Start with an Archangel

Chapter 326 Bombardment of Dongyue Territory

The main force of the Judgment Fleet slowed down and slowly sailed into Dongyue Port.

Above the port are the air combat troops led by Shu Xiao. They have firmly controlled the airspace where the Dongyue Legion is stationed, and at the same time control half of the airspace of the Dongyue Territory.

It was ruled that the air combat forces did not continue to expand the scope of their air superiority. Their first task was to protect the safety of the fleet. The air force of a thousand people was not enough to control too much of the sky.

At this time, the Dongyue Territory has given up using its own air combat personnel to take off. Their personnel have died on average once. In addition, all of them are non-main forces left behind. Regardless of the mounts, personnel level and equipment, they are no match for the air combat troops. To compete for air superiority is to give away a share of the record, which has no effect.

Anyway, Dreamless Wings are leading the air combat troops of the Dominator Legion, so let them leave the battle in the air to them.

With the Dongyue Leader garrison fleet parked at the dock and the quiet coastal defense forts, Dongyue Port has lost all its defensive capabilities.

Daliang's fleet did not encounter any resistance.

There was another explosion.

Two threatening forts on the Dongyue Territory City Wall lost their function after a round of bombing.

Now, Dongyue Territory has nothing that can attack the Judgment Fleet.

The fleet approaching the shore began to turn, and the fifty-four warships were connected end to end, aiming their broadsides at the Dongyue Territory in the distance.

The gun door was opened, the dark muzzle was pushed out, and nearly 300 artillery pieces were aimed at the city wall of Dongyue Territory.

Daliang once again spoke through the national channel: "Drunken Sunset. Now I am giving you an ultimatum and immediately declare to stop all hostile actions against the Shangjiang University Alliance, accept our proposal, and jointly develop the northern waters of China."

The armistice conditions given by the university alliance did not have much appeal to Zui Xiyang. If Zui Xiyang agrees to stop the war, this kind of alliance under the city will put Dongyue Territory at an inherent disadvantage during peace talks. In the future, the so-called joint development of the northern sea area of ​​​​China will definitely be a cooperation led by the university alliance.

Feishauzushi promised to let Zui Xiyang dominate the northern seas, which was even more tempting to Zui Xiyang. Although the areas of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea are not large, Zui Xiyang alone has the final say. Feishanzushi is far away in Hainan and there is not much competition with Dongyue in the south and north. Therefore, since Feishanzushi agreed, he should be able to keep his promise. .

One is the boss and the other is the second child.

Zui Xiyang knew what he should choose, and he didn't want to be an enemy of Feishaozushi. This man was too strong.

Soon Zui Xiyang responded on the national channel: "Daliang. This is a game. I'm scared before you even fight. How can I be the boss in the future? Those battle fleets of yours are just a little trouble to me, destroy them." It's just a matter of time for you.

Now my main fleet is about to have a decisive battle with the main fleet of the College Alliance. I want to see whether you destroy my Dongyue Territory first, or I annihilate the fleet of the College Alliance first. "

The Dongyue Territory would certainly suffer losses under the shelling, but without the army's follow-up, there would be no threat of occupation in the territory.

Moreover, reinforcements are already on the way. As long as Dreamless Wings can regain air supremacy, the remaining personnel of Dongyue Legion can push the artillery in stock to the dock to re-establish artillery positions and drive out the Judgment Fleet.

Therefore, in Zui Xiyang's imagination, the loss of territory should be within the bearable range.

Zui Xiyang's response was as expected by Daliang. The Lords Alliance was powerful after all. How could Dongyue Leader give up hugging that thick thigh if he didn't suffer a little.

Since Zui Xiyang is stubborn, let Artillery do the talking.

"Attention to the bombardment fleet, the main fleet is targeting the Dongyue Territory City area, and the central fleet is targeting the Dongyue Legion garrison..."

Following Daliang's order, each warship adjusted the angle of its artillery according to the target given by the data background.

Looking at the fleet lined up in front of them, every player watching the live broadcast couldn't help but hold their breath, waiting for the moment of firing.

Wait until all the artillery is aimed.

Daliang, standing on the bridge of the Dolphin, ordered: "Fire!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom…

The roaring sound suddenly erupted.

A stream of gunpowder smoke rose from the side of the fleet. The naval gun was bounced back into the cabin by the recoil. Black projectiles drew parabolas in the air and flew towards their respective targets.

The solid shells easily penetrated the outer walls of the buildings, leaving circular holes in the walls.

The Dongyue Corps garrison was shelled at close range, and the buildings inside the garrison collapsed in a burst of smoke and dust.

"Continue, each ship can freely bombard according to the targets given in the background. After the central fleet completed the destruction of the Dongyue Legion station, it joined the bombardment of the Dongyue Territory.

Increase the shooting speed. "

Under Da Liang's order, each battleship's gun crew quickly completed the steps of clearing, charging, and reloading the artillery. The artillery that was ready for firing was pushed out of the gun door again without any pause. There was a loud noise and vibration. Finally, a cannonball was fired at the target.

The entire battlefield is a complete display of artillery. Players who were originally stranded in the shelling area were unable to stand in the intense firing of shells. Even if they were hiding in the building, they would be beaten into a white light by the shells that penetrated.

The buildings in the Dongyue Corps' garrison near the coast were knocked down in pieces under the strafing of artillery shells.

Some single-masted warships that had completed the destruction mission began to extend their firepower toward the Dongyue Territory.

Cannonballs with powerful potential energy hit the wall of Dongyue Territory, and each bombardment would take away a large piece of the wall and fall.

The originally strong city walls began to show cracks and then collapsed.

The buildings inside the Dongyue Territory were gradually exposed to the artillery fire of the Judgment Fleet.

The shelling continued.

Zui Xiyang's heart is bleeding, it is really difficult to build a territory.

He no longer watched the video of the Dongyue Leader battle, and after urging Wumeng Wings to provide support as soon as possible, he focused on the Nantong naval battle.

The fleet of the University Alliance is already very close. The vanguard fleet piloting the Dongyue Fleet has already encountered the vanguard of the University Alliance fleet. The vanguards of both sides maintained a low-intensity contact battle, waiting for the arrival of their own main fleet.

"Attention all fleets, we are about to encounter the main fleet of the College Alliance. Please check the mission assignments given by the data background at any time. Now each fleet starts to form a combat formation and raise the battle flag. Let us kill the fleet in front together."

The warships of the Dongyue Fleet that were originally scattered on the sea began to gather into small fleets. Every five single-masted warships were organized into a group, and three groups were combined into a battle group. Under a convenient command system, each warship They can all exert their own combat effectiveness, and the combat capability of the entire fleet increases exponentially.

The two fleets heading towards each other are getting closer.

The audience's attention began to shift from the bombardment of Dongyue Territory to the Nantong naval battle battlefield.

At this time, Zui Xiyang received a report from the outer guard ship.

"A fleet of unknown forces was discovered east of the fleet."

"A fleet of unknown forces was discovered north of the fleet."

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