Start with an Archangel

Chapter 292 Resolving the crisis

For William, the King of East China Sea was also deeply helpless.

Arrogant and domineering, yet as timid as a rat.

He only hoped that his subjects could loyally assist him under Howard's leadership, but now it seemed almost impossible.

Perhaps they can only seek the support of Yunzhong City. As long as Yunzhong City is willing to support the royal order of Shangjiang City, it will be enough to make these people surrender.

King Donghai looked at Holy Bella and said: "Dear Lord Holy Bella, does your arrival mean that Yunzhong City supports the Shangjiang royal family, allowing this city full of internal and external troubles to regain its former glory?"

Holy Bella did not let everyone speculate too much. She said casually: "No, Yunzhong City does not intend to interfere in any way with the battle in the main world. The purpose of my coming to Shangjiang City is much more important than caring about your trivial matters. To be honest, I am very amused by the purpose of your meeting. You humans only have a lifespan of a hundred years. Elves have a slightly longer lifespan, less than a thousand years. They died in the middle of a little accident. They are poor and humble creatures. I'm sorry. , I have no interest in what you are talking about, and Yunzhong City doesn’t care who owns this city, except for the devil.”

The Lord of Qingpu City rubbed his nose in embarrassment. He was already a puppet. Faced with the provocation of Holy Bella, he could only act like an ostrich.

Holy Bella's words without caring about the King of East China Sea's face were obviously beyond most people's expectations.

Everyone who was sitting together because of the pressure from Yunzhong City immediately felt the tension in the meeting atmosphere.

The angels in Shangjiang City have put their hands on the hilts of their swords, and the city lords are also ready to fight at any time.

For a group of top experts in the Shangjiang region to fight here, it would be absolutely disastrous for the city.

Everyone looked at the King of East China Sea to see if he was ready to use force.

Howard and Joshua are both here. As long as they can be killed, the split situation in Shangjiang will be temporarily resolved.

According to Donghai King's physical condition, this is really his last chance.

Silence, no one dared to move for fear of causing misunderstanding and a real fight. Only Holy Bella looked like it had nothing to do with her, and even looked forward to what was going to happen next.

"Masters and Your Majesty." Daliang stood up at this time and said, "Can I say a few words?"

Everyone looked over.

The Viscount was probably the lowest nobleman in the room. But just now in the main hall, Marquis Stanley called him brother, Joshua admired his achievements, and even Archduke Howard thanked him for his help. At this time, no one could ignore Daliang's opinion.

King Donghai nodded and said, "If Viscount Feichen has anything to say, just say it."

Daliang looked at Holy Bella and said: "Lord Holy Bella just said that the purpose of her coming to Shangjiang City is more important than our matters. Why don't we listen to what is so important? We need a holy angel sent from Yunzhong City. He came to Shangjiang City with a large group of archangels. Things that need to be handled by Lord Holy Bella personally must be very important, and maybe they are even more important than what we are discussing now."

After hearing Daliang's words, everyone thought of the important information revealed in what Holy Bella just said.

Holy Bella and the archangels under her command did not come to resolve the disputes in Shangjiang City, but had other purposes. The ownership of a main city is an insignificant matter to Yunzhong City, so what more important matters are there in Shangjiang City that require a holy angel to come and deal with it.

Suddenly, a great sense of crisis appeared in everyone's hearts, and everyone was eager to know why Holy Bella came.

Holy Bella did not expect that Daliang could easily resolve the imminent battle and then turn everyone's attention to herself.

Yunzhong City did not intend to let the Hell Lord King escape, and it was known to the whole world. Holy Bella ignored the looks of all the powerful men and still said lukewarmly: "What I am doing in Shangjiang City is because of Yunzhong City This matter has nothing to do with you, you can just continue to fight for your kingship, you don’t need to know too much.”

Holy Bella didn't say anything, but everyone was even more curious. After all, what happened in Shangjiang City was related to their vital interests.

King Donghai asked: "No matter what happened, since it happened in Shangjiang City, it has something to do with me. I heard that when Lord Holy Bella came to Shangjiang, he first went to Flea Street. This is an unexpected place, I have no intention of interfering with your Lord's schedule, but since this city is mine, I also hope that Yunzhong City can give me a certain amount of respect. Please tell us what happened or what is about to happen in Shangjiang City, which has alarmed other people in the city. A city in the clouds."

The King of Donghai showed the momentum of a king. At this moment, everyone was on the side of King Donghai. This was Shangjiang's strongest force. Even Bella, who was on the holy right wing, had to deal with it carefully.

"Okay," feeling that he had aroused the unfriendliness of the ruling class in Shangjiang, Holy Bella said in order to be able to act smoothly in Shangjiang: "I can tell you a little bit, only a little bit. You are facing a catastrophe. , if I can succeed, then you will not find out that it is over; and if I fail, you will find that you are just playing a small game now. The good news is that the chance of success is still relatively high of,

This is what you can know.

Don't expect me to say more. For you short-lived creatures, ignorance can make you live happily throughout your life. "

Holy Bella's words caused silence in the conference room.

A catastrophe that could be called a catastrophe by Yunzhong City would probably be the end of the world for Shangjiang City.

Everyone was heavy-minded and wanted to know more, but it was clear that Holy Bella no longer wanted to say anything.

In the end, King Donghai seemed to have shed all his burdens. He said: "Yes, the rights we value are a ridiculous thing for Yunzhong City. You can rest assured that there will be no bloodshed in the palace tonight. . You all go out, the girl and the wine are waiting for you outside... Let me be quiet for a while, I want to think about the future of this city."

A war disappeared invisible. Everyone saluted the King of East China Sea and then exited the conference room.

Da Liang winked at Holy Bella and followed the others out.

"Brother Daliang, have a good time. I'm going to put the clothes I took off back on." With the promise of the King of East China Sea, there will be no battle tonight. Marquis Stanley, who is eager to continue to show off his wealth, can't wait to open it directly The gate of another dimension was teleported outside the palace.

Daliang and Joyce were waiting at the door. After Saint Bella came out, they turned and walked towards the back garden of the palace.

"You guys get out of here."

Under Joyce's order, the attendants who were in the back garden retreated one after another, and soon only Daliang and Joyce were left in the garden.

"Thankfully you diverted everyone's attention to Holy Bella, otherwise many people would have died tonight."

Holy Bella didn't follow, probably because she was held back by someone, so Joyce casually chatted with Daliang.

At this time, the flowers were in full bloom in the garden, and under the moonlight and lights, Joyce, who was specially dressed for the reception, looked stunning.

Daliang himself is also good-looking. He has managed the territory and the army for a long time and has developed a calm temperament. Today, he looks handsome and free in a viscount dress.

The two of them stand together like a golden boy and a beautiful girl, a perfect match.

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