Start with an Archangel

Chapter 309 Who will be the king?

Stanley first said: "The battle here is over, and it's time for me to return to Jiading City. I have brought the carriages from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. There are still a lot of goods waiting to be transported."

Marquis Stanley said that his army would not stay in Shangjiang City, thus giving up the fight for the throne. This lich doesn't have much ambition. In his eyes, the throne is far less comfortable than his own diamond chair.

Joyce then said: "I have ordered the Pudong fleet to withdraw to the military port. There is still a battle waiting for me at sea. I need to reorganize my fleet."

Joyce has also withdrawn from the fight for the throne. This throne has given her too many bad memories, and she cannot stand the environment in the palace. No matter how majestic the palace is, it will never give her the feeling of the ocean.

Marquis Stanley and Joyce withdrew, and Marquis Joshua laughed at himself: "I really want to sit on this throne, but things are different now. Now I just want to be a marquis safely."

Macaulay shrugged and said he was not qualified to think.

Seeing that none of the four people had any intention of becoming the King of East China Sea, Daliang smiled and said: "If you don't want to sit on the throne, I will..."

Seeing the thoughtful looks of the four people, Daliang quickly waved his hand and said: "Just a joke, just a joke. I heard from Saint Bella that His Majesty the late King has prepared to pass the throne to Archduke Howard at William's wedding, so he said There is nothing to fight for in this throne.”

The four people laughed together and said: "Since His Majesty the late King is ready to pass the throne to the Duke, there is indeed nothing to fight for."

Indeed, it is estimated that only Duke Howard has the ability and prestige to clean up the entire Shangjiang mess. Otherwise, whoever becomes king here will still not be able to change the situation in Shangjiang, and the civil war will only continue endlessly.

Since there was no need to compete for the throne, several people began to deal with the truce in Shangjiang.

At this time, Daliang suddenly asked Macaulay: "How did the late king die? His Majesty just decided to pass the throne to Duke Howard, and then he died without leaving any words. It was too sudden."

Macaulay smiled mysteriously and said: "Sir Viscount, I think you are quite smart, but why are you stupid? None of the adults asked about this matter, so why are you asking?"

Looking at the other three people, they all pretended not to hear.

It was better not to know about this kind of thing, but Daliang felt very itchy in his heart. But even if Macaulay didn't say anything, there was nothing he could do.

A group of people exited the palace.

Since none of them wanted to sit on the throne, Marquis Stanley gave the job of guarding the palace back to the original guards.

Macaulay went to take control of Hell's army and end Archduke Howard's standoff.

Joshua commanded the army in Chongming City to retreat to the other side.

Marquis Stanley ordered the undead army to return to Jiading City.

Joyce visited the nobles who survived William's purge one by one, asking them to come out to abbot the military administration of Shangjiang City and repair the damage to the city caused by the war.

Daliang was arranged to see Duke Howard and asked him to return to Shangjiang City as soon as possible to inherit the throne.

Fengxian City is an orc city. The rough architecture of the city is very consistent with the character of the orcs.

After Howard arrived, he rectified the orc military discipline, adjusted tribal conflicts, and developed minerals, which brought prosperity and stability to the city. Therefore, the orcs respected him very much and built a large tent for him and set aside a dedicated land for the human race. Troops are stationed.

Da Liang met Duke Howard in this big tent.

Compared with meeting him a few days ago, Howard looked much older.

His mansion in Shangjiang City was attacked by William, and he escaped from the siege of angels. He originally thought that William would care about family ties and not embarrass his family, but he did not expect that everyone in the family, old and young, would be slaughtered.

Howard, who returned to Fengxian City, has been immersed in sadness. Even with the constant provocations from the hell army outside the city, he has no energy to pay attention.

Facing Da Liang, Howard responded with silence.

Unable to get a reply from Howard, Archangel Bartlett invited Daliang out of the tent.

"Lord Viscount, please understand the mood of the Duke. After all, the Grand Duke dedicated everything he had to Shangjiang City, and in the end, everything was lost. Even if your Excellency wants to fight for the throne, he is not coveting the royal power, it is just for this. The city can be stable.”

Daliang has always admired Duke Howard very much, and can understand his mood at the moment: "Yes, no one can imagine that such a thing will happen, but the throne cannot remain empty forever. As time goes by, there is no guarantee that no one else will care about it. Jiang's situation can no longer withstand a major civil war. And if the Hell Lord King escapes, there will definitely be great turmoil in the main world in the future. We should end the internal strife as soon as possible and work together to increase our strength. When Hell and Yunzhong City go to war, Only then can we protect ourselves.”

Bartlett nodded. As an archangel, he knew how terrifying the Lord of Hell was. Every war between angels and demons was a disaster for all planes.

Good or evil, everyone has to choose a side.

"I will try my best to persuade the Duke. The Duke is a very strong man. He will come out of the shadows and become the king who will bring Shangjiang back to its glory."

The matter of persuading Howard was left to Bartlett. Daliang did not stay in Fengxian City to waste time. He returned to Giese's ship model cabin to continue the design of the single-masted battleship.

Gis didn't seem to have a major reaction to the battle that took place in Shangjiang City. After simply understanding the situation, he continued to guide Daliang in designing the single-masted battleship.

It was as if the boat was his entire life.

Daliang also took out some ideas on the wave-resistant design of ships that he had found online.

The bulbous bow has cross-epochal significance for modern and modern ship design.

Adding a bulbous nose structure to the underwater part of the bow can push the water flow through reverse pressure to offset the lateral resistance caused by waves on the hull.

This theory proposed by Daliang aroused Giese's interest.

"I have been studying how to make the lateral resistance on both sides of the hull cancel each other out by changing the hull structure, but I have never thought of using water pressure to offset the resistance. This is a very novel and very implementable idea. How did you come up with it? "

Of course, Daliang couldn't say that he checked it from the Internet, but said: "I felt it when I was flying on an aerial unit. When the gryphon aerial formation flew in a 'human' shape, the gryphon on its first flight had to withstand the air belt. All-round resistance comes from it, and the airflow generated by its forward flight can weaken the resistance encountered by the griffins in the rear formation, allowing the griffins to greatly save their physical strength when flying in formation.

I was thinking at the time, if we applied this principle to ships, would it save power consumption and increase the speed of the ship? "

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