Start with an Archangel

Chapter 330 Holy Strike

Soon, the two aerial clusters collided in the airspace above Dongyue Territory.

The fighting in the air instantly pushed the battle to its peak.

The airmen on both sides chased each other, using dazzling flying skills to avoid enemy attacks, and then attacked the targeted enemies.

"Pay attention to maintaining the completion of each formation, distinguishing whether the enemy is fleeing or tempting, remember our usual training, and strictly prevent individuals from rashly advancing without the cover of teammates.

Don't release attack magic casually. The chance of hitting your own people is greater than the chance of hitting the enemy.

The third squadron is withdrawn. You charged too hard and kept the line intact. You were separated by the enemy. No one can save you. You died in vain.

First Squadron, increase your speed. Silver Pegasus, why don't you move faster instead of faster? Seeing the enemies at positions 457:688:147, rush over and cut them off... Yes, yes, yes, yes, it's done! The second squadron follows up and bites them, entangles them and doesn't let them go back, the fourth squadron blocks their support, the seventh and eighth squadrons go over and eat them, just beat them! "

The battle in the air changes rapidly. Just when the offensive is fierce, it is likely that the offensive and defensive positions will change in an instant. Shu Xiaozai led the Silver Pegasus knights to fill the holes in the troops in the air, rescue the trapped subordinates, and command the troops to besiege the enemy who underestimated the enemy and rushed forward.

The battle was intense, with people dying every moment, and flying units falling from the sky.

Players who died and resurrected first made simple replenishments, and then used the legion assembly flag to quickly return to the battlefield. Both sides continued to fill the center of the battlefield with soldiers, hoping to gain control of the sky.

Shu Xiao, who had angel wings, led the most elite soldiers on the battlefield, but she did not remain arrogant for too long. Dreamless Wings led the elites of the Dominion Legion to stop her.

The green dragon of Dreamless Wings is restricted for use on the battlefield, but this time he did not ride a Pegasus, but a bipedal flying dragon king.

The Bipedal Flying Dragon King is a level 12 unit of the Swamp Tribe, the highest level among conventional units, with impressive flying speed and combat effectiveness.

Coupled with the cooperation of a small team of advanced players riding bipedal dragons (level 11 swamp arms), this core force that dominates the air combat force possesses very terrifying combat effectiveness.

Just like no one in the Dominion Legion can stop Shu Xiao, no one in the Judgment Legion can stop Dreamless Wings.

The commanders and strongest troops of both sides soon encountered each other.

The silver Pegasus knights fought around the two-legged flying dragon, and Shu Xiao and Wumeng Wings fought together.

The battlefield in the air fell into a stalemate, and no one could break the situation for a while.

The men of the Dongyue Army took advantage of the fact that the Judgment Air Combat Force had no time to attend to anything else, and quickly pushed the artillery and ballistae toward the dock, in an attempt to build an artillery position and recapture the port.

Daliang immediately mobilized the battleship to shift the muzzle of the gun and blast the advancing enemy troops.

The Dongyue Legion organized part of its artillery to fire at the Judgment Fleet and cover the advance of the other part of the artillery. The two groups of personnel relied on the cover of the collapsed buildings of the legion station to move towards the port alternately.

The hit rate of naval guns against a single artillery piece is not high. It can only slow down the approaching speed of Dongyue fleet artillery, but cannot stop or destroy them.

Daliang looked at the battlefield in the sky and chatted privately with Shu Xiao: "Do you need me to go over and help?"

"No, I can handle it by myself."

The advantage of speed allows Shu Xiao to get rid of Wumeng Wing's pursuit at will, and Wumeng Wing can also see the strengths and weaknesses of both sides. He did not chase Shu Xiao, but took the flying dragon to fight the Silver Pegasus Knights. His powerful body, excellent offense and defense, and tacit cooperation caused Shu Xiao's Silver Pegasus Knights to suffer losses one after another.

On Daliang's side, Shu Xiao had already boasted that there was no need to conserve his strength in the face of powerful enemies.

Shu Xiao raised his wings and climbed rapidly upwards. When he reached an altitude of a thousand meters away from the air combat battlefield, he turned around and dived down.

The angel wings and the potential of falling can continuously increase Shu Xiao's speed.

This situation is what Da Liang often sees in Julian. The archangel accelerates while falling and then uses powerful potential energy to attack the enemy on the ground, creating a big crater with one hit.

This skill seems to be called "Holy Strike".

This was the first time Da Liang had seen using "Holy Strike" to attack air targets. After all, air targets were much easier to avoid than ground units and difficult to hit.

Shu Xiao was still diving, and his speed continued to increase.

The Wumengzhiyi who was being stared at felt the pressure brought by Shu Xiao. Such moves from the sky were often very powerful.

The Dreamless Wings controlled the bipedal flying dragon king to fly maneuverably, and its swaying body was enough to avoid such a straight-line attack.

"Ordinary angels can only attack in a straight line when using 'Holy Strike', but that's an ordinary angel. Angels with talents will attack moving enemies in different directions when launching 'Holy Strike', even if they are against moving enemies. To deal with air units, calculate the lead time and perform terminal changes, and you can surprise the enemy and knock them over. I have left it to you how to change direction in the air. What effect you can use with 'Holy Strike' depends on you. Talent and hard work.”

Shu Xiao recalled the words of Holy Bella in her mind. She stared at the Dreamless Wings below and controlled her wings to fine-tune her direction.

Dreamless Wings continued to maintain evasive maneuvers. While moving at high speed, even missiles could not hit another irregularly moving point with one point, let alone humans.

Shu Xiao's speed has reached and a collision is about to happen.

Dreamless Wings speeds up the frequency of direction changes.

"Light shield!"

A shield glowing white emerged from Shu Xiao's left arm, and the air pressure from bottom to top caused Shu Xiao's body to complete a large change of direction.

Accurately calculating the angle at which the shield was created, Shu Xiao accurately completed the large terminal orbit change.

Quickly retract the light shield, and the direction facing Comfortably is in front of the flight path of Dreamless Wings.

At this time, even if Dreamless Wings was surprised that Shu Xiao could change directions drastically in the air, the distance between the two parties no longer allowed him to make any further adjustments to the flight path, and then he was bumped into the Flying Dragon King by Shu Xiao. On the body.

The potential energy of the dive plus the impact of the skill caused the bipedal flying dragon king to roll and fall in the air.

Shu Xiao immediately followed suit and struck another "Holy Strike".

With a "bang" sound, the Bipedal Flying Dragon King fell to the ground after being hit continuously. The fall from a high altitude seriously injured this level 12 creature. Although Dreamless Wings had the Bipedal Flying Dragon King on its back and did not die directly, it still fell. Seven meat and eight vegetables.

People from the nearby Dongyue Legion quickly ran to rescue Wumeng Wing, but Shu Xiao had already fallen from the sky and floated next to the Shuang Wu Fei Dragon King.

"You are a very powerful air commander. This time you only lost because of your personal strength. We are all in different camps, so I can only apologize..."

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