Start with an Archangel

Chapter 284 Macaulay

Qingpu City is one of the sub-cities of Shangjiang City.

In the recent war in Shangjiang, Qingpu City was the only city that was not involved. It was a city with no sense of existence.

Even though Shangjiang City is currently facing a three-pronged situation, Qingpu City still has not joined any party and maintains an attitude of staying out of the matter.

Of course, this situation is not because Qingpu City adheres to neutrality, but because neither Joshua, Howard nor Donghai King wants to take Qingpu City to play. This devil city cannot be trusted by anyone.

However, Daliang felt that Qingpu City was not willing to be ignored by others. The demons had controlled the underground forces in Shangjiang City through the so-called Flea King. Thinking about the major vicious events that happened in Shangjiang City, it turned out that they all had a devilish style, not subject to any legal constraints, acting arbitrarily and spreading fear.

What Daliang didn't understand was that since the demons of Qingpu City had established their own power in Shangjiang City in the name of King Flea, why did they expose this secret to him so casually?

"Viscount Feichen, I'm very sorry to invite you here in this way." A man walked into the palace. He had a well-proportioned figure, a handsome face, black hair, and a warm smile. Behind him was a magic girl and a big devil.

The Archdemon is a level 14 creature from Hell.

According to the laws of Shangjiang City, the Vice City does not allow private recruitment of level 14 creatures.

Of course, this law has become ineffective. When all the cities in Shangjiang are expanding their armies, it is not surprising that Qingpu City has a big devil. It's just that this big demon is obviously subordinate to the human being in front of him, and this human being behaves like the master of this palace, which can't help but make people feel strange.

Daliang paid a noble salute to the visitor according to etiquette, and said: "It doesn't matter how I came here. What is your name, and what is your relationship with the lord of Qingpu City, Marquis Aude?"

"You can call me Macaulay," Macaulay walked to the main seat and sat down, and then said: "The Marquis of Aude used to be my master, but I am his master now. He is still the Marquis City Lord, but now This city is mine."

Betrayal is an extremely bad behavior among mainstream races. Only in demon society, it is a matter of pride.

Just because these words came from the mouth of a human being, it shows that the person in front of him is very powerful and can make the entire demons in Qingpu City surrender to his rule.

Daliang is not interested in who rules Qingpu City now.

In the Shangjiang area, Qingpu City is an isolated existence. Without the support of other cities, Macaulay's underground strength in Shangjiang City is something that cannot be put on the table and cannot be used for fun.

The only thing Daliang cared about was why Macaulay lured him to Qingpu City, and why he exposed his layout in Shangjiang City in front of him.

"Mr. Macaulay, why did you bring me to Qingpu City?"

"Viscount Feichen, I don't have any ill intentions in inviting you to Qingpu City. Please sit down." Macaulay motioned for Da Liang to sit down. Mo Ji walked up to Da Liang step by step and poured him a glass of red wine, her eyes always teasing. Daliang is really naturally charming.

"Your Majesty!" Daliang politely picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Your Majesty!" Macaulay's actions made him look more like a noble than Daliang, and then he asked Mo Ji and the Great Demon to go out, and said to Daliang: "The fact is as you can see, I am the Flea King, I am in charge of most of the underground forces in Flea Street and Shangjiang City. The reason I tell you my identity is because I hope you can see my sincerity."

Daliang said: "I have seen your sincerity. If you have anything to say, just tell me. You must also know that I am studying ship design with Master Gis. I must rush back to Flea Street at noon."

Macaulay said simply: "Then let me speak frankly. I want to know... why did the Holy Angel come to Flea Street to find you yesterday?

Based on my understanding of Yunzhong City, I can use a lineup of one holy angel and ten archangels. Viscount Feichen, you are definitely not an ordinary person.

I am afraid that His Majesty the King of East China Sea will not be able to receive such a grand visit.

I can feel that something big is going to happen in Shangjiang City, something big that will make even Yunzhong City unable to sit still.

Now I am very sincere in disclosing my true identity in front of you. I also hope that you, Lord Viscount, can have a frank talk with me. "

Daliang said with a smile: "Didn't Holy Bella say that when he left? We are friends. We have known each other since I hired Archangel Julian from Yunzhong City. She is now the commander of the Guardian Angel of Shangjiang City. Officer, so you came to see me."

For a person who surrenders to hell, there is no need to tell the truth to them, and the other party belongs to the demonic force, so maybe everyone will become enemies at some point.

But Daliang's answer obviously did not satisfy Macaulay, and there was anger on his face: "Do you think I will believe this lie that is full of loopholes? Now tell me, what is the purpose of Holy Bella looking for you? Is it to arrest you?" Capture...those prisoners who escaped from prison."

The escaped prisoner in Macaulay's words must be the Lord of Hell.

As for the escape of the Hell Lord King, Yunzhong City will definitely not publicize it with loud mouths everywhere. Very, very few people know about it.

How did Macaulay know? Why was there fear in his voice? You must know that the escape of the Hell Lord King from prison should be a happy thing for the devil. Although Hell is now ruled by fallen angels, they are outsiders after all, and they rely entirely on high pressure and force to support puppets to rule Hell.

When the five hell lord kings regain their strength and return to hell, they will surely be able to pull out an army of demons in an instant and resume their rule over hell.

Macaulay knew this, and he was very afraid of the Hell Lord King, so his identity was revealed.

Daliang said: "Just now you said that Marquis Aude was once your master, and now you are so concerned about the so-called escaped prisoners. I will make a bold guess... You should be the guardian angel given to Qingpu City by the King of Donghai. Now you have surrendered to He killed Lucifer and became a fallen angel. Now you are the biggest enemy of the Hell Lord King. That’s why the Hell Lord King’s escape from prison makes you so nervous. Even if you expose your identity, you must come to Shangjiang City from me or Holy Bella. the goal of."

After listening to Daliang's words, Macaulay unfolded the black wings behind him: "No wonder you were involved in the Shangjiang War from beginning to end. Archduke Howard, Marquis Joshua, Marquis Stanley and Joyce all regarded you as their leader. Honorable guest, now Yunzhong City is relying on you, you are a formidable opponent. Fortunately, we are in the same camp in front of the Hell Lord King.

Now that you know my identity, can you tell me what I want to know?

I have one more thing to tell you. Holy Angel Bella is a legend in Cloud City. She has experienced two wars between angels and demons. She was promoted from an unremarkable ordinary angel to an archangel, then to a holy angel, and now she is Archangel Michael relies on the right wing guard to command the most elite archangel guard.

Now that Holy Bella has brought her archangel guards to Shangjiang City in the main plane, does it mean that a certain hell lord king is lurking here? "

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