Start with an Archangel

Chapter 312 The Lurking Lord of Hell

Such a large army and more soldiers in the future will be a huge burden on the Black Fire Territory's finances. Fortunately, this game is very thoughtful, and the lords will enter their clan's base camp at this moment. Inside, I believe that so many troops will be consumed very quickly.

Of course, even cannon fodder cannot be consumed at will.

The evil prison in the Blackfire Territory can transform skeleton soldiers into skeleton whippers. These demonized units with the attribute of dominating skeletons can upgrade the entire first-level skeleton army to the strength of second-level skeleton warriors.

As for the walking corpses, Da Liang has not transformed into plague crawlers too much for the time being.

After entering the Kingdom of Death, the Black Fire Lord's army focused on defense. Offensive units such as the Plague Crawler would not be too late to start manufacturing large quantities of the Black Fire Lord after they gained a foothold in the Kingdom of Death.

In addition, Da Liang is also looking forward to what changes the ghost will have after being transformed into the evil prison. Based on past experience, promotion is a must. Increased strength will make you more offensive, which is very consistent with the characteristics of the devil.

It's just that the spiritual tomb is still under construction, and if you want to see the ghost become a demon, you can only wait for two more days.

Another important building in the fifth-level territory is the shipyard.

Before level 5, all pre-buildings for building the shipyard have been constructed. Wood processing factory, blacksmith shop, cable making workshop, weaving workshop, fourth-level magic guild, tung oil refinery...

The Blackfire Nation already has the ability to build its own sloops.

At this time, the island reclamation project has produced results, and the land area within the Black Fire Territory has reached 400 acres, providing a large amount of available land for territory construction.

Building ships requires dry docks, so shipyards should be built on land near water.

At the same time, in order to build larger ships in the future, there are also great requirements for water depth.

The Black Fire Territory is located on a huge reef. From the early days when Daliang acquired the territory, he began to build quarries to expand the cracks on the reef to serve as waterways for ships to enter and exit.

There is now a waterway that has completed its initial excavation, which can accommodate three-masted warships traveling side by side, and smoothly reach the center of the Black Fire Territory from the outer sea.

At the same time, a small port was also excavated, which can fully meet the needs of the Blackfire Territory to build docks and shipyards.

Construction of the shipyard began.

Various other fifth-level buildings can be built as long as Daliang sees urgent need.

Precision material storage warehouse.

Alchemy material manufacturing center.

Large windmill.

Tidal water drainage.

Primary training ground.

It was not until all the wood in stock was exhausted that Daliang ended this extravagant money spree.

Whether it is the tomb or the shipyard, it will take two days to see it. Instead of staying in the lifeless territory for a long time, Daliang returned to Shangjiang City and transferred to the Frost Dragon Astro to Qingye Island.

Qingye Island now belongs to Daliang's fiefdom. Compared with Feichen Island, Qingye Island, which is larger in area, has more development potential.

All the cavemen and big-eared monster slave miners sent by Howard were sent to Aoba Island. These miners built fortifications around Aoba Island and expanded the dock and camp at the southern end of the island.

As more and more non-undead creatures join the Black Fire Territory, it is definitely not a long-term solution for these troops to be stationed in the Pudong Fleet. Daliang planned to turn Qingye Island into a military camp, where his non-undead troops would be concentrated in the future.

The main force of the Black Fire Fleet will also be transferred to the dock on Aoba Island.

As a forbidden area, Feichen Island is only responsible for mining crystal mines and placing territorial buildings, and will no longer be used to station troops.

Daliang, who had a little free time, continued to develop his territory.

And in a cave deep underground in Shangjiang City.

The jealous demon Angela angrily threw fireballs around, explosions echoed in the cave, and large rocks fell from above.

Many of them hit a large, blood-red python that stood upright.

"That's enough, Angela. Even if you collapse this cave, Shangjiang City above will not fall, and..." The python stretched its head towards Angela, its red eyes the size of lanterns, staring at the furious thing in front of it. The Demon King said: "It seems that I am the one who should be angry. The lava lake I created is about to erupt, and it will allow me to obtain the souls of the entire Shangjiang City residents. But you, you used me as a bait to deceive Holy Bella. If you can If it succeeds, I might be able to express my appreciation for your plan. But... you failed. If I were really trapped in that space by you, we would now be imprisoned by Yunzhong City again. Do you think Satan would save the two of us? An idiot?"

"I'm sorry, Ergus." The python is Ergus's true form, but Angela has no sincerity in apologizing: "I know you will not be in danger. You escaped before me, even if you were locked in space by me. Inside the confinement, Holy Bella can't beat you. No matter how strong she is, she is just a Holy Right Wing. Michael underestimates you and wants to catch you in a weak state? Why should he use his Holy Wings? And You don’t think that a few low-level creatures from the main plane can defeat me, do you?”

The distress letter in Daliang's hand is Ergus's biggest clue. Of course, he will not tell Angela, who can betray his teammates at any time. In fact, demons have the habit of betraying their teammates. It is only now that the dual pressure from Yunzhong City and the Fallen Angel has made the demon lords so cold that they have to help each other.

Ergus said: "Shangjiang City is the main city of the human race, and there is a projection of Yunzhong City in the sky above it. If we use excessive power, it will be sensed by Yunzhong City. When the door of space and time opens around you, I think It must have been Uriel, Metatron or Michael himself."

Of course Angela knew this. She was just looking for an excuse to get angry, but she was saved by Ergus again, which made her very unhappy.

"Then what should we do now? Your clone is probably about to be killed by Holy Bella, and your plan to flood Jiangcheng with a volcano will not be implemented. Otherwise, you and I go to find Satan, and the three of us can Kill a city quickly, absorb the souls and leave before Yunzhong City can react."

Ergos sneered and said, "Satan must be looking for his Doomsday Blade. If you are willing to look for him and are not afraid of being patted into pieces by him, just go."

Angela patted her chest and said: "Thank you for reminding me. If I go to find Satan, he will definitely think he is spying on the artifact. I heard that he moved the Doomsday Blade away when he was plotted by Lucifer. Do you know that the Doomsday Blade is there? Where?"

Ergus stood up again and closed his eyes: "Don't think about it if it's not yours. When Satan picks up the Doomsday Blade again, his power will be fully restored. He needs us and will help us. Restore your strength. Therefore, while Cloud City and Hell are focusing their attention on the main world, I suggest you stay calm, and the most important thing is to keep a low profile."

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