Start with an Archangel

Chapter 338 Farewell

When Daliang came to the palace this time, he just informed Holy Bella as a routine before leaving Shangjiang, but he didn't expect to know such a big thing.

The Unsullied Holy See and the Wizards Guild.

No matter how I look at it, I feel like it’s just a lot of crap.

It seems that the mission in the Kingdom of Death may be another twists and turns.

After receiving the letter of introduction from Saint Bella, and with the apprehension about traveling to the kingdom of death, Daliang left the palace and went to Pudong Military Port.

At this time, Joyce had already taken office as the Admiralty of Shangjiang, commanding the Pudong Fleet, Chongming Fleet, Baoshan Fleet and Nanhui Fleet.

These four fleets were hostile to each other not long ago, and the Pudong Fleet and the Chongming Fleet were having a fierce battle at sea. How to integrate them together is definitely a headache. Especially since the Jeju Fleet already had the intention of moving southward, it didn't give Joyce much time.

Fortunately, King Howard made perfect adjustments to Shangjiang's ruling class for this war that was related to Shangjiang's maritime fate.

Joshua was canonized as a duke as an elf and became the royal prime minister.

In exchange, Joshua handed over command of the Chongming fleet to Joyce.

Marquis Wilson was infamous for his repeated betrayals and even the assassination of Howard. But his financial ability is obvious to all. Howard continued to hand over Shangjiang's financial power to him, which showed his magnanimity and public spirit.

Under the leadership of Howard, Shangjiang, which had just ended the war, was focusing all its manpower and material resources on the war against Jeju City.

The Pudong Military Port in front of Dazhuang is exactly what it looked like before the war.

The newly entered battleships parked on the pier one by one, showing off the densely packed artillery on their sides.

On the distant sea, the Chongming fleet has arrived, its sails spread almost covering the entire ocean.

Pegasus and griffins soared in the sky together, and angels and dragons competed in momentum.

When Joyce, who was already busy and exhausted, heard that Da Liang was planning to go to the Kingdom of Death, he was surprised and said: "We are about to have a naval battle in Jeju City. Are you telling me at this time that you are going to the Kingdom of Death?"

Daliang said with a smile: "The Shangjiang Fleet and the Jeju Fleet have invested nearly ten aerial battleships, more than forty battleships, four hundred three-masted battleships, and more than a thousand ketch and single-masted battleships and various auxiliary ships. My Black Fire Fleet only has more than a dozen ships. If there are too many ships, we will not be many, and if there are too few, we will not damage the strength of the Shangjiang Fleet. It is a big deal for me to go to the Kingdom of Death..."

In the naval battle between the Shangjiang Fleet and the Jeju Fleet, the three-masted warships were considered high-level cannon fodder. Da Liang would only throw the Black Fire Fleet into the naval battle unless he took the wrong medicine.

Daliang chose to go to the Kingdom of Death at this time because he planned to avoid this naval battle. At least in the early stage when the two sides were fighting at sea, the Black Fire Fleet must have hidden as far as possible. Daliang ran into the Kingdom of Death. Joyce There is no way to mobilize the Blackfire Fleet to the center of the battlefield.

In the middle and late stages, if the Shangjiang fleet can be sure of victory, it will not be too late to return from the kingdom of death. At that time, it will be the time to grab the battle merit and loot.

Brother is not stupid.

Of course...Joyce was not stupid either. She asked, "Tell me what big deal you have in going to the Kingdom of Death. If it's really bigger than this war, I'll let you go."

The so-called big thing... was Daliang's nonsense. Unexpectedly, Joyce actually asked what was going on.

What's up?

Da Liang turned his head and took out the letter of introduction that Holy Bella had just given to him: "Holy Bella just gave me a secret mission. Yunzhong City has a big move about the Hell Lord King in the Kingdom of Death. They invited me to go Please help."

Hell Lord King! This is really a big deal!

However, Daliang had too many criminal records, so Joyce still didn't believe it. She read the letter of introduction again. It was indeed written to a certain undead. It seemed like an ordinary letter of greetings, but you could still see that there were many code words inside.

Joyce couldn't figure out what these code words meant, but this letter could prove that Da Liang did have "important" things that required him to go to the kingdom of death.

The battle in the main world is just a boring game for Holy Bella. The task she assigned must be related to the Lord of Hell and cannot be delayed.

"Since there is a reason, your Black Fire Fleet will be resting in the rear as a reserve force. Anyway, this war cannot be fought in a short time. You must complete the mission of Holy Bella as soon as possible and try to get back when the fleet battle is decisive."

Daliang promised: "Yes, I will definitely be back in time."

Then Daliang added in his heart that when we win, my fleet will definitely be the fastest.

Holy Bella and Joyce have already informed that the only thing left is to tell Geese about going to the Kingdom of Death. During this time, he will not be able to study ship design with him.

When Gis heard that Daliang was going to the Kingdom of Death, he looked calm as usual.

"The Kingdom of Death? The hometown of all the undead. I have been away from there for a long time. One hundred years? Or two hundred years? I have forgotten it.

But before you go to the Kingdom of Death, you need to take a trip to North Star City with me. "

North Star City is the main city of the academy.

The Academy is a group of warlocks and alchemists. They master powerful magic and alchemy, and are good at using alchemy to create alchemical creatures. As some alchemical creatures took on life and became heroes, there were even ultimate creatures. So this group, which was originally created for the purpose of academic exchange, formed a separate race.

Academics belong to the neutral camp. They provide magic and alchemical services to all creatures, so academic cities are generally richer.

As the main city of the academy, North Star City is a holy land of magic for all players and NPCs in China.

At this time, Daliang was a little puzzled that Giss wanted to take him to Beixing City.

"Teacher, what are we going to do in North Star City?"

Giese said: "Go to the ship design seminar. This is a seminar that only ship design masters are eligible to attend. There will be many master-level ship designers who will publish their research results at the meeting. , the experience and knowledge of these masters will be of great help to you, and may also give me some inspiration.

In addition, some disciples of masters will also bring their own works. The organizing committee will form a special jury to evaluate these works. Designers of works recognized by the jury can be promoted to the first-class ship designer level. At the same time, a few outstanding The designer of the work can obtain the Ship Master badge. "

By raising the level of first-level ship designer, doesn't he become an intermediate-level ship designer? An intermediate-level ship designer can design a ketch-class ship, while a ketch-class battleship can barely be considered a conventional combat ship.

The single-masted battleship currently used as the main force in the player's fleet is not qualified to enter the central battlefield in a real naval battle.

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