Start with an Archangel

Chapter 303 Make up your mind

Joyce's last words made Nelson look sad, but he still stuck to his oath: "As the guardian angels of Shangjiang City, we once swore to be loyal to his master. No matter whether the decision of the King of East China Sea is right or wrong, the angel's loyalty is not will be shaken. Joyce, please hand over the military power of the Pudong Fleet to me immediately, otherwise you will be attacked by us."

Nelson pulled out his angel sword and showed his wings. Among the troops brought behind him, two angels also showed their wings.

Joyce pulled out the sword: "Then let's fight."

Just when the two sides were about to fight, an archangel fell from the sky and stood behind Joyce.

Then the two giant frost dragons also fell down.

Julian, the Frost Dragon.

Da Liang is back.

Joyce's tense thoughts suddenly relaxed.

Under everyone's gaze, Daliang rode a silver pegasus and landed next to Joyce.

He jumped off the horse and walked to Nelson and said: "Mr. Nelson, I have an archangel, two frost dragons, plus Lord Joyce and so many naval soldiers. If you use force now, you will die. But we have not used it. You can leave now if you intend to use force."

Nelson looked at the comparison of strength between the two sides and knew that what Daliang said was true. However, he did not leave but asked: "Sir Viscount, I heard that you accompanied Lord Holy Bella to do an important matter. May I ask whether Lord Holy Bella Wherever you are, sir, she represents Yunzhong City, and only she can change the current situation in Shangjiang."

Nelson's question was also what Joyce wanted to know.

There were too many people here, and Daliang did not dare to tell the story about the Hell Lord King. He just replied: "Lord Holy Bella encountered a little trouble, and it is estimated that he will have to wait a few days before he can come back. However, at the imperial meeting a few days ago , she said she doesn’t care who rules this city, as long as it cannot be the devil. It seems that she will be shocked when she comes back. "

Nelson remained silent. Of course he saw the changes in Shangjiang City. He also knew that William obeyed the words of a demon girl from the hell tribe whose origin was unknown.

But William was the monarch to whom he swore allegiance, and he could not disobey William's orders.

After a while, Nelson said: "I took over the Pudong fleet at the order of His Majesty the King of the East China Sea. I was attacked during the transfer of military power and unfortunately was captured. This is the message I just replied to His Majesty. Now you can arrest us. .This way you will have one less archangel and two less angels among your enemies.”

Daliang and Joyce didn't expect Nelson to think of such a solution. It seemed that the archangel was not too pedantic.

Joyce had Nelson and his party locked up, then took Da Liang to a secluded room, and asked anxiously: "What happened? Why did you suddenly lose contact with Saint Bella? You caught Erg Is that so? Why didn’t Holy Bella come back?”

Daliang replied: "We didn't catch Ergus. The third level of the Shangjiang City sewer was a trap. There was only one fragment of Ergus in it. After we entered, we were trapped in a large space confinement. Now I am the only one who has come out. Now, Holy Bella is still fighting against the fragments of Ergos. Ergos created a large lava lake on the third level of the sewer. Once a volcanic eruption is triggered, the entire Shangjiang City will disappear. Holy Bella is still fighting with Ergos. Si’s split battle is estimated to take several days.”

Joyce did not expect that such a big change would occur during the underground trip of Daliang and Holy Bella. She said: "You said that the third level of the sewer was a trap, and Ergus was not in it. So all this is Ergus. With his conspiracy, he deceived Holy Bella and then controlled William. Even...even he killed the King of East China Sea."

Daliang smiled bitterly and said: "In fact, Ergus has also been calculated. His purpose is to cause a volcanic eruption to destroy Shangjiang City. Most of his power is in the separate body on the third floor of the sewer. Now his separate body will be destroyed. Holy Bella killed him, and his true body should have been hidden."

"You wasn't Ergus who caused the current situation in Shangjiang, then who was it?"

"Angel, another hell lord king, is also known as the Demon King of Jealousy. She used Ergos to lure away Holy Bella, and then trapped us. Her purpose was to trigger a massacre among the entire Shangjiang race, and used Shangjiang to A large number of souls in the Jiang area have regained their strength."

"Another Hell Lord King?" One Ergus made Joyce feel that the end was coming, and now Daliang actually told her that another Hell Lord King was in Shangjiang City, leaving Joyce with a deep sense of powerlessness. "What should I do? Did Holy Bella tell me a solution?"

"Fight." Daliang said: "Erges has lost his power. He has already hidden himself. And I have something to subdue him, so he won't show up easily. Angela just escaped from the prison in Yunzhong City. Now that she's at her weakest, Julian can handle her."

"Can Julian handle a Hell Lord King?"

Joyce thought about Julian, a level 14 archangel.

Daliang knew that the current situation required sincere cooperation with Joyce, and Joyce should be aware of the existence of Hell's Angel Juliet.

So Daliang said: "Do you remember Juliet?"

Joyce thought about the evil creature she saw on Feichen Island. She was actually the sister of the Archangel Julian. This mystery had long been remembered in her mind: "Juliet? You said she is Julian?" My sister, but I have never seen her again since I met her once on Feichen Island."

Daliang told her what Joyce could know: "In fact, Julian became a mixture of Archangel and Hell's Angel due to some special original intentions. Juliet is actually her Hell's Angel form. And Hell's Angel belongs to Level 15 creatures, the admiral's strength should also be able to fight against level 15 creatures with low hero levels. The two of you should be able to deal with Angela, whose strength has greatly declined.

I think we should attack the palace immediately to stop this war.

Because once the war breaks out, the souls generated by death will restore Angela's strength, and then we will no longer be able to stop her. "

Attack the palace in Shangjiang City!

Joyce had never thought about this. It was the core of the Shangjiang human race, and it was the place that her family had been loyal to for hundreds of years.

But the current situation no longer allows her to think too much. She must make a choice now for the sake of this city.

"Nelson has reported the news of his being 'captured' to William. In William's eyes, we have become a rebellion. He is likely to send troops to attack the Pudong naval port. The Pudong fleet can only protect itself in the war. If you want to attack We still need allies to enter Shangjiang City."

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