Start with an Archangel

Chapter 333 Rain of Fire Bombing

The troops responsible for sniping and killing Da Liang began to take off.

After the "meteor fire shower" in the high sky completed gathering energy, it began to release fire rain and meteorites. Based on the brightness of the fire rain and the enlarged meteorite, it can be judged that the power of the magic of Daliang has been strengthened again.

"The ministries try to hide their traces and shorten the distance as much as possible before they discover us."

Shi Fei led his troops out of the range illuminated by the meteors and fire showers, and then approached Da Liang silently, using the dark ground as the background color.

The light was insufficient now. Although Shi Fei could see the bright light in the opened sight, it was very blurry. The "Block" skill needed ten minutes to cool down. If he wanted to kill with one hit, he had to close the distance as much as possible.

The meteors and fire showers fell towards the Dongyue Territory below, instantly igniting a sea of ​​fire in the covered area.

The meteorite easily smashed a building into ruins, and then the fire rain torch ignited a raging fire on the ruins. The originally dark Dongyue Territory quickly burst into flames during the bombing.

Shi Fei did not glance at the fire below. He stared at Da Liang. Under the illumination of the fire cloud, his figure became more and more conspicuous.

900 meters

800 meters

700 meters

Shi Fei drew his bow and aimed it at Da Liang, who seemed to know nothing about the attack he was about to encounter.

Just when Shi Fei was about to use sniper fire to release arrows, a group of Judgment air combat personnel riding silver Pegasus blocked Daliang's body.

Physical isolation.

This is a common defense method used by bodyguards. When the enemy does not know from which direction they are attacking the protected person, they use their own body to block the direction from which they may be attacked.

After Daliang released the "Meteor and Fire Shower" and knew that his position had been exposed, Shu Xiao immediately arranged a physical isolation area and surrounded Daliang with the team members responsible for security.

The shooting angle is blocked by the defending personnel. Although the "sniper" penetration damage can hit the target, it is not fatal.

Shi Fei withdrew his skills, and then said to Wumengzhi: "Daliang is blocked and I can't see him. You lead the men and charge forward. If I can see Daliang, I will kill him."

"Yes, legion commander."

Dreamless Wings led the team members to accelerate their ascent, and their figures were quickly discovered by the disarmament air combat force.

The Judgment air combat troops responsible for the defense immediately attacked, and an air battle broke out instantly between the two sides.

In the black night sky, players riding flying dragons, silver Pegasus, and Pegasus were fighting together. Shi Fei, who was hiding in the distance, aimed his bow and arrow at Da Liang's position again, and then he turned in the direction that he could no longer find Da Liang.

"Backstage, where is Da Liang? Immediately guide me to the target."

"Legion Commander, Da Liang has changed his coat. Now he has mixed with the Judgment air combat personnel. He has the same silver Pegasus and the same black smock. We can't tell them apart for the time being."


Shi Fei cursed loudly and looked at the battlefield again. Sure enough, all the Judgment air combat personnel were uniformly dressed this time. In the dim light, it was difficult to tell which one was the brightest one with their black blouses.

It seems that they also realized that I have arrived in Dongyue Territory and will sniper Daliang.

However, my mission is to prevent Daliang from continuing to bomb the Dongyue Territory with "Meteor and Fire Rain". As long as Daliang uses "Meteor and Fire Rain" again, I can find him and kill him. And if Daliang does not dare to use "Meteor and Fire Shower", then he will not be able to force Zui Xiyang to surrender, and I will win the entire war.

Shi Fei continued to lurk like a cheetah, waiting for the moment when Da Liang appeared.

In the southern mountainous area of ​​Dongyue Territory, a player army is marching through the dense forest.

At night and in the jungle, the light in the mountainous area is very poor, but the players who make up this legion are all tauren in the dungeon, and the vision penalty at night does not have a severe impact on them.

The commander of this tauren army is Seventeen Nose Rings. Three days ago, he and his rampaging Tauren army came to Weihai City at the invitation of Daliang and spread out to level up everywhere.

Thousands of tauren were scattered in the mountains around Weihai City, but they did not attract the attention of the Dongyue Legion. When the battle broke out in the Dongyue Territory, everyone's attention was drawn to the seaside. Seventeen Nose Rings took the opportunity to complete the assembly of the rampaging Tauren Legion.

Seventeen nose rings led the rampaging bull-headed army to move quickly in the southern mountains of Dongyue Territory. During the three days of leveling up, the terrain of this mountainous area has been mapped out by the Rampage NiuTou. The chosen road was scouted by the leading elite team during the day, avoiding the spawning areas of high-level monsters. Some levels on the road were The low mobs were killed without making much noise, and the team passed quickly.

After arriving at the designated location, Seventeen Nose Rings ordered the troops to take cover on the spot. After waiting for a while, the frontline reconnaissance personnel reported through the legion command channel: "Boss, we have seen the flag-planting area of ​​the Dominant Air Combat Troops. The legion assembly flags of the Dominant Legion members fighting in the Dongyue Territory are all here. It is estimated that there are two With the protection of a squadron, we can capture this place with a single charge."

"Pay attention to concealment. The Overlord Legion comes with air combat personnel. If they find us, then come back quickly and transfer from the air, we will not be able to find them."

"Yes, legion commander."

Investigators lurk.

Seventeen nose rings contacted Daliang: "Brother Liang, my army has arrived at the location you gave me, and the flag-planting area of ​​the dominant army has been found. When will we attack?"

Da Liang, wearing a black smock, followed the Judgment air combat personnel and fought with the Dominion air combat troops in the air. At the same time, he had to be careful not to be too conspicuous and have his identity recognized by the other party.

At this time, Shi Fei has not yet shown his figure, so he must be very careful in everything.

Daliang replied: "Now most of the Dominator air combat personnel have not entered the combat state. They can use the legion assembly flag to go back at any time. You wait for my signal, and I will immediately ask my people to involve the Dominator air combat troops into the battle."

The legion assembly flag allows legion members to quickly return to the battlefield. After the legion system was launched, it was widely used on battlefields everywhere.

At the same time, the attack and defense of the legion flag-planting area has also become an important part of the war.

The air combat troops of the Overlord Legion were fighting as guest troops in the Dongyue Territory. After Dongyue Territory lost its air supremacy, the territory could not become the flag-planting area for the Overlord Legion, so Wumeng Wings chose Dongyue as the flag-planting area for its troops. In the mountainous jungles of the south.

In addition, in order to hide the location of the flag planting area, Wumeng Wings also specifically ordered its personnel to detour to the west before entering the Dongyue Territory battlefield to conceal the true location of the flag planting area.

Daliang, who had already guessed that the Overlord Legion would send people to participate in the Dongyue Territory War, also sent special personnel to find the flag-planting area for the Overlord Legion.

It’s the holidays and the situation is special. Two updates today. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone!

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