Start with an Archangel

Chapter 325 Ultimatum

Especially when the College Alliance took advantage of the situation and started to live broadcast the attack on the Dongyue Territory, it was even more important to regain the air control of the territory as soon as possible. Otherwise, with so many players watching together, the enemy troops flying over the Dongyue Territory would simply lose their prestige.

It's just that the main force of the Dongyue Legion's air force is moving with the fleet. Now that the fleet of the College Alliance has come to attack, the main force of the air force cannot give up protecting the fleet and go back to support the territory.

At present, it seems that with the remaining air forces suppressed, the only option is to ask for help from Tianyu Ling.

And just after Zui Xiyang sent a message to Tianyu leader in Liaodong requesting air support, a scene appeared in the college alliance live broadcast that made Zui Xiyang's heart suddenly freeze.

At this time, the live broadcast of the Dongyue Territory battle given by the College Alliance turned to the sea.

A massive fleet appeared there.

Zui Xiyang discovered that the fleet entering its own waters was actually seen through the video provided by the enemy, which was enough to show how urgent the situation in Dongyue Territory was.

Losing air superiority is like losing your eyes.

Under the rising sun, a fleet covering the entire sea area sailed from the eastern sea.

The leader is the main fleet composed of four brigantine battleships. An unknown number of single-masted battleships are scattered around the main fleet. Together, they raise the flag of the Judgment Legion and reveal their identities to every player watching the video.

Daliang appeared on the national channel: "Hello, players in China. I am Daliang. Now I declare the eastern waters of the Bohai Sea and the northern waters of the Yellow Sea as war zones. All ships operating in these waters, please enter the nearest port. Otherwise, it will be attacked by my fleet. If it is sunk, I will not compensate you for any losses.

I repeat, please ask all player ships in the eastern waters of the Bohai Sea and the northern waters of the Yellow Sea to enter the nearest port immediately, otherwise they will be attacked by my fleet!"

The Judgment Fleet is now a guest force, and most of the ships in this area provide maritime information to the northern lords. Da Liang threatens these sailing players to enter the port through the national channel, which is equivalent to cutting off the ears and eyes of the lords, and it will be difficult for the lords to grasp the deployment and movements of the ruling fleet.

The port of Dongyue Territory has been seen ahead. Shu Xiao's air combat troops have completed the clearing of obstacles and won the air superiority of Dongyue Territory. The sea area ahead is unobstructed.

Daliang issued an order to the fleet: "The right-wing fleet and the left-wing fleet sailed radioactively to both sides along the coastline and set up warning circles. The garrison fleet stayed in the outer sea and drove away all ships intending to approach the battlefield. If they did not move, they were allowed to be sunk. The central fleet Move with the main fleet, and the main fleet enters the port.”

Under Daliang's order, the fleet that was originally heading towards the Dongyue Territory began to disperse. Each squadron moved towards the sea area it was responsible for in accordance with its respective responsibilities.

Daliang led the main fleet and the central fleet, a total of four two-masted warships and fifty single-masted warships to maintain the course and continue sailing towards Dongyue Territory.

Above the national frequency.

"Lord Dongyue, I am Daliang. Now I am leading the main force of the ruling fleet to enter the Dongyue port channel. You should be able to see my fleet on the video. There are 198 brigs and single-masted warships in the entire Bohai Sea. , there is no fleet in the northern part of the Yellow Sea that can stop me.

I hope you can see the current situation clearly. War will only cause you to suffer heavy losses.

I hereby suggest that you renounce all hostile actions against the Shangjiang University Alliance, and agree to discuss with the University Alliance the establishment of a new maritime order in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the northern East China Sea.

The College Alliance Alliance is suffering unfair treatment from the so-called Lords Alliance, and I come here with good intentions.

You have twenty minutes to think about it. You can end this war at any time before my fleet reaches the attack position. "

How did they get there?

At this time, Zui Xiyang only had this question in his mind. It was impossible for such a large fleet to cross the surveillance zone from Qingdao City to Jeju City.

The main force of the Dongyue Fleet is now in the Nantong waters, and a squadron is in the Jeju Island waters. The only remaining fleet has lost its combat effectiveness due to the plague crawler bombing. Also ineffective are the forts in the port.

Now there is really no fleet in the entire Bohai Sea and the northern Yellow Sea that can compete with the Judgment Fleet.

When the Judgment Fleet enters Dongyue Port, the Dongyue Territory will be directly exposed to the cannons of the Judgment Fleet.

Now that Daliang has sent a message, how should I respond?

When Zui Xiyang was thinking about replying to Daliang, a message came from Feishaozushi.

"I am actively organizing manpower to rescue your Dongyue Territory. Wumeng Wing has led the air combat troops of the Dominion Legion to teleport to Yantai. He will help you regain the air supremacy of the territory. A batch of single-masted battleship blueprints have been sent to Tianyu leader, they are entrusting shipyards in various cities on the Liaodong Peninsula to build single-masted warships. In two days, 150 single-masted warships will be delivered. It only takes one day to reorganize and assemble, and they can attack the Judgment Fleet.

Your Dongyue Leader has pinned down the strongest legion in the College Alliance, and you can easily win the naval battle in Nantong.

In three days, we can destroy the Judgment Legion in the north. I can lead the Southern Lord fleet to reach Shangjiang, and our two fleets will join forces to blockade Shangjiang.

At that time, all surface ships in the College Alliance were wiped out by us, and he had no money to continue fighting with us.

Victory is ultimately ours. "

Zui Xiyang replied: "But the Judgment Fleet can bombard my Dongyue Territory right away."

"The range of naval guns of sea-going ships is limited. Even if the ruling fleet fires close to the shore, their range cannot cover the entire Dongyue Territory.

The tactics used by the Judgment Fleet to attack the Dongyue Territory were very good, but they also put themselves in a desperate situation. This is a great opportunity to eliminate them, some losses can be tolerated. "

Zui Xiyang said: "Boss Fei, it's not your Dragon Star Territory that will be bombarded now. If my Dongyue Territory is knocked down, you should know what kind of loss it will be."

Shi Fei was silent for a moment, he knew what Zui Xiyang wanted. Shi Fei didn't want to make that kind of promise, but if he didn't agree at this time, Zui Xiyang would probably turn to the side of the College Alliance.

"Okay, I agree that you will be the leader in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea from now on. But the Lords Alliance still has to listen to me."

"Of course, Boss Fei's vision and ability are admired by all of us."

Feishanzushi made a promise. From now on, the dominance of the northern sea area of ​​​​China will be enough to make Zui Xiyang pay a certain amount of losses.

At this time, Dreamless Wings had already led the air combat troops of the Dominion Legion and arrived in Yantai after repeated teleportations. Since the Dongyue Territory has now declared war on the Yunxiao Territory, these guest troops can only arrive in Yantai first, and then fly to the Dongyue Territory in Weihai from the air.

Reinforcements are still on the way, and Daliang's fleet has entered Dongyue Port.

Just update two chapters today. Happy holidays to all of you.

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