Start with an Archangel

Chapter 318 The Ultimate Biological Restriction Convention

"Confused!" Boss Jin said loudly. He felt that it was inappropriate to speak loudly here, so he lowered his voice: "This is obviously trying to trick you. How can you agree to sign such an unfair agreement? I hope you You can reconsider this, otherwise it will be difficult for me to convince other gold dealers to continue supporting this war that is doomed to fail."

Daliang said with a smile: "Brother Jin, it doesn't matter whether the gold merchants support us or not, as long as you support us. Don't worry, since we dare to sign this treaty, it means that we have the confidence to defeat them on a conventional battlefield."

Boss Jin shook his head: "We are brothers, and I personally absolutely support you. However, after signing the treaty, the lord uses several times the force to attack you from the north and south. How will you fight?"

Daliang whispered: "How to fight is our business, military secrets, Brother Jin doesn't need to know. I guess the meeting is about to start, let's go there quickly."

"Alas..." Daliang wants to sign this convention, but refuses to reveal his plan. Boss Jin can't figure out how they can win this war no matter how hard they think, the gap in strength is too big.

Should we continue to support university alliances? Boss Jin couldn't help but hesitate.

Daliang and Xu Man soon arrived at the meeting place.

At this time, most of the lords in China had arrived and were sitting around a round table.

Feishanzushi sat at the north position of the round table. The lords and some important personnel sat on his left hand side, while his right hand side was empty. It was obviously prepared for the isolated Yunxiao leader.

Xu Man and Daliang walked over and sat down at the due east position.

Compared with the numerous lords, Xu Man and Daliang were obviously weak and weak, just like the current situation at sea.

After Boss Jin came in, he looked at the two sides belonging to the hostile camps, then walked straight to Da Liang and sat down next to him.

Then he privately chatted with Daliang and said: "I have convinced the gold merchants to continue to support you. I believe you can fight a naval battle that will attract the world's attention. For this war, we have raised four drawings of two-masted battleships and provided them to you free of charge. .”

Daliang looked at the drawing of the two-masted battleship delivered in the mailbox and replied: "With these capital ships, this war will be easier."

"In addition, we have mobilized 150 single-masted battleships from our respective merchant escort fleets. They can temporarily join the fleet of the University Alliance and participate in the war in your name."

"That's great, let's have a big fight on the sea together."

Just when Da Liang secretly accepted the help from the gold merchants, Fei Sha Zuoshi saw that all the available lords had arrived, and stood up and said: "Everyone here controls the most powerful army in China in the game, and disputes over interests will inevitably lead to Fight, and then war becomes inevitable.

In order to reduce your losses in the coming civil war, and at the same time preserve our ultimate strength on the battlefield of future national wars. I invite you all to come and discuss a convention that restricts the participation of ultimate creatures in warfare that is suitable for widespread promotion and use.

I have drafted some preliminary outlines and details and now distribute them to you. Please read it carefully and provide your comments. "

The first draft of the convention drawn up by flying sand and stones was distributed to the participants by the people who dominated the legion.

The convention that Fei Sha Zuoshi came up with this time was actually the convention for the use of limited ultimate creatures that had been modified many times in his previous life and was used worldwide.

It explains in detail how the two warring parties constrain the actions of their own ultimate creatures, and makes a standard evaluation of whether the behavior of the ultimate creatures constitutes participation in the war.

There are also penalties for anyone using ultimate creatures to join the battle.

“Both parties declaring war are obliged to announce whether they comply with the ‘Ultimate Biological Restriction Convention’ on national-level channels and above before the war begins. If compliance with the Convention is not declared, the scale of the war will not be subject to this Convention.

If it declares compliance with the convention, the war party should strictly abide by all the regulations on the use of ultimate creatures in the convention. Once the convention on the restriction of ultimate creatures is violated, the defaulting party will be sanctioned by all lords who signed the convention.

The ‘Ultimate Biological Restriction Convention’ will only come into effect if both parties to the war declare their compliance at the same time…”

This convention has almost no loopholes in the interpretation of the regulations, judgments, and penalties that restrict ultimate creatures from participating in war, and it is perfect.

All the lords expressed no objection.

Xu Man was afraid that someone might try to trick the college alliance into something, so he read it several times and found nothing unreasonable.

After soliciting Daliang's opinion, Xu Man said: "On behalf of Yunxiao Ling and Shangjiang University Alliance, I have no objection to this 'Ultimate Biological Restriction Convention'."

It was completely unexpected.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's start signing."

Feishauzushi first signed his name on the convention and submitted it to the system for filing.

The other lords also signed their names on the convention and submitted it.

Then it was Xu Man's turn.

Feishauzushi said: "Boss Hunter Hongshang, you have to think clearly. You can't use level 14 creatures. I don't need to tell you what kind of situation you will encounter."

In fact, Shi Fei didn't want Xu Man to sign the convention. He thought he had guessed that there were only two level 14 creatures in the College Alliance. If she didn't sign the convention, Shi Fei could concentrate the ultimate creatures in the hands of the lords and destroy Da Liang's Archangel and Frost. Dragon killed.

Xu Man smiled and signed his name on the convention. After submitting, he said: "Of course I know what I will encounter? And I also want to remind you that you caused trouble in Shangjiang twice. What was the final result? "

Xu Man's words made Shi Fei look very unhappy. In the first battle on Shangjiang, he himself died and lost a golden dragon. In the second battle, the entire fleet was annihilated, and he completely lost his influence on Shangjiang.

Shi Fei glanced at Daliang, who was sitting there expressionless, and then said to Xu Man: "There are no ultimate creatures to use this time, and there is no Shangjiang Navy to join the battle. Let me see how you win."

After Shi Fei finished speaking, he made an announcement to all players in China on the national channel.

"Hello, players in China. Now, the 'Ultimate Biological Restriction Convention' jointly issued by all the lords in China has been discussed, drafted and signed in Dragon Star Territory, and uploaded to the Internet. This is a treaty A convention that is beneficial to everyone. We hope that everyone and every organization can declare compliance with the 'Ultimate Creature Restriction Convention' before a war occurs. Limit the scale of the war to what we can bear, and do not let precious ultimate creatures Dying from our own internal friction.”

Feishauzushi's speech on the national channel immediately attracted the attention of all players in China, and the "Ultimate Creature Restriction Convention" also spread quickly.

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