Start with an Archangel

Chapter 328 The Battle of the General Trend

The gunners who showed off their skills increased the frequency of firing again.

The sound of the cannons was denser than the New Year's firecrackers, and the projectiles flew through the air without a moment's pause.

There is no need to specifically aim, as long as the cannonball is fired into the Dongyue Territory, it will always hit something.

Shu Xiao's air combat troops have already achieved air supremacy. When the enemy does not take off on a large scale, maintaining a large-scale combat troops in the air is undoubtedly a waste of energy.

The Judgment air combat troops retained half of their guard strength in the air, and then took turns landing on the deck of the civil war ship in the port to feed and recover their strength.

More than twenty single-masted warships from the Dongyue Kingdom that were originally parked on the dock were occupied by the Judgment Fleet.

These battleships suffered a large number of casualties only from their sailors, and most of their hulls and guns were intact.

So Daliang assigned a group of men from each ship to move all the single-masted warships into action and join the battle against the Dongyue Territory.

The number of artillery pieces participating in the bombardment increased again, and tons of artillery shells were thrown into the city wall of Dongyue Territory.

Surrounded by Zui Xiyang, he was worried about when the fleet of the College Alliance would launch an attack, while he was constantly bearing the losses in the territory from the bombardment.

The shelling continued from morning until noon.

During this period, a transport fleet entered the port from the outer sea to replenish the Judgment bombardment fleet. It was made clear to Zui Xiyang that he had enough ammunition to continue the bombardment of Dongyue Territory.

The Judgment Fleet came completely prepared. If they were allowed to continue like this, half of the city in Dongyue Territory would be completely destroyed. Unable to bear the pressure, Zui Xiyang urgently contacted Feishauzushi: "Boss Fei, where is the Dreamless Wings? It's not far from Yantai City to Weihai City. We should have flown there in one morning."

Shi Fei had already led the Southern Lords Fleet to head north, and he had learned the news that the Dongyue Fleet was besieged.

To be honest, he did not expect that the war situation in the north would continue to worsen.

The Judgment Fleet bombarded the Dongyue Territory, and the College Alliance Fleet surrounded the Dongyue Fleet.

Obviously, Daliang and Xu Man set a banner in the northern waters of China. They agreed to sign and abide by the "Ultimate Biological Restriction Convention" in order to let the lords put aside their fear of the archangels and frost dragons, and attack boldly with confidence, attracting the main force of the Dongyue Fleet to the Nantong Sea far away from the mainland.

At the same time, they made the garrison fleet originally stationed on Shangjiang disappear and mobilized the Dongyue fleet again. When Zui Xiyang guessed that this fleet would make a roundabout attack on Dongyue Territory, and sent a fleet to Jeju Island to intercept. This fleet is actually lurking in the far eastern sea of ​​Nantong Sea. The more than one hundred single-masted warships blocking the Dongyue Fleet from the east at this time should be this remaining fleet.

And where did the fleet to the north of the Dongyue Fleet come from?

Shi Fei guessed that this fleet should be the gold merchant's own merchant ship escort fleet. This battle between the University Alliance and the Lords Alliance is related to the vital interests of the gold merchants. They will definitely not watch the University Alliance lose. These 150 warships should be the support they provide.

Although it is still unknown how the Judgment Fleet appeared near the Dongyue Territory, this move is the core of the overall layout of the College Alliance, and it has pinched the Dongyue Territory's Achilles' heel with one move.

Through a series of operations, the Dongyue Fleet was not only lured away from the Dongyue Territory, but a fleet was also transferred away at the expense of its own strength.

Daliang and Xu Man easily gained advantages on both battlefields.

In the Nantong waters, the fleets of the University Alliance were besieged but refused to attack. In the Dongyue Territory, the Judgment Fleet bombed them indiscriminately.

This is forcing Zui Xiyang to accept the conditions of the college alliance. As long as a gap is opened from the north for the Lords Alliance, the University Alliance will have room to maneuver at sea. Dongyue Leader will surrender, and Liaodong Tianyu Leader will also join the University Alliance camp because they cannot bear the pressure.

Yunxiao Ling, Dongyue Ling, Tianyu Ling, and Jiuding Ling.

Of the nine major territories in China, excluding the "number one in the world" that disappeared without a trace, the University Alliance got half of them, instantly creating a confrontation between the north and the south in China. Daliang and Xu Man controlled the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the northern part of the East China Sea, and the two estuaries of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. Their power covered the entire East Asia and the Western Pacific. The way forward was suddenly clear.

At this time, Shi Fei was more anxious than anyone else. The unified situation in China that he had worked so hard to create might actually cost him most of his country after this battle.

During the phone call with Zui Xiyang, Shi Fei knew that Daliang was putting too much pressure on him. If the territory is destroyed too much, even if the flying sand and stones support him to become the boss of the northern sea area of ​​​​China, he will not be able to sit there for long if his power is greatly damaged.

After soothing Zui Xiyang, Shi Fei immediately connected to the communication of Wumeng Wing: "Why hasn't the attack on the Judgment Legion's air combat troops started yet?"

Dreamless Wings replied: "The troops flew all the way from Yantai City, and the mounts need to rest. We also need to find a hidden place to plant the legion's assembly flag to ensure that we can quickly rejoin the battle after death. And... the Judgment Legion air combat troops After an upgrade, not only are all members equipped with Royal Griffins, but there are also a large number of Silver Pegasus. We are just a mix of Royal Griffins and Pegasus. In terms of personal strength, we have a slight disadvantage. At the same time, I need to study their commanders. Broken Moon, her strength is very strong now, I must formulate a strategy to contain her, preferably a method that can kill her quickly. Otherwise we will suffer great losses."

Shi Fei knew that what Dreamless Wings said was true. From the live video, it could be seen that the air combat troops of the Judgment Legion had been greatly upgraded. The mounts had been unified, and the flight data had been updated to make it easier to command and fight. If the Dominator Legion's air combat troops want to defeat them, they must maintain a very good state.

In addition, Suiyue actually obtained angel wings, which was beyond Shi Fei's imagination.

In Shi Fei's previous life, some lucky players were favored by high-level angels and were given angel wings. Players with angel wings can not only fly freely, but also use some angel skills, making them powerful.

It's just that how can high-level angels be encountered so easily? They are all high-level officials in Yunzhong City. The game has not yet reached the stage where the various races' base camps have intervened in the main world on a large scale.

At this stage, some high-level players don’t even know whether high-level angels exist. How did Suiyue, commander of the Judgment Legion’s air combat unit, meet high-level angels and be given angel wings?

Could this also be related to Daliang?

Shi Fei thought of a coup that had just ended in Shangjiang. Two kings of the East China Sea died one after another, and most of the nobles of the human race in Shangjiang died.

The Pudong Fleet played an important role in this coup, and the flagship "Oath" even rushed into the Yangtze River City.

And Daliang's favorability in the Pudong Fleet is very high. Could it be that he participated in this kind of power struggle among the top leaders of the main city and benefited from it?

Recommend a book "Game of Life and Death: Battle Royale" Good luck and eat chicken at night

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