Start with an Archangel

Chapter 307 Reinforcements

In front of you is the palace of Shangjiang City.

It is built in the center of the city and is also the center of power in the entire Shangjiang area. White represents the solemn and sacred royal power. The majestic and majestic palace shows the power of the King of the East China Sea to everyone and nobles who enter here.

A few days ago, Daliang had the honor to attend a grand ceremony here, where dignitaries from the entire Shangjiang area gathered together. A signal of peace, allowing everyone to indulge here, and former enemies clinking glasses of wine with each other at that moment. There were indeed many nobles who were drunk and carried home by their entourage.

It is estimated that no one at that time thought that Shangjiang would become what it is now.

Although the palace is still guarded by the royal guards, it can be clearly felt that they have lost their past momentum. A large number of noble commanders were killed and the soldiers lost direct command. They did not know what to do or even know how to perform their duties. order and personnel.

Due to the lack of a large number of soldiers, the guards of the palace were full of omissions, so that the army of the undead was only discovered and intercepted when it was a hundred meters close to the palace.

The soldiers on duty saluted Marquis Stanley who was riding the ghost dragon and said: "Dear Lord Marquis, Your Majesty is waiting for your arrival. Please put your troops on standby in the military camp in the east of the city, and at the same time, please get off your mount. Come down, your behavior is detrimental to the majesty of the royal family."

Marquis Stanley snorted coldly: "Does the royal family still have any majesty to speak of now? Look at you, my army is so close to the palace, and you just discovered me. And how many people did you come? Less than 50! If I were The enemy has already killed you and rushed into the palace.

His Majesty's safety cannot be left to irresponsible guys like you. From now on, the safety of the palace will be taken over by my army. "

The guard argued: "Sir, it is our duty to protect the palace. Please..."

Marquis Stanley did not continue to talk nonsense with the guards: "This responsibility is mine now, get out of the way! Otherwise, when I see His Majesty, I will ask him to capture you all and turn them into skeleton soldiers for me."

Without their commander, the soldiers at the bottom don't have much ability to distinguish. Now that Marquis Stanley was the reinforcement summoned by William, the guards did not dare to attack them without permission, nor did they dare to let them in like this.

Facing the overwhelmed palace guards, Marquis Stanley urged the ghost dragon to move forward, and Da Liang asked Astro to follow. Facing the two huge ultimate creatures, the guards unconsciously moved out of the way.

The undead soldiers rushed into the palace, and then, led by the Terror Knight and the Dark Knight, seized important positions in the palace. The vampires descended from the sky and took control of the various arrow towers and turrets in the palace in a short period of time.

Entering the palace, the ghost dragon and frost dragon were too large, so Marquis Stanley and Da Liang walked instead.

A large group of undead soldiers escorted the two people as they walked in the corridor. In front of them was the palace hall.

At this time, the door of the hall was closed tightly, and two rows of royal guards wearing heavy armor stood outside the door. When they saw Marquis Stanley coming with the undead soldiers, they immediately pulled out their swords to stop them: "You are not allowed to break into the palace without permission, you..."

Before the guards had finished speaking, Marquis Stanley waved his hand, and more than a dozen dark knights rushed out from behind him. With a single charge, they chopped down the guards to the ground.

Marquis Stanley and Daliang walked to the door of the hall, and several vampires opened the gorgeous door for them.

At this time, William was sitting on the throne, comfortably enjoying the dessert fed by Magic Queen.

The news that the "Oath" had retreated made him finally feel relieved.

After glancing at Marquis Stanley who came in from outside the palace, William continued to focus on the delicacies sent by Mo Ji: "Marquis Stanley, I didn't expect you to come so fast! I feel your loyalty. Now I order you, Take your troops and attack Joshua and Joyce immediately, and well... I don't want to hear any more cannon fire during dinner."

Marquis Stanley said: "I'm really sorry, William. You have less brains in your head than our undead. Look at me coming in with so many soldiers. A fool wouldn't think that I have any loyalty to you, right?"

William then turned his gaze from Mo Ji to the main hall. Seeing more and more undead soldiers walking in, he finally realized that Marquis Stanley did not seem to be here to rescue him.

William's legs softened and he almost slipped off the throne: "Stanley, do you... want to rebel? Come... come, someone, come and protect me..."

As William called for help, two archangels rushed in from the side hall. At the same time, a fallen angel with black wings spread out fell next to the throne. Marquis Aude also appeared next to William through subspace movement.

With so many powerful guards, William finally felt at ease. He stood up and pointed condescendingly at Marquis Stanley and shouted angrily: "Stanley, have you seen it! I can kill you at any time now, but I plan to give you a chance. Now kneel down and say your oath of allegiance to me, and as long as you can defeat Joyce and Joshua, I will forgive you for the offense you just caused."

At this time, Joshua's voice came from outside the palace: "William, are you talking about me?"

Joshua walked into the hall and stood next to Marquis Stanley. Joyce and Julian also walked in. They stood on the side of Da Liang. Julian showed his wings and showed his side as an archangel.

William shrank back again.

I have a fallen angel, two archangels and the Marquis of Odd on my side, which are four top-level combat forces.

And where is the opponent? Marquis Stanley, Marquis Joshua, Joyce plus an archangel, there are four.

Four against four, they seemed evenly matched, but Marquis Stanley brought a large number of undead soldiers.

William felt that his side had little chance of winning, and immediately shouted loudly: "Guards, guards, what are you doing? If you don't come to protect me at this time, I... I will kill you all."

The desolate and crying voice echoed in the hall, but no guard came in. It was obvious that the palace had been occupied by the other party.

William fell down on the throne, his expression dull as if he was frightened.


A voice sounded beside William.

William didn't expect that Mo Ji, whom he loved, would dare to scold him like this. He was about to get angry, but he found that Mo Ji's sudden burst of momentum made people seem to be trapped in an ice cave.

Green flames emerged from her body, and the charming Mo Ji before her eyes changed drastically. Her endless majesty exuded, and the entire hall seemed to be in purgatory.

The fallen angel and Marquis Aude knelt down on one knee facing the Magic Queen, praising the majesty of the king.

"I have to admit that you weak creatures can sometimes produce wisdom that even demons admire. But in the face of absolute strength, your little cleverness is just a joke before a big meal to me. Today, I will take you Kill them all here. Then...the armies of humans, demons, and the undead will all belong to me. By the way, you may not know my name yet..."

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