Start with an Archangel

Chapter 311 Level 5 Territory

The Yunxiao Fleet was engaged in a war of attrition on the sea with the northern lords, while the Judgment Fleet had been in a state of rest.

The size of the Judgment Fleet has been increased to a hundred single-masted battleships, and Xu Man even allocated a two-masted warship as the flagship of the Judgment Fleet.

The powerful Judgment Fleet did not participate in the heated naval battle, because the main military officers Daliang and Suiyue were not at the station, and the fleet could only maintain a training state.

The crisis in Shangjiang was temporarily resolved, and Daliang, whose ship design had reached a bottleneck, finally had some free time.

So Daliang approached Xu Man to discuss the battle at sea.

The chaos in Shangjiang City came and went quickly. Most players did not know what happened in this city. They only knew that in just a few days, most of the nobles in Shangjiang City died, and even two of the kings of Donghai died. .

But Xu Man kept thinking about what Daliang said during the crisis in Shangjiang City, "You restrain the alliance members to stay away from Shangjiang City as much as possible. I will deal with this matter as soon as possible. If we let him go crazy again, Shangjiang will be over." "

Then when Xu Man was thinking about how Daliang could solve the chaos in Shangjiang City.

The Pudong Fleet launched an attack on Shangjiang City, and the "Oath" sailed directly into the land, showing everyone the power of air and space battleships.

Immediately afterwards, Chongming City's army landed on the north bank of Shangjiang River, and groups of golden dragons and green dragons withstood the angel troops of Shangjiang City.

The sound of cannons was rolling, the magic was overwhelming, and the griffon's body was really falling like rain.

And just when the players were guessing how long this war would last and which side would win, the undead army entered Shangjiang City.

Then the war ended instantly, and news spread that the new King of East China Sea had been killed.

It’s really a war that makes all players feel a little confused.

At this time, the ruling class of the system city is still an untouchable and mysterious area for players, and only a few lucky players can have some relationship with them.

Xu Man is already one of the lucky players to have access to Pudong Fleet Admiral Joyce.

But the more I get to know Joyce, the more I feel how much ability it takes for Da Liang to be able to enter and leave the Admiral's Mansion at will.

Now it seems...Daliang is leading a war to kill the new King of East China Sea.

This guy Daliang is really a bit unfathomable.

Of course, the greater Daliang's ability, the more beneficial it is to the college alliance. Therefore, Xu Man tried not to take the initiative to contact Daliang and let him do whatever he wanted. The better he developed in Shangjiang, the more stable the university alliance became.

Therefore, even if the Yunxiao Fleet had a difficult time fighting in the north, Xu Man did not mobilize the Judgment Fleet.

Now that Daliang is taking the initiative to care about the battle situation at sea, it means that he is free to participate in the war. Archangels and frost dragons, a new force on the sea, are enough to fight a decisive battle at sea.

Then when Xu Man said that he was preparing to concentrate the main force of the Yunxiao Fleet and the Judgment Fleet to attack the Dongyue Territory, Daliang said: "A big war is about to break out between Jeju City and Shangjiang City at sea. If our fleet is contained by the same lord, In the quagmire of naval battles, it is very likely that you will miss the opportunity to participate in the plot of this large-scale war. You also know my position in the Pudong Fleet. I can rely on my influence to let the Admiral Joyce of the Pudong Fleet carry out some high-return tasks. , assigned to the legions under the College Alliance, but we also need to have enough warships to complete these tasks."

Is there going to be a naval battle between Jeju City in South Korea and Sangjiang City in China?

The battle between the two main cities is definitely a war for absolute maritime dominance in the East China Sea. If a large number of tasks can be completed in this war, it will definitely be a qualitative improvement to the strength of the college alliance.

Moreover, Xu Man had seen Daliang's ability in the Pudong fleet, so there was no problem in starting a small camp for the corps affiliated with the College Alliance.

The question before the university alliance is how to get rid of the current quagmire of maritime struggles and concentrate its maritime power on the plot of this large-scale naval battle.

But will the lords allow the College Alliance to concentrate the fleet as they wish?

Even if it means showing national justice and asking the lords to stop their hostile activities against the University Alliance during the war. However, the rewards from the missions in the war cannot be immediately converted into strength if the lords immediately attack the fleet affiliated to the College Alliance that just suffered losses in the war after the war.

For the College Alliance fleet, it is likely to be a disaster.

"What should we do now? Once we fight the decisive battle with the lords in the north, the scale and time will be out of our control. It is very likely that we will not be able to fully participate in the naval battle between Jeju City and Sangjiang City; but if we do not fight, the lords will definitely seek cooperation after the war. We fight to the death, but it’s very uncomfortable anyway.”

Daliang said: "Fight, we must fight. But we must fight quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly, to scare the monkeys, and to beat Dongyue leader to death. It is as I originally planned, to force Dongyue leader to sign an alliance under the city, and to force the lords' alliance to negotiate peace." "

"Tell me about your plan..."

After discussing the plan to deal with the northern lords with Xu Man, Da Liang left Flea Street and returned to the Black Fire Territory.

The Black Fire Territory has completed the upgrade of the fifth-level territory. In terms of the construction progress of the territory, the Black Fire Territory has surpassed the Dragon Star Territory, which has just announced that it is upgrading the fifth-level territory.

Daliang had already obtained all the basic architectural drawings of the fifth-level territory from Marquis Stanley. This was also the last time he obtained the territorial architectural drawings from Marquis Stanley. For the next territory construction, you can only go to the base camp of the undead - the Kingdom of Death to obtain architectural drawings.

After the Blackfire Leader reaches level 5, the priority building for recruitment of certain types of troops is the level 5 building Soul Tomb: 10,000 gold, 20 wood, 20 stone (ghost production: 15+15).

The ability of the fifth-level ghost is not outstanding among the same-level arms. The characteristic of the army is to restore a certain amount of blood every once in a while. This seems to be a good ability, but for the ghost's body with residual blood, it can only be regarded as a consolation. Skills greater than practicality.

But the ghost is the first flying unit in the undead army. Before the powerful seven-level flying unit vampire comes out, the undead can only rely on the ghost to protect its sky. Fortunately, the output of the ghost is pretty good, which can be regarded as a compensation for the weak units. .

In addition to building spiritual tombs that can recruit ghosts, Da Liang has increased the number of evil temples that can recruit skeleton soldiers to 5, and the number of cemeteries that can recruit walking corpses to 3.

After the territory reaches level 5, the output of unit recruitment has also been improved to a certain extent. 5 evil temples can provide 350 skeleton soldiers for Da Liang every day; 3 cemeteries can provide 150 walking corpses for Da Liang every day.

The strong production of soldiers and abundant funds allowed Daliang to accumulate a large army of undead during this period of time.

20,000 skeleton soldiers and 3,000 walking corpses.

So many troops stood neatly in the sea. Looking around, there were densely packed white skulls and rotten heads floating on the sea.

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