Start with an Archangel

Chapter 308 The best ending

Mo Ji ignored William who was already lying on the ground. She walked elegantly to the position where everyone was most attracted by her body. The beauty of her body made men jealous and women jealous.

And just when Mo Ji was about to say her name that could make the world tremble...

A voice echoed in the hall: "Angela, the jealous demon king. She has been imprisoned in Yunzhong City for ten thousand years, and now she is being hunted by the Holy Angel. She can only act as a toy to seduce William to do some tricks, and now she wants to use her own name. Scare people, do you really think your name can still scare people?"

Ruthlessly sarcastic, Angela glared at the man who had revealed her identity.

Wearing a black smock, he stood next to Marquis Stanley, looking like Stanley's bodyguard, but a closer look revealed that he was not undead.

Can you tell your identity easily?

Could it be the angel from Yunzhong City? No, he is not an angel.

The Demon King of Jealousy, who has been fighting with Yunzhong City, can tell whether the opponent is an angel at a glance. He should be a human race.

The flames on Angela's body grew stronger: "Who are you?"

Daliang took a step forward and raised the hood that covered his appearance: "Viscount Feichen, Daliang. Angela, this should be the second time we meet."

Angela didn't expect that the other party turned out to be Daliang.

This humble nobleman. After Holy Bella came to Shangjiang City, he first came to visit in person. This person's importance to Yunzhong City is evident.

In order to find out Daliang's identity, Angela ordered Macaulay to test him.

Daliang claimed to be an informant in Yunzhong City. Angela did not completely believe it, but this did not delay her plan to lure away Holy Bella.

It's just that Viscount Feichen went to the third floor of the Shangjiang Sewer with Holy Bella, didn't he? There was a space restriction there that even Holy Bella could not break through. How did he get out?

Angela felt that the spatial confinement she had arranged on the third floor of the Shangjiang Sewer was intact. The power impact coming from inside showed that a fierce battle was taking place inside. Holy Bella and Ergos were both inside, but this weak human came out.

Someone must have helped him.

And this person is...

Angela turned around and saw Macaulay standing behind William.


Angela stopped loudly.

But she saw Macaulay swinging the sword in his hand, and William's head flew out, and then fell on the ground between the two sides under everyone's gaze.

There was silence in the main hall, and no one thought that William would be killed like this.

No matter what, he was still the king at this moment, but he ended up like this.

The sudden change made Angela stare blankly at William's dead head.

William died, and all her plans were terminated at this moment. Without the support of the royal power, this meaningless war will end soon. Even if Angela still controls Qingpu City, she will not be able to withstand the attacks of the seven cities.

Without war and massacre, she could not regain her strength.

"I am going to kill you!"

Angela fired a concussive fireball with both hands and pressed towards Macaulay.

Macaulay, who had been prepared for a long time, disappeared in an instant and appeared next to Da Liang.

Then he said with a smile: "I was originally worried that you wouldn't be able to guess the hint I gave you. It seems that my worries were unfounded. You are a partner who can lift people's spirits."

Daliang replied: "Your reminder is really hidden too deeply. I won't be able to come out if I neglect it."

"But you did it, so we have the advantage in this battle. Now that I have killed William, I guess none of you can do this kind of regicide as neatly as me. So now should we kill Angela? Catch? I think both Michael and Lord Lucifer will be willing to give us a very large reward."

Double rewards from Cloud City and Hell.

These regional lord kings are simply walking artifact redemption coupons.

"Yes, it's time for the final showdown."

Da Liang took a look at the fighting strength on his side.

Joshua, Stanley, Joyce, Julian (Juliet), and Macaulay are all strong men who can withstand a level 15 creature.

And Angela?

The Marquis of Aude had slipped away at some point.

The heroes gathered around Angela. Astro and Thunderstorm had blocked the sky above the hall, making it impossible for Angela to escape.

Angela didn't expect that the situation would change so quickly, and she would be alone in the blink of an eye.

However, as a top level 16 expert, even if she is still in a weak state, she still does not take these people in front of her seriously.

The anger of the Hell Lord King needs to be vented.

"Since William is dead, I will kill you with my own hands and then massacre the city."

The flames on Angela's body broke out, but the temperature of the hall dropped rapidly.


The heroes roared and rushed towards Angela together.

At this moment, the throne where Angela was sitting suddenly collapsed, and a huge tail wrapped around Angela, quickly pulling her into the ground amid the rising dust.

"Erges, come back! Ergus, come back!"

That tail is obviously that of a giant python, and his identity should be Ergus.

Daliang took out the distress letter and ran over quickly, but he could only see a cave of unknown depth.

Ergos ran away.

He had been hiding under the throne, watching a show to see what the outcome of Angela's plan would be.

Clearly, Angela failed.

Faced with the siege of many heroes, including a Hell's Angel, Angela is likely to be captured.

Ergus could see Angela's jokes, but he would never see her imprisoned again.

Facing Yunzhong City and Lucifer, one more Hell Lord King means more power.

Therefore, at the last moment, Ergus risked being told his wish by Da Liang to rescue Angela.

Fortunately, no one thought that Ergus was hiding under this hall. Ergus suddenly appeared to rescue Angela, and then ran out of sight before Da Liang said his wish.

Without communication, wishes do not need to be carried out.

A battle that might require huge sacrifices ended before it even started.

In fact, this may be the best outcome for Shangjiang City.

The power of the Hell Lord King has been rumored since ancient times. If there is a battle with Angela, no one can guarantee that they will survive.

Looking at the cave under the throne, everyone couldn't help but feel a little bit happy in their hearts.

Then, several people looked at each other.

William died and the royal power fell. Who can become the King of East China Sea to rule this city?

Lord Stanley? His undead army has taken control of Shangjiang City.

Joyce? The queen designated by the former King of Donghai has already completed the engagement ceremony with William, and the wedding date has been set. If she inherits the throne as the queen, it will be okay.

Joshua? He has already coveted this throne and is the one who most wants to sit on it.

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