Start with an Archangel

Chapter 323 Bombing

In the sky above Dongyue Territory, Shu Xiao led the first squadron of the Judgment Air Combat and quickly killed the Dongyue Legion air combat sentry.

Angel wings spread out on Shu Xiao's back shoulders, and her speed in the night sky was extremely ghostly. When the sentinels just saw the first squadron riding the Silver Pegasus, Shu Xiao had already fallen to them from a higher altitude. behind.

Many sentries were attacked and killed by Shu Xiao before the alarm was issued. Therefore, when the remaining commander of the Dongyue Legion received the air warning, the air combat troops of the Judgment Legion were already approaching the land.

The bonfire surrounding the Dongyue Territory gave the air raid troops a clear reference, and the target to be attacked was quickly found.

Alarms sounded in the Dongyue Territory and Dongyue Legion garrison. A large number of players quickly returned to the air defense position, and a team of air combat personnel on standby took off in an emergency. The Judgment air combat troops that had already occupied a high position immediately suppressed them.

Magic and arrows instantly filled the space in the air and on the ground, and the attack on the Dongyue Territory began.

The already launched Judgment air combat troops completely controlled the sky above the Dongyue territorial port. The Dongyue Legion air force that had scrambled to take off was beaten so hard by Shu Xiao and his men that they could only use the cover of the air defense personnel below to maintain their position. The control of a small area of ​​sky provides space for more support to take off.

"The port is under control, the bombing squadron is entering, entering!"

Shu Xiao led the Silver Pegasus knights to fly through the sky. All Dongyue Legion air units that attempted to retake the port airspace would be immediately attacked by them. The elite flying units of the Judgment Legion swept everything in the air, providing a way for the rear to follow. The advanced bombing squadron created a space where bombing could be carried out safely.

The Ninth and Tenth Squadrons entered Dongyue Port in a group of ten people. They maintained a constant speed and stable direction.

Below is a fleet of single-masted battleships that are weighing anchor and preparing to leave port. At this time, their sails have just been raised, and the hull has not even left the dock.

Groups of royal griffons roared past the fleet from above, clinging to the mast. Then unknown creatures fell from above one after another.

The four-legged crawling creatures have a cracked bulge on their backs, revealing the disgusting flesh balls inside. They look like undead soldiers. They are very fast and can easily pounce on the sailors, biting them desperately as the sailors wail...

The captains on the ship immediately ordered the sailors to kill them. They must deal with the enemies on the deck as soon as possible and then drive the warship out of the port.

So many flying troops definitely did not come from land. They flew from the ocean. This showed that a transport fleet had arrived nearby, perhaps accompanied by some escorting warships.

The stopped fleet has only a dead end, and the remaining fleet must move as soon as possible, and then rely on the shore defense batteries to resist the enemy fleet's attack.

Fortunately, there are not many of these airdropped troops. Although the sailors on the battleship are mainly low-level troops, they can kill these undead creatures simply by relying on their numbers.

The sailors gathered around under the captain's order, and under attack from various weapons, the disgusting undead creatures on the deck were quickly killed.

But just when the captains were about to order the sailors to continue starting the battleship, the originally dead undead creatures suddenly exploded among the surrounding sailors.

Explosions sounded on the battleships one after another.

The sailors fell into the sea in the explosion, and various items were torn apart and flew into the air. In a short period of time, the deck was in a mess with no one standing. The plague spread and quickly enveloped the ship.

The explosion soon passed, and all the warships stopped moving, as if a dead ship was parked on the dock.

At this time, the same explosion sounded on the shore again.

Coastal defense forts are important defensive facilities. Preventing enemies from sneak attacks on the forts from the air is also a top priority for fort defense. The Dongyue Legion has arranged tight defense facilities for its three coastal defense forts. Not only are there a large number of ballistae and archers stationed here, but there are also a group of spellcasting professional players who have planted the legion's assembly flag here. As long as an air power attack is detected, the air defense system can be deployed here in a short period of time.

The area near the fort was also the location with the densest concentration of air defense forces in the port, and the Judgment Legion's air combat troops did not dare to approach too closely.

However, outside the range of the ballistae, the Judgment Legion's air combat troops had firm control of the air. The Dongyue Legion organized air combat forces to attack many times, but they were easily beaten back.

The following bombing squadron completed the airdrop bombing at an altitude of 300 meters, and the dense plague crawlers were thrown out of the weapon cards.

"It's the Plague Creeper. The Judgment Legion once used this type of unit in the battle for the Cloud Territory. These creatures will explode after being killed. Everyone attacks immediately and lets them explode in the air."

The plague crawlers that had been used once in the Yunxiao Territory were recognized. These self-destructing units made the ground defenders very afraid. They increased the density of air attacks in an attempt to blast these plague crawlers in the air.

However, while the fort air defense troops focused their attention on the missing plague crawler, Shu Xiao led the Silver Pegasus Knight and passed over the fort fortifications at low altitude.

The raid turned the originally orderly defense forces into chaos, and a large number of people were killed. Some attacked the falling plague crawlers, while others turned to attack the enemies that had already rushed past.

The plague crawlers fell very fast. Shu Xiao led his team to cooperate with the attack. Only a small number of plague crawlers were killed in the air. The delay in self-destruction caused their corpses to still fall near the fort fortifications.

"Pa bang bang..."

The plague crawlers fell to the ground like rain. Falling from a high altitude killed them directly, and then the bulges on their backs began to swell and shine.

A series of explosions began.

The remaining fleet, forts and important air defense groups were paralyzed after being bombed.

The Judgment air combat troops immediately organized the landing of manpower, further expanded the results, and destroyed those facilities that had not been bombed.

At this time, the Dongyue Army's port defense facilities had been completely destroyed, the Dongyue Army's air combat force was beaten back step by step, and subsequent bombings began to spread to the Dongyue Army's garrison.

The battle that took place in the Dongyue Territory had already alarmed Zui Xiyang, who was preparing for a decisive battle with the University Alliance fleet in the Nantong waters.

"Where did the Judgment Corps air combat troops come from?

No, it's impossible! It is impossible for them to have a large fleet to break through our surveillance network and enter the northern waters of the Yellow Sea. They could only use a small group of merchant ships to smuggle this force near the territory. How many people did they have?

Thousands of people? Only a thousand people. Do you think an air force of a thousand men can threaten the garrison I left for you? Fight, let's use our air force to fight them. How many rideable flying units can they bring with them...

What! The fleet was bombed? The fort was bombed? What did they use to fry it?

Plague Crawler! Cao!

What, the Judgment Legion invested in the Archangel, you must have seen the Archangel! "

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