Start with an Archangel

Chapter 317 Dragon Star Leader

After the plot of "Misfortune Causes Xiao Qiang", Feishanzushi established the Dominator Guild with the prestige he had accumulated for a long time and the team he secretly prepared. Huge funds, excellent personnel, and a complete management system allowed the dominant guild to rise almost overnight.

The current dominant guild is spread across Hong Kong, Macao, Guangdong, and Hainan, with as many as 300,000 registered members, covering countless players. Just by looking at how Feishauzushi easily organized millions of players to reach the border of the Sino-Vietnam game zone during the National War against Vietnam, we can see how much influence Feishauzushi has here.

There are currently 12 main legions under the Dominion Guild, half of which are stationed in Hainan, specializing in the development of marine resources, and at the same time defending the territory of flying sand and rocks - the Dragon Star Territory.

As the "No. 1 Territory in the World", Dragon Star Territory has been attracting the attention of the world ever since Feishauzushi announced its existence.

The "generous" Feishauzushi not only selflessly shared his experience in territory construction and guided other lords to build their own territories, but also announced the development of Dragon Star Territory every once in a while, using a development speed that far exceeded other territories, allowing every lord to In addition to envy, I feel deeply afraid of Feishanzushi's ability and strength.

At this time, the Dragon Star Leader is the well-deserved "No. 1 in the world."

Walking in the Dragon Star Territory, you will be greeted by the spirit of elves. The dense and tall trees enclose the territory in the forest. Walking between the buildings, you will not feel any crowding. Instead, you can feel the different softness. The scenery makes people feel comfortable.

It doesn't feel like a territory used for war at all, but more like a resort.

When Feishauzushi develops his territory, he pays great attention to the sustainable discovery of the territory. At the beginning of construction, he divided the territory into multiple functional areas and reserved space for each future building.

Comprehensive planning makes Dragon Star Collar comfortable and spacious, and the excellent environment allows the elves living here to maintain a relatively good morale, thus improving work efficiency.

When Daliang arrived at Longxing Territory, he accompanied Xu Man on the path in the territory. The person responsible for welcoming them led them through the forest of the territory to the location where the meeting was held.

As the lord of the Yunxiao Territory, which is also an elven territory, Xu Man was full of admiration for the construction of the Dragon Star Territory.

"This is what an elven territory should look like. Our Yunxiao has been greatly influenced by the architectural style of the human race. It has a high-walled fortress and no trees are left around the territory for a clear line of sight. What's going on in the territory can be seen by high-altitude reconnaissance. It’s clear as day. Look at the Dragon Star Territory. It’s hiding in the forest and attacking from the air. The tree crown is a natural barrier.”

Hearing Xu Man's praise, Daliang felt sour.

They are both territories, so why is the gap so big? In the pictures posted by Shi Fei, I already feel that the construction of Longxing Ling is very awesome. This time, when I saw it on site, I felt it was even more awesome.

In front of you is a landscape garden-style territory, and is your own Black Fire Territory?

It's completely random construction and illegal architectural style.

All the buildings are either buried in the sea or crowded on small artificial islands. It is really embarrassing to see people.

Fortunately, I had the self-awareness from the beginning and did not disclose the Black Fire Leader. Otherwise, if people compared it with the Dragon Star Leader, I would just find a trap and bury myself.

At that time, Daliang would never praise Shi Fei's territory.

"Actually, the territory is built like this, but it is not used except for looking good. Now everyone is fighting high-tech wars supported by data platforms. The Dragon Star Territory is here, and the coordinates are known. The forest camouflage has no effect. Moreover, these canopies restrict the landing of attackers. , and also restricts its own aerial reconnaissance and attacks. Generally speaking, it imposes severe restrictions on the defender.

On the other hand, the Yunxiao Territory's construction ideas are biased towards the human race. This is because the human race has the strongest ability in urban offensive and defensive warfare. With strong walls and clear fields, the enemy cannot easily make sneak attacks, and the enemy's movements in the air can be grasped in time, allowing us to unleash our anti-air firepower.

The reason why he built such a flashy territory like flying sand and stones is because he has no strong foreign enemies. He belongs to the attacking side in this area. Making the territory more beautiful can improve his image.

We are now surrounded by enemies on all sides. Of course, the city walls must be built as high as possible, and the field of view must be as far away as possible.

The castle in our territory is guaranteed to be the most troublesome defensive building for every attacker. Once the artillery and ballistae are fired inside, whoever attacks must first consider whether they can resist the firepower of the castle. "

Xu Man nodded after listening to Daliang's words: "From what you said, Yunxiao Ling's construction style is indeed in line with our situation."

"Of course……"

Daliang said something to himself again, and the boastful brother almost believed it.

"Brother Daliang, brother Daliang."

As he was walking, a voice from behind called out loudly to Da Liang. Da Liang turned around and looked, isn't this Boss Jin?

Boss Jin has a territory called Jiuding Ling, so he also received an invitation letter from Feishaozushi.

The so-called discussion to formulate a convention restricting the use of ultimate creatures is obviously aimed at Yunxiao Territory and Dongyue Territory, which have now declared a state of war.

Now this war will directly affect the future development and investment direction of gold merchants. Of course, they hope that Yunxiao Ling can win.

The biggest asset of Yunxiao Leader is two level 14 ultimate creatures, an archangel and a frost dragon. They can all fly. In the battle for air supremacy in naval battles, they have deterrence and dominance that conventional flying creatures do not have.

In the eyes of gold merchants, the Archangel and the Frost Dragon are the University Alliance's greatest reliance in the battle of lords. It is precisely because of the existence of these two ultimate creatures that gold merchants are willing to invest in the University Alliance to fight against the Lord Alliance.

But if the university alliance signs this so-called convention restricting the use of ultimate creatures, why should a university alliance fight against such a large alliance of lords?

Therefore, when Boss Jin saw Daliang, he rushed over immediately, then pulled Daliang and Xu Man aside and said: "Feishaozushi is organizing discussions to sign a convention restricting the use of ultimate creatures. It is obviously a conspiracy against your university alliance. There are no level 14 creatures. Deterrence, these lords will definitely organize fleets to besiege you, so I firmly support your refusal to sign this convention. Just feel free to fight with the lords, we gold merchants will fully support you."

Daliang looked at Xu Man and said to Boss Jin: "Actually, we have promised Dongyue Leader to sign a convention restricting the use of ultimate creatures. And this meeting was also proposed by us and convened by Feishanzushi."

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