Start with an Archangel

Chapter 291 Imperial Meeting (Various Requests)

"It's been a long time since I've seen the nobles from Shangjiang come together like this. This should be thanks to the arrival of Holy Lord Bella. The holy light of Yunzhong City still shines on this city. Tonight, please enjoy your drink. I hope that each of you will be carried back drunk by your attendants."

After a burst of laughter, Neptune's brief speech ended. Duke Howard raised his glass and shouted: "To your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

The banquet officially started. After seeing the Holy Angel with their own eyes, the nobles of Shangjiang City were the happiest group of people. Now that Joshua and Howard are here, it is almost certain that the internal fighting in the Shangjiang area is about to end.

While the nobles were celebrating in advance, a royal meeting was held in another room under the auspices of King Donghai.

At that time, all the people who gathered around Shangjiang's power circle participated, including Daliang, who was brought in for no reason.

The angels of Shangjiang City stood behind King Donghai, highlighting the power he possessed. The city lord and ministers sat on both sides according to their status and status.

Divine Bella sat aside as an accompanying spectator and witness. She rested her left leg comfortably on her right leg and slowly ate the fruits and vegetables on the plate beside her. Her expression was full of contempt for this power struggle. Her eyes despised everything in the main world.

After a violent cough.

The King of Donghai showed his majesty and said: "We haven't sat together for a long time. Some unpleasant things have caused a gap between us, but you should not want to see Shangjiang continue to be divided like this. This will only make us Weakened, allowing external enemies to take advantage.

Today, in the name of Holy Bella, I sincerely invite you to come. I am willing to put aside all grudges and discuss with you a way to solve the current situation in Shangjiang, a way to unify Shangjiang without war.

Joshua, your city is already being upgraded. I allow Chongming City to be upgraded to level 12 and retain the current size of the dragon army. But I can't promote you to Duke, because there is only one Duke, and that is my brother Howard.

Besides that, what else do you want?

I will try my best to promise you, I only want your loyalty, your loyalty to me and to the future King of East China Sea. "

Joshua said: "Your Majesty, I feel that I am a minor player now. If you can convince the Duke to return to Shangjiang City, I... don't have any choice."

Faced with being asked the first question, Joshua smartly kicked the ball back to Donghai King. There is now a powerful dragon army in Chongming City, but it is the side with the weakest war potential. If the King of East China Sea fights with Howard, he can deal with it; if Howard returns to Shangjiang City, it will be useless for Chongming City to struggle.

Joshua did not express his position, so Donghaiwang had no choice but to look at Howard. Although the two of them could still appear close on the outside, there was actually a huge gap.

"Howard, you are willing to come back."

Duke Howard said: "I want to come back all the time, but there is one thing I want to ask clearly. Who assigned Wilson to poison me in Songjiang?"

The entire venue suddenly became cold.

For a long time, most people thought that Howard rebelled and stayed in Fengxian City to support his own troops. However, they did not expect that the reason why he did not return to Shangjiang City was because he was assassinated. To be able to send an important minister like Wilson to assassinate Howard, there are probably only two people in this meeting who can do it.

One is Joshua, who has been secretly communicating with Wilson for a long time, and the other is the King of East China Sea.

Even Joyce, who knew something, could only make a few guesses based on Da Liang's description. No one knew the real situation at that time. The only one who could give the most accurate answer was Donghai Wang.

Everyone looked at Donghai King.

Howard is his younger brother and the most trusted hero in Shangjiang City. He has fought for this city all his life. It was precisely because of his presence that Joshua dared to rebel after he controlled five cities.

If the incident happened in Songjiang, it should have been when Howard was seriously injured. He was also in danger for the city at that time. If the King of East China Sea really sent Wilson to assassinate Howard at that time.

The last bit of the East China Sea King's prestige will be gone.

Sitting here are all people with real power in Shangjiang. They are all waiting for the answer from King Donghai. Even the holy Bella who is sitting aside and listening is very curious about the answer.

The only one who didn't look at Donghai King was Joshua. He should be the person closest to the truth.

King Donghai sat there expressionless, and after a while he said: "Actually, you have already guessed the answer, so why ask again? Yes, I sent Wilson to poison you, because I think you are the biggest man in this city. hidden dangers."

"Because of William?" Howard asked.

The King of East China Sea did not deny: "As a father, I know that William's character makes it difficult to become a wise king, but he is my son after all, the legal heir of this city. And you, my brother...have your own heir in William Before, you were second in line to the throne. Listen to the outcry caused by you as an enemy after entering the palace? How can I die with peace of mind and pass the throne to William? "

"So you want to kill me?"

"I know this is a stupid method, not a method used by a wise king. When I make this determination, I am just a father. Howard, please think of a way for me to make sure that you will not threaten William's throne, so that I die with peace of mind."

Howard said: "I will not make any promises to you. This has nothing to do with whether you assassinated me. I belong to this city, and this city is facing too many crises. If William can be the king, I will do my best to assist him. , if he is not qualified, I will replace him."

King Donghai coughed violently again: "It's already come to this time, and you're not even willing to say the promise you made to me?"

"Your Majesty, you know me. I never promise anything easily, but once I promise, I will keep it. I'm sorry, brother, William is far from meeting the requirements of my promise to you. In fact, what caused the current situation in Shangjiang The root of everything is William. All of you here have been invincible under your leadership. We have never encountered an opponent whether at sea or on land. The Oath is the strongest battleship in the entire Western Pacific.

But now Jeju City dares to compete with us for the East China Sea, which was unimaginable before.

I very much hope that Shangjiang can be strong again. But as your only son, William cannot yet shoulder the responsibility of leading these powerful men. "

King Donghai looked at Howard and asked sternly: "So, you still have plans for the throne."

"No, I have never peeked at your throne. I was just fulfilling my duties. If you can guarantee that William will not act recklessly after inheriting the throne, I will eliminate all those who threaten his throne."

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