Start with an Archangel

Chapter 337 Ideological Change

He left Hell Lord King Ergos and Angela alone, and when their hiding place was exposed, he caught them in one fell swoop.

It was Daliang's strategy to deceive Holy Bella.

Without the reinforcements from Yunzhong City, Holy Bella had no way to launch a large-scale manhunt for the Hell Lord King in Shangjiang City, so she could only agree to this method. Anyway, Ergus's goal is Hell's Angel Julian. As long as he fails to achieve his goal, he will never leave Shangjiang City. As long as he stays in Shangjiang City, Ergus will be found sooner or later.

As for Angela…

Yunzhong City has been fighting Hell for so long, and it has long been aware of its opponents.

Angela suffered a big loss in Shangjiang City. She was beaten by a group of low-level creatures from the main world and fled in embarrassment. She would not give up and leave here.

Holy Bella is sure that Angela will not leave, and she will also lurk here before she destroys Shangjiang for revenge.

So Holy Bella lived in the palace, continued to enjoy royal treatment, and enjoyed the moment of tranquility before the war.

When Da Liang saw the holy Bella in the palace, she was lying on a rocking chair, enjoying the shade under a dense grape trellis.

"Viscount Feichen... no, I should call you Earl Feichen. I found that we have something in common. Neither of us was born noble. When I was born, I was just the lowest angel under the Angel Legion. I did not let Yunzhong City The talent that the rulers valued was to be at the forefront of the battle against hell. But I was lucky enough to survive every battle. All my companions who were born with me had already been killed, and my commanders had also changed. Batch after batch, until my immediate superior became Michael, and I stood in the highest position that an angel can reach.

And you... When Metatron met you, you were just a very, very inconspicuous human priest. I'm afraid he didn't expect you to have the status and strength you have now.

We have all come from little people to where we are now. Logically speaking, I should treat you differently, but I just can't help but hate you. "

Daliang knew that Holy Bella had a very venomous tongue, but he didn't expect that before he even opened his mouth, he was ridiculed with praise and then derogation.

They are strong and have a strong backing, so they can only endure it for now.

Daliang said: "Both and each other. You know that my territory is the cemetery of the undead. In order to build the territory, I will go to the kingdom of death in the near future, and Julian will go there with me. If Ergus comes out to cause trouble during this period, , you can ask Simon on Feichen Island to send someone to notify me to come back."

Hearing that Da Liang was about to leave Shangjiang City and go to the Kingdom of Death, Holy Bella thought for a moment and said: "Undead? In all the wars between Yunzhong City and Hell, the undead are allies of the evil camp of Hell. Therefore, Yunzhong City doubts the lords and kings of Hell. There is a secret military alliance agreement with the death monarchs. Therefore, I suggest that you keep a low profile in the kingdom of death and do not let any undead know your identity in Shangjiang City. Once Ergus knows that you are in the kingdom of death, who will Can’t save you?”

Daliang didn't expect that going to the kingdom of death was more dangerous than he thought, but he couldn't do it for the sake of the development of his territory. He asked Holy Bella: "Do you have any good suggestions? For my territory, I must go to the Kingdom of Death. You probably don't want me to be besieged by Ergos and the Lord of Death there."

Holy Bella said: "Suggestion? I can give you some advice. During this period of truce with hell, the struggle between good and evil has never stopped. In order to disintegrate the evil camp, we in Cloud City are undergoing a death battle. Kingdom transformation.”

Yunzhong City actually reached into the kingdom of death and made any changes. This is a big secret!

Is there really nothing wrong with you just saying it casually in the back garden of Shangjiang City Palace?

Seeing that there was no one else around, Da Liang walked into Holy Bella and asked in a low voice: "What kind of changes? Is Yunzhong City preparing to attack the Kingdom of Death?"

"No, of course we will not attack the Kingdom of Death. I am afraid that as soon as the Angel Legion enters the Kingdom of Death, hell will immediately send troops to support it. Lucifer has been thinking about how to draw the undead into the hell camp led by him. He wants us to attack the Kingdom of Death. "

Daliang asked strangely: "If you don't send troops into the country of death, how can you make changes?"

"We use our thoughts. The Kingdom of the Dead has always been a unified ruling structure of theocratic regimes. They believe in the so-called God of Death and formed the Immaculate Holy See. Seven bishops, that is, seven death monarchs, use the church and the army to rule the entire Kingdom of Death.

But we use some methods to promote to the undead that "the God of Death does not exist, and even if it exists, it is only a higher-level creature than the Lord of Death." The undead have an endless lifespan and should not spend every day doing nothing under the rules of the Holy See. When they are tired of this world, they can dedicate their soul fire to the so-called God of Death in accordance with the teachings. Only wizards are eternal and worthy of belief. Witchcraft can allow the undead to approach God infinitely and become gods.' "

With such a high-level brainwashing method, there must be undead souls who cannot resist the temptation to become gods and leave the Immaculate Holy See.

After hearing this, Daliang quickly asked: "What's the result? What's the situation in the Kingdom of Death now?"

Holy Bella said proudly: "Great results have been achieved. Some undead souls who originally believed in the God of Death denied their beliefs and devoted themselves to the study of wizards. These undead souls were called 'exiles' by the Unsullied Holy See and were punished. Wanted and massacred throughout the country. After losing a large number of undead in many battles, these 'exiles' established the Wizards Guild. The current Wizards Guild is the largest secret organization in the Kingdom of Death. Many undead lords who superficially believe in the God of Death, In fact, they are from the Wizards Guild.

If you go to the Kingdom of Death, I can arrange for you to join the Wizards Guild. The Wizards Guild was established after the Hell Lord King was imprisoned, and the Hell Lord King would not risk offending the Lord of Death to win over the Wizards Guild, so it should be relatively safe for you to do tasks within the Wizards Guild's sphere of influence. "


I didn’t expect that things in Yunzhong City were so dark.

But is it really okay to join a secret underground organization as soon as you enter the kingdom of death? If his identity is exposed, he will not only face the Lord King of Hell, but also be wanted by the entire kingdom of death.

Play a little big.

But Da Liang seems to have no better choice. Instead of worrying about Ergos coming to his door alone in the Kingdom of Death, joining a big force seems to be a good choice.

At least when running away, there is a broken rear behind.

Moreover, the Wizards Guild can slowly grow bigger under the eyes of the Death Lord, and its strength must not be underestimated. Moreover, Holy Bella said that Yunzhong City only transmits thoughts to the Kingdom of Death. Daliang would not believe it even if he killed him. Yunzhong City's investment and support for the Wizards Guild is definitely not a small number.

There may even be an army of angels stationed in the kingdom of death for a long time.

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