Start with an Archangel

Chapter 321 Transition

When Zui Xiyang made the final mobilization for Dongyue Fleet.

Da Liang stood on the bridge of a two-masted battleship.

In the night sky, a Milky Way runs through the sky, and the stars are brilliant.

On both sides of the two-masted battleship named "Dolphin" were three other two-masted battleships. These four two-masted battleships are the four two-masted battleship shipbuilding drawings that the gold merchants provided free support for this naval battle, and they were built urgently.

The four two-masted battleships all put their lights on, and rode the sea breeze together to sail silently under the darkness of night.

Intelligence shows that the main force of the Dongyue fleet has arrived in the sea off Nantong and continues to sail towards the fleet of the University Alliance, intending to start a decisive battle at sea with the alliance's fleet tomorrow morning.

In addition, the 100 warships separated from the Dongyue Fleet are still staying in the waters of Jeju Island, with no sign of returning to the Dongyue Territory or heading to the Nantong battlefield.

"Daliang, is your fleet traveling smoothly?"

Xu Man was very nervous before the war. This was almost a naval battle that determined the life or death of the college alliance. In order to win this battle, the college alliance invested all the funds it could spare. If they win, the university alliance can reverse the passive situation at sea and break through the blockade. If it fails, it will be unable to set foot in the ocean for a short period of time, and then be blocked by the maritime power of the Lords Alliance for a long time, which is enough to cause the alliance to collapse.

At this time, the fleet commanded by Daliang entered a state of silence, and even Xu Man could not find them on the alliance's data support platform.

"Smooth, very smooth." Da Liang on the bridge of the Dolphin glanced at the dark sea around him, "Everything is going according to plan. You can make tactical moves over there. At dawn tomorrow, collect the Dongyue Fleet. Enter the encirclement.”

"okay, I get it."

After Xu Man had a tactical exchange with Daliang, the University Alliance fleet that was originally anchored on the sea set sail together to attack the Dongyue Fleet.

At this time, Daliang contacted Sidney: "Has the Blackfire Fleet arrived at its location?"

"Lord, the Blackfire Fleet has arrived."

"Stand where you are. Attention! The Blackfire Fleet will not directly participate in the battle this time. The fleet uses defense as the core of its tactics."

"Yes, Lord Lord."

The Blackfire Fleet has moved into position.

Daliang contacted Shu Xiao: "What was the result of your study with Holy Bella?"

At this time, Shu Xiao was standing in the square where the Judgment Legion was stationed. The armor on his body had been replaced by the style of Holy Bella. The light armor could make the body more flexible when flying.

Hearing Daliang's question, Shu Xiao replied: "I have just come into contact with Angel's combat skills. It is very different from fighting on an aerial mount. It is more flexible and comfortable, and it also makes offense and defense more diverse. . I have only learned a little bit now, but if I use Obbit to evaluate my current strength, there is no problem in beating him five times."

Obit is the elf Pegasus knight hero that Shu Xiao conquered. He is a very strong aerial combat hero who once tortured Shu Xiao to pieces. After Shu Xiao recruited Obili, he has been training him in a small way, and his strength is much stronger than before.

Shu Xiao said that if he could fight 5 Obilis, he would be almost as powerful as an ordinary archangel.

The angel wings are really powerful, and of course it is related to the level of Holy Bella and Shu Xiao's own aerial combat talent.

In this war, using Shu Xiao, who has angel wings, should not violate the "Ultimate Creature Restriction Convention."

Shu Xiao's improvement in strength is another boost to Daliang's plan.

Daliang ordered to Shu Xiao: "The air combat troops of the Judgment Legion have begun to transition. Reinforce the confidentiality discipline on them."

"Yes, legion commander."

After ending the call with Daliang, Shu Xiao turned around. In front of her was the already assembled air combat unit of the Judgment Legion.

The current Judgment Legion has been upgraded to a second-level legion, with the upper limit of members increased to 1,500. After the legion's recruitment expansion, the air combat force still maintained a size of 1,000 people.

"Attention everyone, the combat mission has been assigned to me by the legion commander. Before assigning the mission, the first thing I emphasize is the confidentiality discipline. From now on, no image files or audio files of what you see and hear are allowed to be left behind. The documents are not allowed to be told to anyone. We are the top secret force and complete the most confidential tasks. Once there is a leak, the consequences are clearly written in the contract you signed. So, don’t do it for some small gains. , do things that you will regret for the rest of your life.

Now I start to give out the task: the first step is to click on your legion's assembly flag to transition. "

After Shu Xiao's order was issued, the crowd of people standing in the square where the Judgment Legion was stationed disappeared instantly.

Several three-masted merchant ships and two-masted merchant ships were protected by the Black Fire Fleet. The empty cabins were densely filled with legion assembly flags. When Shu Xiao issued the order to transfer the legion's air combat troops, the place was immediately filled with players.

Three days ago, members of the air combat unit of the Judgment Legion were required to place a legion assembly flag in the cabins of several three-masted merchant ships and two-masted merchant ships.

Then these merchant ships, escorted by the Black Fire Fleet under the banner of Chongming Fleet, arrived at the offensive position.

In this way, the Judgment Legion's air combat troops completed their pre-war deployment simply by transporting the legion's assembly flag.

Shu Xiao, who also arrived at the Black Fire Fleet through the legion assembly flag, once again issued an order to the air combat troops through the legion channel: "There is a group of special troops on the merchant ship you are on, and most of you have used it. Its name is plague. Creepers, this is a very dangerous unit, please use it with caution. Now the 9th and 10th squads clear your soldier cards and all modify them into plague crawlers. The usual training subjects of the 9th and 10th squads include aerial throwing items , it’s time to test your training results.

Now, all members of the Judgment Air Combat Force are on standby, waiting for the next attack order. "

Shu Xiao reported to Daliang: "The ruling air combat unit has completed its transition and can launch air strikes on the target at any time."

"Stand by."

As the fleet was advancing, Daliang looked at his chart and then contacted Xu Man: "Has the observation post arrived at its location?"

"It's in place. I have sent a total of ten observation posts, and now the images from the front have been transmitted. There is no change in the Dongyue Territory. Next to the Dongyue Territory is the Dongyue Corps station, and there are 20 single-masted warships left in the station port. It's all parked on the dock and our guys are marking the locations of their shore defenses."

Daliang said: "The fort, the most important thing is the fort. As long as the fort is killed in the raid, my fleet can enter the port and use artillery to destroy other defenses."

Xu Man replied: "I understand. I will let the observation post focus on finding and marking the location of the fort. You can check it through the data support platform attached to the Judgment Corps."

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