Start with an Archangel

Chapter 305 Attacking Shangjiang City

Joshua narrowed his eyes: "Then... let's make him afraid."

Joyce led the Pudong fleet to stand in the camp against William, and the island city of Chongming no longer had any worries.

Under Joshua's order, the entire Chongming fleet attacked and covered the landing of the Elf army in Chongming City on the north bank of Shangjiang City.

At the same time, two third-level aerial battleships belonging to the Chongming Fleet took off and flew towards Shangjiang City.

At the same time, Joyce's Pudong fleet has also completed battle preparations. The navy pushed siege equipment and set up outside the east gate of Shangjiang City, as if they were about to attack by force. The cannons removed from the battleships were pointed at the east wall of Shangjiang City. Thousands of artillery were aimed at it, leaving the defenders who had lost their middle and high-level command at a loss as to what to do.

The "Oath" flew into the sky above the land and aimed its side artillery at the urban area of ​​​​Shangjiang City from above. From the bridge of the "Oath", you can clearly see the palace located in the center of the city.

At this time, the magic guild located near the palace began to gather energy. This fourteen-story magic tower released a giant pupil of magic energy above the top of the tower.

This magic pupil can provide a 150% magic effect increase for the magician in the magic tower, and can also release a magic cannon equivalent to level 5 magic. It is the biggest threat to aerial battleships.

Joyce asked the "Oath" to stop in the air outside the city wall. This is the limit of the range of the magic cannon. The power of the magic energy will drop significantly at this location.

From the direction of the Royal Palace in Shangjiang City, a group of archangels and angels flew up, bringing thousands of griffins and royal griffons with them, and flew towards the "Oath".

"The Pudong fleet is preparing for battle, and air combat units are taking off to protect the safety of ground troops and the USS Oath."

Under Joyce's order, the Royal Griffins and Griffins belonging to the Pudong Fleet took off, and then divided into two groups, one to protect the "Oath", and the other to protect the ground forces outside the city preparing to attack the city.

The cry of eagles resounded throughout the sky in Shangjiang City.

"Fire! The Pudong fleet attacks Shangjiang City!"

The continuous sound of artillery sounded, the earth shook, and the roar overwhelmed all sounds.

Thousands of cannonballs were fired from the sky and the ground at the city wall of Shangjiang City. The entire city wall simultaneously set off a trail of debris caused by the impact of the cannonballs.

The war started right here.

The defenders of Shangjiang City launched an artillery battle with the Pudong fleet using the artillery mounted on the city wall forts.

The cannonballs flying back and forth are mixed with various kinds of magic.

Magic energy and cannonballs take away a lot of lives in an instant.

The magic amplifying devices located at both ends of the "Oath" throw powerful magic spells to the ground.

The ground undulated violently, fire rain poured down, and lightning jumped and splashed on the ground.

At this time, a huge beam of light shot out from the pupil of magic energy above the magic tower, and instantly hit the hull of the "Oath".

The advanced anti-magic tower equipped on the battleship formed a circle of magic-forbidden defense shield around the "Oath". The bombardment of magic energy was intercepted in front of the defense shield. The blocked magic energy rolled and spread along the outer wall of the barrier. .

The magic heroes located in the energy core of the battleship quickly filled the core with rare resources to supplement the magic power consumption of the advanced anti-magic tower.

The "Oath" was bombarded by a magic energy cannon, and 5 archangels and 10 angels had already rushed forward.

Magic, arrows, and ballistae formed an air defense isolation zone for the warship.

The Angels flew around the "Oath" looking for opportunities to break through, while allowing the massive gryphons following to attract firepower.

Joyce let a small part of the anti-air firepower cooperate with his own griffins to resist the griffins of Shangjiang City, while other counterattack firepower still focused on the archangel.

The naval guns continued to roar.

The Magic Eye fired another magic cannon at the "Oath".

The battle in the east of Shangjiang City attracted the attention of the Shangjiang defenders. The Chongming fleet coming from the north easily controlled the north bank of Shangjiang City and began to receive the landing of the elven troops.

The giant dragon and Pegasus knights had already entered the airspace of Shangjiang City.

This time Joshua personally rode a golden dragon to participate in the battle. From the air, he could clearly see the "Oath" above the east of the city and the fierce fighting around the "Oath".

The Pudong fleet was under crazy attack at this moment. They did not have enough ultimate creatures to fight against the angel troops. Once these angels rushed onto the deck of the "Oath" and attacked the bridge, Joyce's situation would be very dangerous.

Joshua did not wait for his army to land. He ordered the elven Pegasus knights to cover his army, and then led 5 golden dragons and 10 green dragons to support the battle east of Shangjiang City.

The participation of the dragon troops in the battle greatly relieved Joyce's pressure, and the landing of Chongming City on the north bank also distracted the energy of the defenders.

Two air and space warships of the Chongming Fleet began to bombard the northern wall of Shangjiang City.

The "Oath" moved again. It withstood bombardments from the magic eyes and slowly crossed the city wall and approached the palace.

The sudden outbreak of war has left the palace in Shangjiang City in chaos.

William, who was lying drunk in the beauty's arms, was awakened by the intensive sound of artillery.

"Come here! What happened!" William sat up from the messy bed. He could hear the sound of cannons very close to him. Just like the last time Joshua attacked Shangjiang City, an army was coming.

The attendant who heard the call hurried in. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at the bed: "Reporting to Your Majesty, Admiral Joyce is leading the Pudong fleet to attack the East Gate, and our defenders are attacking. At the same time, Joshua Already led the troops from Chongming City to land on the north bank."

William did not expect that Joyce and Joshua would join forces to fight. Listening to the sound of artillery coming from the east and north, it was obvious that they were attacking Shangjiang City with all their strength.

"This fisherman's daughter, I knew she had betrayed me. She said she had been loyal to the royal family for generations, it was all a lie. Fortunately, I had seen her sinister intentions, otherwise she would definitely kill me after becoming the queen. Seize the throne. Go! Let my angels attack and capture Joyce, and I will tear her face apart with my own hands!"

The attendant replied: "Your Majesty, the angels have already attacked, but Joshua led his dragon troops to block the angels. Now the 'Oath' has crossed the city wall and is heading towards the palace, and our magic tower is trying its best to intercept the 'Oath' ' close."

"What! The Oath is coming!" William was shocked. He knew how powerful the Oath was. With 549 cannons, it could easily blow the palace into ruins. William shouted: "Where is the Marquis of Aude? Where are my troops? Let him send troops to protect me immediately."

"Your Majesty..." Mo Ji sat up, stretched, and said to the panicked William, "Your Majesty, there is no need to panic. According to the military strength of the Pudong Fleet and Chongming City, they cannot attack Shangjiang City."

The sound of gunfire outside seemed to be louder. At this time, William was still thinking about Mo Ji. He quickly put on his clothes and said to the attendant: "Quickly, let Marquis Aude come to see me."

William walked out of the bedroom in disheveled clothes. Mo Ji listened to the sound of cannons outside for a while and hummed softly: "Fight, kill. The more people you kill, the faster my strength will recover."

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