogres. They sniffed the temperature on Daliang's body: "A stranger...a priest...a nobleman. This is your first time at the Chief's Tavern? Looking for someone? Or issuing a mission?" ?”

"Looking for someone, Polly asked me to find him."

Polly's name was announced, and the two ogres moved their huge bodies to make way for the entrance to the Chief's Tavern.

Walking into the tavern, the noise was immediately heard.

Mercenaries of various races were making loud noises at the wine table. The stalwart bartenders shuttled between the guests carrying trays filled with wine glasses. The dancers in scantily clad clothes danced around the generous guests.

The air smelled of alcohol, sweat and cheap perfume.

Daliang pulled a drunk kobold and asked loudly in his ear: "Where is Polly?"

"Polly?" The kobold turned in a circle and pointed to the crowd, "Isn't that Polly?"

At this time, Polly was dancing in front of a group of people, not knowing what he was talking about.

Pushing aside the dancer who was coming to entangle him, Da Liang walked in the direction of Polly.

"I tell you, you have absolutely no idea who I met last night," Polly boasted loudly among a group of people, "Black elves, a hidden race underground, a paradise for men. I met a female black man last night. Elf, that skin is whiter than snow..."

One person retorted: "Don't black elves have black skin?"

Being interrupted made Polly very dissatisfied: "You have shit in your head. Who told you that black elves are all black. People are called black elves because they believe in the dragon of darkness. Let me tell you, that black elf has She wore less clothes than the dancers here, and her skin was the same as milk. I was so fascinated by it that I almost forgot about the boss’s business..."

"Polly," Daliang patted Polly on the shoulder: "Isn't Giese's ship model very beautiful?"

Polly turned around and saw Da Liang, and immediately pulled Da Liang out of the crowd: "Don't tell anyone about my gambling with that black elf. It's not a technical problem. The black elf must have charmed me. Those two white balls It dazzled me. By the way, our boss is looking for you, come with me..."

Daliang originally wanted to laugh at Polly, but he didn't expect that it was King Flea who was looking for him. What was the underground ruler of Shangjiang City looking for me? Could it be because of the Holy Bella and the Archangels who came to Flea Street yesterday?

Daliang followed Polly through the tavern in front, passing through layers of guards to the most secret place in the entire Shangjiang City.

According to the roads traveled and my own map, this place is already below the city. There was a damp ground and a passage made of square bricks. Daliang felt that this should be the sewer of Shangjiang City.

As a large main city, the sewers of Shangjiang City are an extremely complex and dangerous place. There are dark creatures everywhere here. If you can tolerate the harsh environment here, the sewers of Shangjiang City can be regarded as a holy place for players to level up.

So far, players have not fully explored the sewers of Shangjiang City, and the scope of player activities is still limited to a small area. There once was a player who specialized in the thief profession and tried to make a map of the sewers of Shangjiang City for sale. However, he soon encountered a giant python boss and was killed.

However, this player revealed that when he was avoiding the python, he discovered a downward passage.

There is likely to be a second layer in the Shangjiang City sewer, or there may be more layers, or it may be connected to the underground world.

I don’t know if what this player said is true or not, but for players, exploring the sewers of Shangjiang City

It is a long and arduous process.

Polly led the way silently. He couldn't see very far in the dark sewer, but Da Liang could still feel that there were powerful guards hidden in some shadows.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Polly stopped in front of a wall, and Da Liang also discovered that his map had been unusable for some time.

There is a space barrier here. In order to hide it, this area was forcibly separated from the original sewer system. If there is no one to lead the way or you don't know how to enter, it will be impossible to walk in.

Polly in front knocked on the wall, and a door opened from the wall, revealing a dark passage inside.

Polly motioned for Daliang to go in alone: ​​"Our boss is inside, you go in."

Da Liang didn't speak. He walked past Polly and walked into the passage. The door behind him closed the moment he entered, and it was now completely dark.

A ball of light emerged from Da Liang's hand, illuminating the passage he was in.

In front of you is a corridor extending to the left and right.

When Da Liang didn't know whether to go left or right, a wall blocked the way to the right.

Can only go left.

Da Liang walked to the left, and the only sound in the quiet passage was his footsteps treading water. Soon another fork in the road appeared in front of Daliang. After Daliang reached this point, the wall blocked other roads, leaving only one direction open.

Then every time he encountered a fork in the road, a wall appeared to leave him the only way out.

In this way, Da Liang walked to the end of the maze without stopping.

There was nothing here except three slippery walls.

Did you go wrong?

impossible! There was no choice at all along the way, and everyone had to follow the path given by the other party.

"Hey! Is anyone there?"

Daliang shouted, his voice echoing in the passage behind him.

And just when Da Liang was about to turn around and walk back, a mirror-like teleportation array unfolded in front of him.

Now that we have come this far, we can only go in.

Da Liang stepped into the teleportation array.

The dark crypt he imagined did not appear. Instead, the sudden bright light made Daliang feel a little dazzling.

where is this place?

In front of him was a magnificent palace, with sunlight shining in from all sides and the smell of sulfur filling the air.

Realizing something, Daliang quickly glanced at his map and couldn't help but cursed: "Kao! He actually came to Qingpu City."

Two updates first. If I can’t make up for it today, I will update four tomorrow.

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