Start with an Archangel

Chapter 324 Those with wings are not necessarily angels

The commander of the Dongyue Legion who stayed behind sent a video to Zui Xiyang, in which an angel with white wings spread out from his back was killing people at night. As fast as a meteor cutting through the night, she led an aerial formation composed of Silver Pegasus knights, smashing into pieces the rising aerial troops of the Dongyue Legion.

Damn it!

Zui Xiyang cursed angrily.

Yunxiao Leader has just announced its compliance with the "Ultimate Biological Restriction Convention", and now it is blatantly throwing Archangels into the war. Isn't this a slap in the face?

Zui Xiyang immediately issued an announcement on the national channel, strongly condemning Yun Xiaoling's serious violation of the "Ultimate Biological Restriction Convention".

"The Yunxiao Leader has just signed the 'Ultimate Creature Restriction Convention' and announced that this war will abide by the convention. It has only been three days, and they have openly used the ultimate creature to participate in the war. I have never seen such a shameless person! Please recognize it. The face of the Qing University Alliance is just like their usual style, which is powerful and shameless. They rely on their own numbers to suppress other player organizations in the Shangjiang area, resulting in a situation where the Shangjiang Area University Alliance is dominated by one player. Players are complaining. This kind of senselessness The occupation of Shangjiang by a reputable player organization is an insult to us in China. I hope the players in China will stand on the side of Dongyue Leader in this battle. Together, we will drive out the university alliance and restore freedom to the waters of Shangjiang. order."

Zui Xiyang suddenly spoke on the national channel, leaving the players who were waiting to watch the naval battle confused.

what happened? It was just a little brighter today, and the Dongyue Fleet and Yunxiao Fleet in the live broadcast have not met yet. Why did the Yunxiao Leader use Archangel? Didn't you see it?

The battle in Dongyue Territory has not spread yet.

When the players watching the game didn't know what Zui Xiyang was talking about, Xu Man responded on the national channel.

"Boss Zui Xiyang, it's not what a person of your stature should do to frame someone up casually. You said I used an archangel. Do you have any evidence? There is no picture and no truth. What are you talking about?"

The emotions of the players watching the game were ignited. The war hasn't started yet, let's fight first. This is a good foreplay!

Put away the maza and watch the show first.

Zui Xiyang replied on the national channel: "Without pictures, there is no truth? I even have a video. I have posted the video of Yunxiao Leader sending archangels to participate in the war on the official website of Dongyue Guild. Everyone should watch it to see who Yunxiao Leader is. It’s not like joining the Archangels in the war.”

The melon-eaters immediately logged into the official website of Dongyue Announcement.

Sure enough, a war video appeared at the top. A war was going on under the night sky, and then the camera captured the traces of an angel. The angel was fighting in human form, and the white wings behind her fully demonstrated her identity.

If this angel really belongs to the Yunxiao leader, he is probably Angel Ji under Daliang.

What's puzzling is where did this battle take place? Why does it seem that the side Angel is on belongs to the attacking side? The defenders above the entire battlefield were beaten so hard that they could not even lift their heads. Once the limited air power was assembled, they were immediately smashed to pieces by Angel leading the Silver Pegasus Knights.

However, Dongyue Leader did produce evidence that the angels participated in the battle, and the large number of Silver Pegasus that appeared in the video was consistent with the military strength that Daliang had always shown. He was the only one in the entire China who could produce such a large number of Silver Pegasus.

Feishauzushi may have a large number of Pegasus knights in his hands, but he cannot upgrade the Pegasus knights, so there is no organized Silver Pegasus knights.

It seems that the Yunxiao Territory really invested the Archangel in the war, on the third day after they announced their compliance with the "Ultimate Creature Restriction Convention".

As the first war to abide by the convention, Yunxiao Territory is about to become the first territory to violate it.

Even the players who watched the game with a theatrical mentality couldn't help but have a very negative view of Yunxiao Ling and Shangjiang University Alliance.

After a while, Xu Man spoke again on the national channel: "Zui Xiyang, your video is too blurry. There is a clearer video on the official website of the University Alliance. Please go there and be careful. Those with wings are not necessarily angels."

Things took a big turn, and the concerned people immediately moved to the official website of the University Alliance.

The same war, this time shot from the attacker's perspective.

Royal griffons, gryphons, and silver pegasus controlled the entire sky, and the dawn sun illuminated the battlefield.

Looking down from the air, below is a territory facing the sea. The defender has almost lost control of the air and can only rely on ground archers, ballistae and magic to prevent the attacker's air units from approaching the ground.

Most players have already guessed where this place is.

Dongyue collar.

Among the entire player territories in China, only the Dragon Star Territory and the Dongyue Territory are so close to the coast. Looking at the human buildings in the territory, there is no doubt that this is the Dongyue Territory.

The Yunxiao Territory is actually attacking the Dongyue Territory!

Didn't Zui Xiyang open a search net on the sea? How did they get here!

Just when everyone was wondering that the Yunxiao Territory had actually started to attack the Dongyue Territory, the camera stopped on a group of flying Silver Pegasus knights.

The one flying ahead was none other than Zui Xiyang's archangel, the ultimate creature thrown in by the Yunxiao leader in violation of the treaty.

But up close, this archangel seems a little different.

First of all, the bright Angel Girl has big golden waves, and this one has a chestnut ponytail. Angel Ji wears full body armor, but this one wears half body armor and has a great figure. Of course, most of the women in the game have gotten themselves in great shape for their characters.

It's obviously not the same angel. Could it be that there is another ultimate creature in Yunxiao Leader's hands?

Just when everyone was making a lot of guesses, the angel flew over.

Facing the camera, he said: "See clearly, our boss said that those with wings may not necessarily be angels, they may also be birdmen."

Shu Xiao thought he had told a bad joke, then he laughed and leaned back, turned around and rushed forward. After showing off his flying skills, he caught up with the Silver Pegasus Knight and continued to fly throughout the airspace.

Kao! It turned out to be a player, and the player actually had angel wings. Isn't this too high-end?

After Shu Xiao revealed his identity to the camera, Xu Man said on the national channel: "Obviously, the archangel that Boss Zui Xiyang mentioned is actually a player. Having angel wings for a player does not violate the 'Ultimate Creature Restriction Convention,' right?" .”

Zui Xiyang didn't reply. He really didn't expect that the archangel wreaking havoc in the sky above Dongyue Territory was just a player. She looked like she was the deputy commander of the Judgment Legion, Sui Yue, an air commander praised by Dreamless Wings.

What Zui Xiyang is most concerned about now is how to regain the air control of the Dongyue Territory. Now everyone knows that the Yunxiao Territory is attacking their own Dongyue Territory, and it is really embarrassing for him to have his airspace occupied while fighting in his lair.

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