Start with an Archangel

Chapter 301 The chaotic Shangjiang City

above the surface.

The death of King Donghai plunged Shangjiang City into a new crisis.

The new king came to the throne. After William put on the crown and accepted the allegiance of the angel troops of Shangjiang City, he refused the ministers' proposal to hold a funeral for King Donghai immediately. Instead, when everyone was caught off guard, he announced the rebellion of Howard and Joshua.

William announced that Howard and Joshua would be stripped of their titles and all honors, and sent an archangel to attack Howard's mansion in Shangjiang City.

Howard escaped the attack, but his family was massacred.

At this moment, William blocked all his escape routes. Except for a complete determination of victory, there was no room for peace talks in the war.

William, who held the royal power, asked Fengxian City and Chongming City to hand over the two criminals.


"All the cities that sheltered Howard and Joshua will be guilty of rebellion, and when the royal army breaks the city, everyone will be buried with them both."

When William labeled Howard and Joshua traitors and declared the war to begin.

Qingpu City declared its allegiance to William.

A large number of hell troops set off from Qingpu City and marched towards Fengxian City. Three level 14 demons showed that Qingpu City was already prepared for war.

At the same time, William announced the appointment of Marquis Aude, the lord of Qingpu City, as the commander-in-chief of the Shangjiang army and responsible for the overall commander of this counter-insurgency war.

A demon actually wanted to command the human army. William's order caused dissatisfaction among many military generals, but a powerful fallen angel killed all the opposing generals.

Under the royal power and force, the troops in Shangjiang began to gather and prepare for the expedition.

William, who thought he had completely mastered Shangjiang City, wore a crown on his head and said to the magic girl next to him.

"Did you see it? This is the real king. The two natural enemies, angels and demons, stand together under my command. My army will soon capture Howard and Joshua. Under my rule, Shangjiang will Even more powerful. My father should have died a long time ago. The older he gets, the more cowardly he becomes. With such a powerful army, he actually has to endure the threats of Howard and Joshua.

After I unify the Yangtze River, I will make you queen, and you will become the most noble person in the world. "

Mo Ji let out a tender laugh: "Your Majesty, you want to make me queen, what should Admiral Joyce do? She is your fiancée."

Speaking of Joyce, William said angrily: "I have long disliked that fisherman's daughter. Now that her father is dead, the engagement is a piece of waste paper. She is not worthy of being a queen, nor is she worthy of commanding the royal family's navy. I She has been ordered to attack the Chongming fleet immediately. As long as she moves slowly, I will have an excuse to remove her from her post. I have so many outstanding naval generals in Shangjiang City, why should I let a woman I hate command my fleet.

Are you interested in commanding the Navy? I can appoint you as the admiral of the Pudong Fleet, and you can command the fleet to attack any target you want at sea. "

Mo Ji giggled and said: "No, our race in hell has no interest in sailing. We only like delicious food."

"Oh? I like it too..."

Mo Ji giggled: "Your Majesty, the troops from Qingpu City have already attacked. Why haven't the undead in Jiading City moved yet?"

William was already impatient and replied casually: "Stanley, that guy who only has money in his eyes, will probably feel distressed for a long time if a skeleton soldier dies. In the last war, his undead army only stopped at his own border, and this time it will probably be the same." It’s an old trick. Qingpu City is truly loyal to me. Not only did it send its own army, but it also gave you to me. Jiading City seems to be very rich now. When the war is over, I will ask Stanley to give you all his money. OK?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty... Baron Steven seems to be disobedient..."

"Let Macaulay kill him."

"Where are the other members of his family?"

"Kill them all!"

"Your Majesty! Do you know that when you talk about killing people, your kingly charm makes my blood seem to burn, and I can no longer bear the heat..."

The situation on the surface took a turn for the worse, and William, who was dazzled by power, completely lost control under the charm of the magic girl.

Every moment someone was pushed to the guillotine, and the entire Shangjiang City was shrouded in terror.

Pudong Military Port Admiral's Mansion.

Before Joyce could get over the grief from the news of King Donghai's death, he received William's order for the Pudong fleet to attack Chongming City.

Attack immediately and annihilate the Chongming fleet within two days.

In William's eyes, Joshua's fleet seemed to be all sampans.

Moreover, the constant tragedies happening in Shangjiang City made Joyce even more anxious. William was killing nobles crazily. The rule of Shangjiang City has lost its cornerstone, and the army is losing its mind. William uses this method to quickly hold the army in his hands. The massacre of the city threatened by William is likely to become a reality.

The human army in Shangjiang City is gathering, and the city is in chaos.

Joyce ignored the repeated orders from the palace urging troops to be dispatched. She sat firmly in the Admiral's Mansion and ordered the navy to strengthen the defense of the military port. The defense direction was... Shangjiang City.

There are various signs that the demons in Qingpu City played an important role in this incident. According to the information provided by the nobles who fled to Pudong Military Port, the guy who was carrying out William's orders and massacring the Shangjiang nobles was a fallen angel.


At Daliang's place, Joyce knew Macaulay's identity.

The original guardian archangel of Qingpu City, now the fallen angel, the actual controller of Qingpu City, the Flea King.

Among the various identities, the actual controller of Qingpu City is obviously not suitable for what he is doing now. An executioner is definitely not the mastermind behind it.

The Marquis of Aude was not the mastermind either.

Then the identity of the mastermind can be guessed.

It's the King of Hell Lords.

He hatched a plan to deceive the Holy Bella, the only person who could stop him.

The hostile relationship between the fallen angels and the lord king of hell made all those who knew better doubt Macaulay, and now the holy angel and her archangel went to the third level of the upper and lower sewers. Joyce was unable to contact Daliang through the Pudong fleet channel, which indicated that they were ambushed.

Now the Hell Lord King has taken control of Shangjiang City, and he wants to turn the entire Shangjiang area into a real hell.

The navy controlled by Joyce had no way to deal with William in the city, and she didn't even know how long she could control the navy. She is only an admiral, not a queen. The Pudong fleet is loyal to the Shangjiang royal family and is the King of East China Sea.

When William removed himself from his post, Joyce did not know how many people in the entire Pudong fleet would follow him.

"No, I absolutely cannot lose the command of the Pudong Fleet. Only with an army in hand can I have a chance to change the current situation.

Da Liang, where are you? I need your help. "

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