Start with an Archangel

Chapter 310 Dilemma at Sea

Ships sailing in the water and flying creatures in the air are similar in many aspects.

Daliang used the principle that griffons flying in formation can reduce resistance to solve the resistance problem encountered by ships in navigation, and it was completely feasible.

"Yes, yes, I watch griffins flying overhead every day. Why didn't I think that their formation flying method can be applied to ship design? Think of a ship as a gryphon flying formation. We are here A device is installed on the bow of the ship to serve as a leading griffon. When this device is pushed forward, it will generate a reverse flow of water." With a realistic phenomenon that can be referenced, it shows that this idea is not fanciful and can be realized. . Giese became a little excited. He quickly drew a simplified diagram of a ship on the blackboard, and then added a bulbous bow at the bottom of the bow.

A simple device allowed Giese to completely fall into his own world. Lines appeared on the blackboard one by one. With his bright eyes, he could only make guesses about the functions of these lines.

However, Daliang was not in a hurry to add a bulbous bow to the single-masted battleship he designed.

The bulbous bow is now just a feasible theory. It does not mean that adding a bulbous bow to a ship will definitely increase the speed. Its position, shape, size, and even material need to be accurately calculated, otherwise the reverse flow generated by adding a bulbous bow will increase the resistance encountered by the ship.

As for studying the bulbous bow of wooden sailing ships, there is probably no better expert in the world than Giese.

A genius in ship design, a fast ship designer sought after by pirates, and an old guy who was the first to study the lateral resistance of ships.

Giese simply has all the makings of a bulbous bow.

Therefore, Daliang does not need or have the ability to study the bulbous bow now. He only needs to wait for Geis to study it and then teach himself how to design it.

When Geese began to study the bulbous bow, Daliang suddenly discovered that the intense ship design teaching he had imagined did not appear. And if Giese does not come up with the successful research on the bulbous bow, Da Liang will not be able to proceed with the next step of designing a single-masted battleship, and the study of ship design will be stuck here.

What are you doing?

The naval battle between the High School Alliance and the Lords Alliance is still going on.

Xu Man insisted on the strategy of defending in the south and attacking in the north. With the single-masted battleship drawings provided by Daliang and the financial support of gold merchants, the Yunxiao Fleet under the College Alliance expanded the number of single-masted battleships to more than 500.

A large number of single-masted warships formed a wolf pack in the sea. They established a navigation identification and isolation zone in the waters from Hangzhou to Shangjiang. All player ships traveling north and south, as long as they are not designated by Shangjiang and Gold Merchants, all merchant ships need to pay a high sea crossing fee to pass, and warships are prohibited from sailing.

If you want to pass without spending money, you can only take a detour, but detours will waste time.

Shangjiang is located in the middle of the coast of China, a key location for north-south currency. The university alliance blocked the sea here, causing players and merchants to complain.

Xu Man explained on behalf of the University Alliance.

I have no choice, the lords are so full that they want to block me. My merchant ship cannot get out, my guild needs to operate, and our hundreds of thousands of college league players need to survive, so we can only collect sea fees here. Want to save this money? Okay, let those lords end all hostile actions towards the College Alliance and stop malicious attacks on the College Alliance ships. We can make money on our own and there is no need to collect sea fees.

Through a public opinion offensive, the College Alliance transferred its conflicts with the maritime players to the Lords Alliance.

When their own interests were harmed, those maritime merchant players who were watching the excitement began to target the Lords Alliance.

The reason why the Lords Alliance blocked the University Alliance was because of the competition for the gold mine. Now that they have seized the gold mine, it would be too much to suppress the University Alliance like this. The most important thing is that this has affected the maritime trade in China. .

However, the lords have turned a deaf ear to the voices of the maritime merchant players. To these lords, the University Alliance and the Yunxiao Leader are just aliens, the lackeys of the gold merchants.

In the future, whether the lords can be on an equal footing with gold merchants in financial and economic terms depends on whether they can defeat the university alliance this time.

"Sometimes the competition in war is about patience. Whoever can persist until the last moment can win. In this battle, our supplies are being consumed in large quantities, and the college alliance will only lose more than us. Now they have We can still hold on with the support of gold merchants, but gold merchants are not philanthropists. When they feel our determination and realize that all their investments in college alliances are in vain, they will stop this kind of devoid of any kind. The reciprocal confrontation was our victory at that time.”

Shi Fei strengthened the determination of the lords to fight this confrontation.

No matter how much trouble those players and merchants make, they can only live with their mouths. They dare not use force against the powerful alliance of lords, because this ocean will eventually belong to the winning side, and the force and potential shown by the lords are beyond compare. Much better than the college alliance.

The Overlord Legion continued to provide low-cost single-masted battleship shipbuilding blueprints to the lords, and actively organized fleets to break through the isolation zone established by the University Alliance at sea.

The University Alliance did not place its hopes entirely on the public opinion war. The Yunxiao Fleet maintained the navigation identification isolation zone on the south side while strengthening its offensive against the lords of the Yellow Sea. The Dongyue Territory located on the Jiaozhou Peninsula became the main force of the Yunxiao Territory. Attack the target.

As the player team takes shape, the lords with powerful military power begin to gradually disclose the exact location of their territories. A thriving territory can increase the cohesion of guild members, and can also bring commercial returns to investors and attract more investment.

Dongyue Ling is located in Weihai City. It is located at the junction of the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, near the entrance of the Yellow Sea. It is a city with a very advantageous geographical location. It not only has rich marine resources, but also has inland river resources with great potential.

The good location has attracted a large number of investors to Dongyue Ling, and the construction of this territory has always been in a leading position in the world.

Dongyue Territory has begun to upgrade its territory to the fourth level. In terms of territory development speed in China, it is second only to Taiwan's Sun Moon God Territory and far lower than Dragon Star Territory, which has begun its fifth-level territory upgrade. It is ranked tied for third place with Liaoning's Tianyu Territory. three.

In the Battle of Shangjiang, Dongyue Leader was the main participant in attacking the University Alliance, and was also the main target of the University Alliance's offensive to the north.

Warships from both sides frequently clashed in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. Although no large-scale naval battles occurred, such small-scale sudden confrontations at sea were even more intense. Each fleet is desperate, and naval battles often end with one side being sunk.

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