Start with an Archangel

Chapter 302 Escape

Inside the lava cave on the third level of Shangjiang Water.

Holy Bella led the archangels to chop down the lava python for a whole day. Ergos's body seemed to have infinite energy and was still vigorous and vigorous.

Da Liang was also searching this day and finally found the blue skull mentioned by Macaulay.

This is an alchemical product, and the crystal material emits a light blue shimmer in the magical energy.

Da Liang took it in his hand, and the message prompted "Space-time beacon: allows one person to reach the location specified by the producer."

The good news is that Macaulay did leave a secret door here, and you can leave here through this space-time beacon.

The bad news is, you can only leave one person.

It is estimated that under Angela's surveillance, Macaulay has already taken a big risk by leaving this space-time beacon.

Daliang said to Shu Xiao and Gu Tao: "This space-time beacon can only allow one person to leave. I want to go back and deal with Shangjiang's current situation as soon as possible. You two can only stay here for now."

Both Shu Xiao and Gu Tao said there was no problem.

"Master, just leave. When Holy Bella kills the boss, I will definitely keep the good things I picked up for you."

"Senior Brother Daliang, with Sister Shu Xiao accompanying me, we can practice leveling here. You should hurry back to Shangjiang. The news outside says that Shangjiang is getting more and more chaotic, and there are demons everywhere."

Daliang didn't waste any time. He handed over all the soldiers to Shu Xiao, gave the magic mage in his weapon card to Gu Tao, and immediately used the space-time beacon.

The blue skull of water and wine collapsed in Da Liang's hand and turned into flying dust. The fluorescent dust swirled around Da Liang and wrapped him inside. When the light on the dust disappeared and fell, Da Liang also disappeared from everyone's eyes. .

There was darkness in front of Daliang's eyes. He looked at the map and didn't know where he was. He went from one space to another.

A ball of light lit up from Da Liang's hand, allowing him to see his surroundings.

It was cold and damp, surrounded by walls on three sides.

The familiar look made Daliang guess where this place was.

Isn't this the maze in the sewers that Macaulay asked his brother to walk through when he went to Qingpu City?

Macaulay put so much thought into it, I would really feel sorry for him if he made a miscalculation.

With the light in his hand, Da Liang walked forward, and then a fork in the road appeared in front of Da Liang.

This is a maze, and you don’t know what will happen if you take the wrong path.

Da Liang did not rush to make a choice, but found a mark on the wall at the fork in the road.

This was left behind when Daliang walked through the maze. At that time, he carved a symbol on the wall out of caution. He didn't expect to actually use it now.

Following the correct path, Da Liang found the exit of the maze.

He directly used magic to blast away the blocking wall, and the first floor of the Shangjiang Sewer appeared in front of Daliang's eyes.

After walking for a while according to his memory, Daliang finally walked out of this independent space and entered a normal map.

The return to the city is now available, and Daliang immediately teleports to the return to the city in Shangjiang City.

The Shangjiang City in front of me has really changed. Almost all the shops on the streets are closed, and the occasional pedestrians passing by on the road are walking quickly with their heads lowered. The players who were originally running rampant in the city became like mice crossing the street, slithering along the walls and turning around when they saw something was not right.

The streets were full of ferocious soldiers, a large number of noble officers were killed, the soldiers lost their restraints, and the orders from the palace became the only thing they needed to execute.

When violence loses its restraint, it will only continue to escalate.

After William tasted the sweetness that the royal power gave him, he couldn't control himself and enjoyed the feeling of controlling the life and death of others.

Daliang didn't know whether his identity as Viscount would be useful in this city. Instead of summoning the Silver Pegasus to fly out from the sky above the city, he used the legion rally flag to return to the Judgment Legion station first.

"All members of the Judgment Corps are returning to their bases and on standby. Shangjiang City is out of control. Do not enter the city unless there is something urgent."

Just as Daliang finished speaking, a message from Xu Man came over: "It's great that you came out. What happened in Shangjiang City? Why did William first massacre the human nobles after inheriting the throne? Is he stupid?"

Daliang replied: "He was not smart to begin with, and then he was taken advantage of. You restrain the alliance members to stay away from Shangjiang City as much as possible. I will deal with this matter as soon as possible. If we let him go crazy again, Shangjiang will be over."

Xu Man didn't expect Daliang's tone to be so loud, as if he could already influence the political situation in Shangjiang City. But since Daliang said so, he could only believe him. There is too much external pressure on the university alliance now. If Shangjiang, our hometown, is unstable, it will be too dangerous for the alliance.

As for how to solve the chaos in Shangjiang, Daliang has no idea at this time, but finding Joyce first is definitely the first step.

After leaving the Judgment Corps station, Daliang rode the Silver Pegasus to the Pudong Military Port.

Then I saw a tense situation outside the Admiral's Mansion.

Joyce stood in uniform at the door of the Admiral's Mansion, with guards guarding her behind. In the castle of the Admiral's Mansion, crossbowmen and priests occupied the high ground, and the crossbows on the top pointed downwards at the group of people Joyce was confronting. .

Standing in front of Joyce was Archangel Nelson, who had fought alongside her.

When the King of East China Sea was alive, Archangel Nelson was assigned to the Pudong Fleet to assist Joyce in handling maritime affairs and had sufficient experience in fleet command.

Joyce did not immediately attack the Chongming fleet after receiving William's order, which gave William an excuse to remove her from her post.

Since the devil was not interested in sailing, Archangel Nelson was appointed by William as the new admiral of the Pudong Fleet.

"Take office immediately and command the Pudong fleet to attack Chongming City."

This was the order William gave Nelson when he came.

At this time, more and more nobles in Shangjiang City were being killed. Of course Joyce knew what he would face once he lost his military power. And she felt that only by holding the navy in her hands could she have a chance to stop William's madness.

Only by preventing the war between the Pudong Fleet and the Chongming Fleet can we prevent the loss of Shangjiang's sea power.

Facing Joyce who refused to leave the Admiral's Mansion, Nelson was very embarrassed. After all, they were comrades fighting side by side not long ago.

Nelson said to Joyce: "Admiral Joyce, I am taking over the Pudong Fleet under the order of the New Sea King. This is the will of our king. Please execute the order, vacate the Admiral's Mansion and hand over the command of the Pudong Fleet to me. .”

Joyce held his head high and had no intention of letting Nelson in: "Mr. Nelson, please look at Shangjiang City next to you. Is this still a human city? Chaos and massacre, does it look like Qingpu City? The devil has taken control of this city. The city, he is by William's side. As the guardian angel of the royal family, you should correct the mistakes William is making now, instead of pushing this city into the embrace of hell."

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