Start with an Archangel

Chapter 306 Go and invite Marquis Stanley

In the royal council, William sat in his father's seat, with two archangels guarding him. Standing in front of him was an abyss demon, the Marquis of Aude who was summoned urgently.

"When will our troops repel Joyce and Joshua's attack?"

William seemed to be imitating his father to stay calm, but the rumbling sound of the cannon made his muscles tremble uncontrollably.

Marquis Aude replied: "Qingpu City's army has already started a confrontation with Howard's army outside Fengxian City. The hell army has no way to return to Shangjiang City for the time being. And the human army in Shangjiang City..."

William said impatiently: "Last time, Shangjiang City's army resisted the attack of Joshua's four cities. Now it is just the Pudong Fleet and Chongming City. Even if Baoshan City is added, the enemy forces are much less than last time. The human army is enough to protect me, now tell me when you will repel Joyce and Joshua."

Marquis Aude was confused: "Your Majesty, too many commanders of the Shangjiang City army have died in the past two days, and many commanders have gone into hiding. There are not enough officers, and it is very troublesome to command the Shangjiang City army. I suggest that we first hold on to the city and resist, and then re-establish the command structure of the Shangjiang Army. Finally, we can find a way to defeat Joyce and Joshua."

William was furious: "Why are the commanders of the Shangjiang Army hiding? Don't they know what the crime is? Deserting and rebellion are the same crime. When I deal with Joyce and Joshua, I will definitely find them all." Come out and kill!

Odd, according to the method you mentioned, can we definitely defeat the enemies outside? "

"It must be possible! The Pudong fleet and Chongming City have no troops and supplies to sustain a long-term battle. As long as we can persist for three days, we can counterattack."

William said anxiously: "Three days, do you want me to listen to the sound of cannons for three days? Tomorrow... you only have one day to wipe out all the enemies around Shangjiang City."

This is an impossible task at all. Ode said: "Your Majesty, the current situation of the Shangjiang army can only be defensive. The counterattack needs to reassign the commanders of each army. They need to be familiar with the army. We also need to formulate a counterattack plan. Three days later Only with a small-scale counterattack can we defeat Joyce and Joshua five days later."

"Three days turned into five days, do you think I'm an idiot, or are you an idiot yourself." William couldn't bear to be surrounded by the sound of artillery all the time. "Is there no other army in Shangjiang City that can deal with Joey?" Si and Joshua? Yes... we still have allies. The undead in Jiading City have declared their allegiance to Shangjiang City and immediately asked Marquis Stanley to bring his army to Shangjiang City."

Oded stopped him and said: "Your Majesty, it is difficult to distinguish between friends and foes in Jiading City. We can let them contain the army of Baoshan City. We must not let Marquis Stanley bring the undead into the city."

William was still a little hesitant, but the whole palace suddenly shook.

It was the magic "The Earth Shakes" issued by the "Oath". During the strong earthquake, some items in the room fell to the ground, and dust on the roof fell one after another. William thought that the palace had been bombarded and was so frightened that he got under the table. , he shouted loudly: "Quickly inform Marquis Stanley and ask him to lead his army into Shangjiang City to protect me!"

William's swollen heart was brought back to its original shape, revealing the most vulnerable side inside. Now he only thinks about how to defeat Joyce and Joshua as soon as possible. At this time, the hell army was unable to return for reinforcements, and the human army in Shangjiang

Difficult to mobilize, only Marquis Stanley's undead army can protect him at this moment.

But if William knew that Daliang had 20% of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, and saw how warmly Marquis Stanley treated Daliang at the last banquet, I wonder if he would still let the undead army enter the city.

But he didn't know that Daliang was just an inconspicuous viscount in his eyes. He didn't even know where Daliang's fiefdom was, let alone his position.

Arrogance, rudeness, and arrogance will eventually pay the price.

The order from the Shangjiang City Palace was passed to Marquis Stanley. After reading it, he handed it to Daliang beside him.

"Brother Daliang. Are you too smart or is William too stupid? If it were me, I would never allow any foreign troops to enter my city. I was hesitant to listen to your advice, but I found that not only making money I should listen to you when it comes to business, and I should listen to you when it comes to war."

Daliang rode Astro and stood with Marquis Stanley riding a ghost dragon. He took the letter and the content was just as he expected. William asked the undead army to enter Shangjiang City to protect the palace.

Really, if you don’t do it, you won’t die.

Da Liang put on a black blouse and put on a hood to cover his appearance, making himself look as much like an undead soul as possible.

Then he said: "Then let's march to Shangjiang City."


The frost dragon and the ghost dragon walked forward together, and behind them was an endless motorcade.

The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's logistics fleet is all concentrated here, with skeleton horses pulling carriages carrying skeleton soldiers and corpse witches. The entire army ran under the leadership of the Dark Knight and the Terror Knight. They raised smoke and dust in the sky and crossed the border between Jiading City and Shangjiang City.

Ghosts and vampires formed the air force of the undead army, forming a large dark cloud in the sky.

The "Oath" maintained the pressure on the palace, and at the same time, the continuous bombardment of the Magic Eyes also caused the "Oath" to quickly consume the rare resources stored in it.

The advanced anti-magic tower is just an alchemy device, and long-term overload operation has made the magic-forbidden protective cover of the "Oath" unstable. Under the bombardment of the pupil of magic energy, the magic-forbidden protective shield began to show large waves, which was a precursor to the impending collapse of the protective shield.

Joyce contacted Daliang urgently: "The Oath is almost overwhelmed. Where are you and Marquis Stanley?"

The undead army, completely equipped with chariots and horses, marched very quickly.

Daliang looked at the towering city wall in front of him and the slowly opening city gate, and replied: "We are already here. After you see the vampire troops, you can pretend to be defeated and let the Oath withdraw."

"I know, I've seen vampires." Joyce saw the vampires from Jiading City flying towards this side through the telescope. She gave the order to the Oath to withdraw from the battle, and then jumped off the battleship with Julian.

At this time, the west gate of Shangjiang City had been completely opened in front of Daliang and Marquis Stanley, and the undead army entered the city.

While marching, Marquis Stanley issued orders to the army.

The undead troops were constantly separated from the main army. In the name of supporting the battle in Beicheng and Dongcheng, they marched towards key locations.

Soon the royal palace of Shangjiang City appeared in front of the undead army.

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