Start with an Archangel

Chapter 300 Blue Skull

The newly grown lava python bit at Holy Bella, but was split open by Holy Bella with a sword from head to tail. The sword energy remained unabated and cut a long sword mark on the lava lake.

Holy Bella took advantage of the time for the lava python to grow back and flew to Daliang's side.

"Erges isn't here."

Daliang said strangely: "Then who was talking to us just now?"

"It's Ergos, but what's here is just a clone of him, possessing his power. It's useless for us to capture his clone."

"What should we do? A war is about to start in Shangjiang. Only you can stop this war."

Holy Bella said solemnly: "I can't leave for the time being. The lava lake created by Ergos is to destroy Shangjiang City through the eruption of the volcano. By then, the souls of the entire Shangjiang City residents will be the nourishment for him to restore his strength. I must Kill this clone of him, but it will take a while."

Daliang asked: "How long will it take?"

"Now he is hiding under the lava lake and does not confront me head-on. We need to consume his magic power bit by bit and then kill his clone. It will take two days or more. You have to find a way to get out of here and tell me People outside, this war is a conspiracy of the devil, if the fight continues, Shangjiang City will definitely disappear from this world."

go out? How can I, a little player who has just reached level 26, get out of the space confinement magic cast by a hell lord king?

Daliang said: "Erges' real body is not here, it must be outside. Plus there is another Hell Lord King Angela. What can I do if I go out? I can't defeat him."

"Erges, you don't need to worry. All his power is here, and his true body must be hidden somewhere. Now that he knows you have his distress letter, he will definitely avoid you. As for Angela...she just escaped from prison, With such a large spatial confinement, the situation is probably a little better than Ergos, Julian's Hell's Angel form should be able to deal with her."

The lava python below grew again, and Holy Bella did not dare to delay. She said a word and turned around to rush towards it.

"Please, for the sake of this world, you must go out and stop the conspiracy of the Hell Lord King."

It is really rare for Holy Bella to say such words.

Do you really have to die in order to save the world?

But what if he dies and is resurrected here?

Just when Daliang was thinking about jumping into the lava to verify his conjecture, he saw Shu Xiao and Gu Tao shouting and waving to him.

Da Liang flew over on the Silver Pegasus, and then saw Polly standing at the entrance of the cave.

The invisible wall allows two people to belong to two separate spaces even though they are standing face to face.

"Polly, what is going on? Did the devil ask you to bring us here."

Facing Daliang's question, Polly looked confused: "What devil? Didn't our boss ask me to bring you in? I wanted to go back after my mission was completed, but I was chased by monsters and could only run here. My subordinates all Dead. What happened here and why can’t I get in?”

It didn't look like Polly was faking it, so maybe he was also kept in the dark.

Daliang's tone became much calmer and he said: "This place is imprisoned by space magic. Is there any way you can let us out?"

Polly was shocked: "Such a large-scale space magic, I guess even our boss can't do it. It's even less possible for me to destroy it."

Yes, Polly is just a relatively powerful thief. He may be able to destroy ordinary space magic, but the space magic cast by a hell lord king cannot be broken even by Macaulay, right?

Da Liang thought of Macaulay.

There are various signs that Macaulay is not willing to serve the Lord of Hell. After all, he is a fallen angel, and he also knows what will happen to him after being used by Angela.

Then Macaulay's hint is very meaningful.

In Macaulay's conversation, apart from the sewers, he only talked about Gith and the Blue Skull.

It is definitely impossible to rescue Gith here. Judging from Polly's appearance, it is estimated that the exit to the upper level has been blocked by dark creatures, and he is trapped here.

Then the blue skull is the important information given by Macaulay.

Blue skull?

The jealous demon Angela will definitely not provide magical capabilities for space confinement magic here. She must control the entire war on the surface, so she can only maintain the operation of magic through magic circles.

Through the magical space in the sewer, Macaulay showed that he had the ability to cast space magic.

Did he let me walk through the space maze to remind me of his ability?

In other words, he was telling me that he participated in the arrangement of this space confinement magic circle and left a backdoor.

A blue skull.

Daliang immediately said to Shu Xiao and Gu Tao: "Look, look for a blue skull in this cave immediately. You two lead some soldiers to the left, and I will lead the remaining soldiers to the right. Look carefully on the road and find it. With that thing, we can get out.”

Although Shu Xiao and Gu Tao didn't know why Daliang suddenly asked to find a blue skull, since he said it was the key to getting out, they led a group of soldiers to search for it along the road.

Da Liang led another group of soldiers to search along the wall in another direction.

This lava cave is very large and covered with magma. This caused a great obstacle to the team looking for the blue skull.

In addition to the terrain, the defeated hell army also posed a considerable threat to the human soldiers.

Fortunately, Ergos has been restrained by Holy Bella and has no energy to command these stragglers. These scattered hell armies are not large in size.

The sacrificial robe worn by Daliang has its own magical holy light, which has an additional 20% damage to demonic creatures. He led half of his soldiers to walk against the wall, and the crusaders formed a dense defense line on the outside to protect the priests inside. Once soldiers from Hell rush over, the Crusaders are responsible for defending and stabilizing the front, while Da Liang and the Priest are responsible for killing enemies from a distance, cooperating with the "crazy" high-level units of Chaotic Hell.

Daliang's journey was relatively safe.

Shu Xiao and Gu Tao also had a smooth journey, as their levels and equipment were relatively high. Shu Xiao's top-quality heavy armor has extremely strong defense. The Crusaders she commands also have extremely high defense, and the hard-top hell army can attack without any problems.

The elf druid of Gu Tao's profession has professional bonuses in the use of water magic. The thunderbolt ice and healing in water magic allow Gu Tao to perform well in both attack and assistance.

The two teams walked in their respective directions, carefully searching for the blue skull that they didn't know where it was or whether it existed.

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