Start with an Archangel

Chapter 329 The Lord Arrives

Daliang's title is now Viscount, which shows that he has a certain status in Shangjiang City and can participate in some things in the aristocratic circle of Shangjiang. Therefore, Shi Fei speculates that Broken Moon's angel wings are related to Da Liang.

However, the origin of the Angel Wings is not important to Shi Fei. He is more concerned about whether his Dominator Legion's air combat troops can defeat the Judgment's air combat troops. At least with the cooperation of the Dongyue Territory's defense personnel, they can control the land. The airspace above allows the Dongyue Corps to push the artillery in stock to the dock and rearrange the shore defenses.

Shi Fei said to Wumengzhi: "The Judgment Fleet's bombardment of the Dongyue Territory was too fierce, and Zui Xiyang couldn't bear the losses. The Dongyue Territory is very important to our overall strategic deployment, and I should not have commanded you. There are too many interferences, but considering the overall situation, I hope your troops can quickly support the battlefield of Dongyue Leader, and stabilizing Zui Xiyang is the top priority."

As the military commander of the combat force, Wumengzhi usually considers problems from a tactical perspective and only needs to think about how to defeat the enemy. But he also knows that tactics serve strategy, and strategic needs do not consider whether he is tactically ready.

During normal battles, Wumengzhiyi knew that Feishaozushi would not easily interfere with him. Now he said this definitely because Dongyue led the battlefield and could no longer waste time.

Wumengzhiyi replied: "I will immediately lead my army to support the Dongyue Territory."

"Great, I will now let the data backend connect you with the Dongyue garrison. If you cooperate, you can give them direct orders."

In the mountain forest in the south of Dongyue Territory, the air combat troops of the Dominion Legion resting here have planted their respective legion assembly flags here.

The continuous sound of artillery showed how fierce the bombardment of the Judgment Fleet was.

Dreamless Wings left two squadrons of personnel here to protect the legion assembly flag here, and then led the main force of the dominating legion's air combat force to take off together.

In order to prevent the enemy from discovering the location of the legion's assembly flag, Wumengzhi led his troops to fly a certain distance to the west, and then flew straight towards the Dongyue Territory.

A large group of flying troops approached the battle, and the high-altitude early warning personnel of the Judgment Air Combat Force immediately discovered them.

"Attention! Attention! A large number of flying troops were discovered from the west approaching the battlefield. The opponent's flying mounts are a mixture of Royal Griffin and Pegasus, which are in line with the characteristics of the Dominator Legion's air combat troops. Alert! The Dominator Legion's air combat troops have arrived, and the Judgment Legion's air combat troops will immediately Take off and prepare for battle. It is estimated that the Dominator Legion will enter the battlefield in ten minutes... please ask the Deputy Broken Moon Legion to organize an attack.

A large number of personnel were mobilized within the Dongyue Territory, and a large number of artillery and ballistae were visually detected. The Dongyue Army is organizing a counterattack..."

The Judgment air combat team members who were originally resting on the battleship deck immediately jumped on their flying mounts and took off. The Royal Griffin, Griffin, and Silver Pegasus instantly made the originally deserted sky lively again.

The air combatants completed the combat formation in the air, and Shu Xiao spread his wings and reached the front of the team.

At the same time, a bright voice sounded on the command channel of the Judgment Legion Air Combat Force: "This is the second confrontation between our Judgment Air Combat Force and the Dominator Air Combat Force. The last battle took place in Shangjiang, where our legion is stationed. To be honest, then The first battle was not a good one. It was a draw that relied entirely on the convenience of home battle support and a head-to-head fight.

But the post-war statistics of that battle showed that our battle loss ratio with the Dominator Legion was 1.5:1. It was a very embarrassing battle. If it had been an encounter with the same conditions, we would have lost miserably.

This time we will once again encounter the air combat forces of the Dominion Legion, which are still the most elite air force in the entire game. And we are no longer that no-name team. The league has invested a lot of money in improving our strength.

We have priority to use the leveling points controlled by the alliance, and we have priority to select the equipment reserved by the alliance. The first aerial creature for each member to ride has been unified into the royal griffon, and all members of the elite first squadron are equipped with silver pegasus.

It can be said that in terms of individual strength of personnel, we have surpassed the dominant army.

We have no reason to lose this battle, and we cannot afford to lose.

As the commander of the Judgment Legion, I order you that we will not retreat even a step in the sky of Dongyue Territory. Everyone must fight with the belief that we will die four or five times and all the flying mounts we carry will be fought until we achieve victory. The final victory.

At that time, the entire sea and airspace in northern China belonged to us.

Fly and wave as you please. "

Daliang's words caused a wolf howl in the air.

A war with overwhelming military power can certainly be very satisfying, but a fierce battle with a powerful enemy that is evenly matched can make people experience even more passionate passion.

The air combat troops of the Dominion Legion commanded by Dreamless Wings are extremely famous. The forces that dominate the legions are in the South China Sea, and the country is experiencing constant disputes. The dominant air combat force is like a sharp sword in the hands of flying sand and stones. It will be used in every battle and will be invincible. The Dominator Guild made great contributions to snatching resources in the South China Sea and made the Dominator's air combat troops famous internationally.

The last time the Judgment Air Combat Force's opponent dominated the Air Combat Troops, it was a commendable draw. Before the air troops supported by Daliang arrived, the Judgment Air Combat Troops were beaten so hard that they couldn't even get out of their homes. It was very frustrating.

Now the air combat unit of the Judgment has been completely upgraded, and the troops and horses are strong and their morale is high. Encountering the dominant air combat force again was the time to avenge past humiliation.

Of course, to deal with the dominant air combat troops commanded by Dreamless Wings, one cannot rely solely on equipment and morale.

All members of the Judgment Legion data command platform are online, raising data and command capabilities to the peak to provide the best logistical support for this battle.

Shu Xiao was also eager to try. She was beaten extremely hard last time. Later, when she obtained the Frost Dragon and prepared to equip B, the Dominator Air Combat Force actually retreated. She wanted to be coquettish but failed to do so.

With the Angel Wings this time, the troops also need to have good morale and good equipment. This is the time to step on the face of the dominant air combat troops and make a name for themselves.

If you don’t wave now, when will you wave?

In the western sky, the dominant air combat force has appeared. The neat formation of geometric shapes shows the enemy's superb personnel quality.

After Daliang concluded the pre-war mobilization, Shu Xiao entered the legion channel to determine the command position of the air combat troops.

“The legion commander has given me all the motivational words, so I won’t talk nonsense anymore.

All I ask of you is: maintain a high altitude, rely on your comrades, and obey orders.

Judgment Legion air combat troops, advance! "

Under the leadership of Shu Xiao, the Judgment air combat troops formed a formation to attack the flying Dominator air combat troops.

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