Start with an Archangel

Chapter 334 Sniper

The Judgment Legion arranges specialized personnel to record the time it takes for an air combatant from the Dominion Legion to return to the battlefield after dying in battle.

Then the distance he flies is calculated based on the speed of his flying mount, and then through comprehensive comparison and modeling of the data of multiple personnel, the range of the flag-planting area of ​​the Dominator Legion can be determined.

Weihai City faces the sea to the north and east, so the flag-planting area for the Dominion Legion must be somewhere in the west and south.

The places that need to be found are greatly reduced, and then flat areas, villages and towns, and areas frequently visited by players are removed, and there are only a few possible locations left for the Dominator Legion to plant their flags.

There were thousands of members of the Rampant Niutou who had arrived in the Dongyue Territory in advance. In the area given by the Judgment Legion, they easily discovered the members of the Dominion Legion who had been resurrected and rushed back to the battlefield. Then, they followed their flight path and found Dominate the flag-planting area of ​​the Legion's air combat troops.

Some functions will be restricted in the war state, including returning to the city and using the legion rally flag to leave the battle.

Now that the seventeen people with nose rings have arrived at the flag-planting area of ​​the Dominator Legion, it is time to drive the Dominator Air Combat Troops out of the Dongyue Territory.

"Attention, the ruling air combat unit, all personnel enter the Dongyue air combat battlefield, expand the combat scope, and find the flying sand and rocks."

Under Daliang's order, the Judgment air combat troops originally on guard in the port immediately flew over the Dongyue Territory.

Shi Fei knew that he would be discovered in the expanding battlefield. He immediately ordered the Dominant Air Combat Force to attack, and all members put on black smocks.

At the same time, he himself changed into a Pegasus in the air, put on a black smock, and mixed himself with his own troops.

At this time, both Daliang and Shi Fei are on the battlefield preparing to fish in troubled waters. Whoever is exposed first will be passive.

During the day, a large-scale aerial battle broke out between the air combat troops of the Judgment Legion and the air combat troops of the Dominion Legion.

At night, an air battle once again broke out between these two luxuriously equipped air combat forces.

The dark night adds more uncontrollable factors to air combat. High-altitude early warning personnel cannot provide overall control, and commanders can only grasp the trends within their field of vision.

Night battles further test the personal qualities and tactical accomplishments of air combat personnel. The side that can always maintain coordinated operations will have more advantages.

Judgment and Overlord are fighting together again, and no one can escape from the battle by recalling and using the Legion's muster flag.

So, Daliang said to the seventeen nose rings: "You can take action and quickly remove the flag-planting area of ​​the Dominator Legion."

After receiving Da Liang's instructions, the seventeen nose rings in the dense forest said on the channel of the Rampage Bullhead Legion: "Each department will act in accordance with the tasks assigned by the background. We must complete this mission in the shortest possible time, and the Rampage Bullheads will attack!"

Having completed the siege of the Dominator flag-planting area, the members of the Rampage Bullhead immediately rushed out of their hidden position. They charged quickly in the dense forest and released the soldiers carried in the military cards. In an instant, a wave of soldiers swept forward.

The large-scale abnormal noise in the jungle alerted the defense troops staying in the area where the Dominator Legion flag was planted, and then they discovered the enemy rushing here.

In the sky above Dongyue Territory, Shi Fei, who had been involved in the battlefield, was fighting with the Judgment Air Combat Force while looking for traces of Da Liang. At this time, Wumeng Wings told him a very bad news.

"Regiment Commander, our flag-planting area in the southern mountainous area of ​​Dongyue Territory has been attacked. The enemy is suspected to be the Shangjiang Rampage Niutou Legion. The Rampage Niutou are now die-hard allies of the College Alliance. Their single personnel have strong combat effectiveness. The personnel we left behind are not them. The opponent, all the team members here are in a state of war and cannot return to support, and the flag planting area is about to fall."

Shi Fei did not expect that Daliang would find his own flag-planting area so quickly. If the legion assembly flag in the flag-planting area was pulled out, the personnel responsible for the death of the air combat troops would not be able to quickly return to the battlefield. If there is no additional personnel, the number of our own personnel will decrease, and the Judgment Air Combat Force will soon gain an overwhelming advantage.

Daliang must be found as soon as possible.

Shi Fei said to Wumeng Wing: "I will kill Broken Moon first. After Da Liang discovers me, he will definitely take advantage of the cooldown time of my skills to launch a strong attack on me. As long as his position is exposed, we can kill him. Pay attention. Daliang has mastered the advanced magic 'Crazy', which is very difficult to deal with."


Dreamless Wing gathered his bipedal flying dragon troops and prepared to cooperate with Shi Fei in combat.

Shu Xiao, who spread his angel wings, received special attention from the Dominator's air combat troops. A team of spellcasting players kept an eye on Shu Xiao. As long as Shu Xiao was close, they would immediately throw magic at him regardless of whether he would accidentally injure friendly forces.

Shu Xiao also knew that as the commander-in-chief of an army, it was not his job to charge into battle. Especially in the face of evenly matched enemy forces, no matter how strong a player is, they may be besieged to death once they are controlled by magic. If the army loses command just to kill a few enemies, it is not worth the gain.

When it was determined that there was no major crisis in the air combat force, she was more responsible for commanding and coordinating the offense and defense of the entire army.

Shu Xiao was directing the battle in the inner circle of the Judgment Air Combat Force, and a bright voice came over.

"Seventeen Nose Rings have captured the flag-planting area of ​​the Dominion Legion. Now that the people of Dreamless Wings have died and want to return to the battlefield, they can only resurrect and teleport to Yantai City and then fly over. Such a long distance basically means there is no support. Immediately strengthen the attack on the dominant air combat troops and clear them out of the Dongyue Territory as soon as possible. In addition, be careful of flying sand and stones. If he can't find me, he may attack you..."

"I understand……"

Just as Shu Xiao was about to answer, an inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart, just like being targeted by a sniper rifle during live-fire training.

The intuition developed through training made Shu Xiao immediately release a light shield to block her side, and then she felt a huge force hitting the light shield.

Shu Xiao rolled around in the air to balance his body, and then found that half of his blood had been lost in an instant.

"I found flying sand and rocks. I found flying sand and rocks. The data team kept an eye on him. We must keep an eye on him. The second and third squadrons rushed over and opened a path. The other squadrons followed up, and everyone followed!"

While issuing the order, Shu Xiao had already rushed over.

She saw that Shi Fei's attire was the same as that of the Dominator Air Combat members. If he lost his position, he would be hidden in the battlefield again. Feeling the power of "sniper", Shu Xiao was not sure whether he could survive the second time. Blocking this skill can kill you instantly.

All members of the Judgment air combat unit charged towards the flying sand and rocks, and all members of the Wumeng Wings led the Dominator air combat unit also pressed forward.

The players from both sides were in a complete melee.

At this time, there was no formation or command. One side wanted to kill flying sand and rocks, while the other side tried desperately to intercept them.

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