Start with an Archangel

Chapter 322 Attack

Daliang has already seen the information transmitted from the Alliance Data Network through the Judgment Legion's data backend through his authority.

In the dark night, the Dongyue leader is lit up with lights, and in the video, you can see the garrison soldiers patrolling the city wall.

It was now during the war. In order to prevent the College Alliance from sneak attacks from land, Zui Xiyang focused on strengthening the defense of the territory when he left. The tall city wall, the four-corner forts, and the towering shooter towers inside the wall all show the tight defense of Dongyue Territory.

Dongyue Territory is located in Weihai, an 11th-level city at the eastern end of the Jiaozhou Peninsula. Now that Dongyue Territory is in a state of war, the teleportation array in Weihai City has been closed to outside players. If the college alliance wants to attack Dongyue Territory from land, it can only teleport Yantai City and Qingdao City next to Weihai City first, and then march Entering the sphere of influence of Weihai City.

If the College Alliance plans to attack the Dongyue Territory from land, the Dongyue Legion will have enough time to react. When the University Alliance is fighting as an away force, players who use teleportation formations can only use the troops in their troop cards. For local operations, the Dongyue Army has an absolute advantage in strength. As long as the Dongyue Army can withstand the first wave of attacks from the University Alliance, Zui The entire subordinate legion can be assembled at sunset to annihilate the invading enemies.

Therefore, when one's own side is strong and surrounded by friendly forces, Zui Xiyang is not worried about threats on land.

A territory that is tightly defended both inside and outside is what Daliang sees now.

On the seaside to the north of the neighboring Dongyue Territory is the headquarters of the Dongyue Legion, the core legion of the Dongyue Territory. This legion, which was built with the most emphasis on Zui Xiyang, has a very complete defensive offensive. Not only does it have twenty single-masted warships stationed in the port, Three permanent defense forts consisting of 15 artillery pieces were also set up on the dock. The three forts have cross-firing angles and can block the entire port.

At this time, the positions of all the artillery in the Dongyue Territory had been marked by observers in the front, and the data support platform directly under the Judgment Corps began to calculate and assign targets.

The night was long and the sea was silent.

Time passed little by little, and everyone was looking forward to the sea battle after dawn.

Daliang continued to observe his chart. The Dongyue fleet had entered the pocket, and his own fleet was about to arrive at the attack position.

"The air combat troops of the Judgment Legion are ready for action. Before I lead the main fleet to arrive, clear the obstacles and cover the fleet's entry into Dongyue Port!"

Da Liang's instructions came from the "Dolphin".

On the deck of the merchant ship protected by the Black Fire Fleet, groups of Royal Griffins and Silver Pegasus took off.

Last time when they attacked Shangjiang against the Alliance of Lords, the Judgment Legion suffered a lot from the flying creatures. After the war, Xu Man withstood the pressure within the alliance and spent huge sums of money to unify the flying mounts of the Judgment Legion's air combat troops. Each member had a royal griffon mount and two gryphon followers. The main first team was all equipped with silver flying mounts. Horse, the air combat capability has been greatly improved.

It can be said that in terms of the luxury of the air combat troops, only the Dominator Legion in the entire China region can rival the Judgment Legion.

In addition, in order to successfully gain air supremacy, Daliang also dispatched the air force of the Black Fire Territory, 100 Silver Pegasus knights and 400 griffins.

The entire Judgment Corps air combat force took off in waves. They first gathered in small groups in the air, and then gathered into a large air assault formation.

Shu Xiao unfolded her angel wings, and her superior flying ability allowed her to quickly appear in front of the entire formation.

"Release the flying units carried in your soldier cards and prepare to receive status blessings."

Under Shu Xiao's order, the members of the Judgment Legion's air combat unit released the flying units in their own cards, including griffons, gargoyles, and harpies.

The entire sky was instantly covered by dense air units.

At this time, on the deck of the Blackfire Fleet's flagship "Skeleton Soldier", the magic mage released buff magic on the army in the night sky.

Magic fountains exploded in the air.

A string of advanced buffs appear on players and their soldiers.

After the buffing magic was completed, Shu Xiao said: "Now take back your soldiers, and each department will begin to accept the tasks assigned to you by the legion data command platform. This time our main attack target is the Dongyue Territory and its subordinate legion, the Dongyue Legion. The first wave of attacks must destroy their forts and severely damage the warships staying in their ports, then suppress the enemy with air, and cover the regiment commander's fleet to bombard the Dongyue Territory.

Although we are fighting as a guest force this time, we will face more enemy air forces than us. But look at the equipment and mounts we have on us. The Judgment Legion built by the Alliance with a lot of money is not for us to fight conventional battles. Our mission is to deliver the most fatal blow to the enemy in the most dangerous location.

Whether this war can be won or not depends on the performance of our Judgment Corps this time.

Now I command!

Judgment Legion air combat troops, attack! "

Discipline kept the air combat troops of the Judgment Legion silent, but on the legion's air combat command channel, the messages from various departments flooded the screen, allowing Shu Xiao to feel how high the fighting mood of the troops was.

There is no battle more exciting than heading straight into the middle of the enemy's army.

The Judgment Corps air combat troops, led by Shu Xiao, flew towards the landing.

The first squadron equipped with Silver Pegasus serves as the vanguard of the entire air group, quickly moving forward to clear the airspace. In the rear, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th squadrons formed the central cluster. The 9th and 10th Squadrons responsible for the bombing were behind, and they were the last batch to enter the battlefield. After the friendly forces established an air safety zone, they dropped plague crawlers on their respective targets.

On the bright operational map, the air combat force of the Judgment Corps led by Shu Xiao was approaching the Dongyue Territory. Then he said to Xu Man: "Inform our forward observers to light fire to guide the direction of the air force and sea fleet."

Around Dongyue Territory, groups of bonfires were burning, and these fires were particularly conspicuous under the night.

The bonfires outside the territory attracted the attention of the Dongyue Legion. The guards originally thought that nearby players were setting fires to drive away monsters, but they soon realized that the place where the bonfires were lit was not the place where monsters spawned.

Something is fishy.

Since the enemy was not directly discovered, the commander of the Dongyue Corps who stayed behind did not sound an alarm, but arranged for personnel to go to the location of the bonfire to check.

A patrol team walked to the bonfire. Facing the raging fire, he reported back: "Hey, boss. We are here. There is a fire here, and no suspicious persons were found."

The commander said: "No one? Things are a bit strange. Please expand the search area. It is impossible for such a big fire to burn by itself..."

Just as the commander was paying attention to the situation over the campfire, a warning from the night air sentry came over the legion channel: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack! A large number of unknown air forces are flying towards us. They are fast and they are Silver Pegasus. They are coming..."

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