Start with an Archangel

Chapter 327 Surrounded

Is there a fleet of unknown forces entering the battlefield? Could it be reinforcements?

But why didn't I receive the message?

Zui Xiyang, who was in doubt, quickly received the video from the front.

A large-scale fleet appeared in the east and north of the battlefield, with single-masted battleships as the main body, and the number was more than a hundred.

They were moving quickly toward the battlefield with full sails, and there were no signs on the mast to reveal their identities.

Zui Xiyang suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Go forward immediately and ask for their identities."

The alert sentry ship immediately sent out an inquiry signal using semaphores to the approaching fleet, but the other party received no response and continued to approach at high speed.

"Legion Commander, the other party did not respond at all, what should we do?"

Zui Xiyang's worry became more intense: "Send a warning to them and ask him to stop approaching immediately!"

"It's... Corps Commander, they raised the battle flag. They are ships of the College Alliance. They are all ships of the College Alliance. We are surrounded."

At this time, in the video given by the forward guard ship, the approaching fleet became more and more clear. At this time, battle flags were raised to the top of the main mast, along with the flag of the College Alliance.

not good! This is an ambush set up by the college alliance.

It's just where did the College Alliance get so many battleships.

You know, after the last naval battle in Shangjiang, the Lords Alliance has been arranging people to monitor various shipyards in Shangjiang, and the ownership and destination of every ship that comes out of them is recorded.

Coupled with the statistics developed by internal intelligence personnel, the lords are very clear about how many battleships the College Alliance has. Even if there is a deviation, it will never exceed 30 ships.

However, the warships currently produced by the College Alliance have exceeded the estimated number by more than 300 ships.

Where did they build the ship?

But now is not the time to consider the whereabouts of these warships. After the Dongyue Fleet detached 100 single-masted warships to the waters of Jeju Island, the main fleet only has 400 single-masted warships left. And where is the college alliance?

The Southern Main Fleet has 300+, the Eastern Fleet has 100+, and the Northern Fleet has 150+.

The university alliance already has an advantage in terms of numbers, and surrounded by three sides in terms of location, the Dongyue Fleet will soon lose the space to move.

Moreover, this is the sea off Nantong. In terms of supplies, the University Alliance has far greater advantages than the Dongyue Fleet.

It can be said that when the fleets of the University Alliance appeared in the east and north, the Dongyue Fleet was in a desperate situation, all external routes were blocked, and the continental shelf coast was in the west.

"The fleet stopped moving south and switched to a defensive strategy. The supply fleet gathered towards the center. Attention! Keep moving the warships. The College Alliance has an undead creature with self-destruction characteristics. If you keep moving, it will be harder for them to hit it.

Captains, now we are caught in the ambush circle of the College League, but this does not mean that we will be defeated. Fei Sha Zuoshi has organized a fleet and is sailing to the Shangjiang River. They only need three days to arrive. We have 400 warships. As long as we stick to the defensive strategy, we can sustain it for three days. After three days, we will counterattack. "

The Dongyue Fleet, which originally launched an attack formation southward, quickly retreated after discovering that it was surrounded. They gathered the supply ships that came with the fleet in the middle, and the other warships tightened up as much as possible, moving layer by layer on circular routes.

Faced with such a defensive position, the offensive side must attack layer by layer, and time will be consumed.

Three days later, the Southern Lords' fleet commanded by Fei Sha Zuoshi will arrive.

Dongyue Fleet still has a chance to make a comeback.

The offensive and defensive situation in the Nantong waters suddenly changed.

The originally weak side suddenly summoned two ambushes, and three university alliance fleets surrounded the Dongyue fleet. This forced the aggressive Dongyue Fleet to quickly put away all its minions and huddle in a small sea area, assuming a posture of being on guard and waiting for help.

Soon, three fleets from the College Alliance appeared in front of the Dongyue Fleet.

However, the fierce offensive and defensive battle at sea did not begin as the audience imagined.

The fleet of the University Alliance blocked all the routes of the Dongyue Fleet, but they did not attack. They sailed far out of the range of the naval guns. Even the air forces were restrained above the fleet. I don't know what they wanted to do.

Xu Man, who planned to surround the Dongyue Fleet, sent a message to Daliang: "I have already watched the Dongyue Fleet here. You should be careful over there. According to the intelligence we have, the flying sand and stones have sent reinforcements to Dongyue Leader. A fleet is also being built in various ports in Liaodong."

Da Liang observed the results of the bombardment on the Dongyue Territory, and at the same time replied: "Don't worry about the warships they built for the time being. Even if they spend money to speed up shipbuilding, it will be two days before the fleet gathers and arrives. The Dongyue Territory is no longer competing for air supremacy. , I guess Feishauzushi has sent the air combat troops of the Dominion Legion, the Dreamless Wings? Or maybe he came in person."

Xu Man asked worriedly: "Can Shu Xiao's air combat troops defeat the Dominator Legion's air combat troops?"

"Originally, we were evenly matched with the Dominator Legion's air combat troops. The number of Silver Pegasus made us a little stronger than them. But now that Shu Xiao's strength has greatly increased, we have an extra archangel here. If Feishaozoushi and Wumenzhi If Yi comes at the same time, he can still be evenly matched with Shu Xiao and I. If Wu Meng Yi comes by himself, he will definitely beat him."

Hearing Daliang's evaluation of Shu Xiao, Xu Man was shocked: "Can Shu Xiao be as strong as an archangel now?"

"Hmm... It should be about the same. This girl's strength hasn't been fully unleashed yet."

"You haven't shown it yet?"

Xu Man looked at Shu Xiao in the video with some disbelief. He opened his angel wings and flew through the air, easily throwing away the Silver Pegasus, which was known for its speed.

This speed is already very terrifying, and Daliang actually said that she has not yet used her full strength.

Could she really become an archangel?

Regarding the battle in the Dongyue Territory, since it had been handed over to Daliang, Xu Man did not ask too much. Her mission was to surround the Dongyue Fleet.

In the war plan made by Xu Man and Daliang, in order to ensure that there are enough warships to participate in large-scale naval battles, the battle with the Dongyue Fleet needs to be avoided as much as possible.

Therefore, the key to resolving this war is to beat Zui Xiyang painfully on the battlefield of Dongyue Territory and bring him to the negotiation table.

The Judgment Fleet's bombardment of the Dongyue Territory continued without interruption.

The Dongyue Legion's garrison has been completely destroyed, and the originally well-organized facilities have been bombarded into a pile of rubble.

A section of Dongyue Territory's city wall has been destroyed.

Now all the artillery of the Judgment Fleet in Dongyue Port are pouring cannonballs towards the buildings within the city wall.

Buildings collapsed one by one.

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