Start with an Archangel

Chapter 340 Arriving at North Star City

Speed-enhanced single-mast No. 1 ship

Total load capacity: 60

Max weapons: 10

Steering force:95

Propulsion: 93 (base 85)

Standard sailor: 20

Required sailors: 5

Maximum sailors: 45

The speed-enhanced single-mast No. 1 ship has increased the ship's propulsion by 8 points on the basis of weakening the basic attributes of the single-mast battleship. The nearly 10% increase in speed is definitely a big breakthrough for a single-masted battleship that relies on speed.

Giese was very happy that Daliang could make optimization changes in the design drawing he gave, because in his vision, it would be good for Daliang to design a single-masted battleship with a propulsion increase of 5 or 6 points.

Now it has increased by 8 points, making him look forward to the ship design seminar held in North Star City even more.

The time for the seminar was approaching, and Giese took Daliang all the way from Shangjiang City to Beixing City.

In the game of Heroic World, the cities of each race have different styles and characteristics.

The human city is a European style with retro medieval and modern features, while the academic city is more of a magical and modern city.

The spiers make Beixing City look like a modern city with high-rise buildings. The alchemy magic cart without animal power shuttles through the city through the roads extending in all directions. There are overpasses connecting the buildings, and there is also a palace that leads directly to the sky. North Star City fully demonstrates the convenience brought by magic and alchemy to everyone who comes here.

After coming out of the teleportation array, Geese and Daliang got into an alchemy magic car and arrived at the headquarters of the Ship Designers Association.

The academic faction belongs to the neutral camp. As the main city of the academic faction, North Star City has the strength to allow itself to adhere to the principle of neutrality without being affected by the outside world. Therefore, some academic research associations like to set up their headquarters in the liberal atmosphere of North Star City. .

The Ship Designers Association in North Star City is the headquarters of ship designers in China.

Every once in a while, the ship design masters under its jurisdiction and some potential senior ship designers are invited to come here to communicate on ship design, discover ship design talents, and sometimes publish some tasks.

Not all coastal cities have master-level ship designers stationed there. In fact, there are only 15 master-level ship designers in the whole of China. In addition, due to age or other problems, only the ship design masters who can complete the design of battleships are now 11th place. The design level of these 11 ship designers also ranges from high to low. Only two people are capable of designing third-level battleships.

If some cities do not have a master ship designer and want to build a battleship or a giant ship, they need to post a task to the Ship Designers Association.

In addition, after Beixing City receives an order for an aerial battleship, it will also invite the ship design masters here to design the hull of the aerial battleship.

The headquarters of the North Star City Ship Design Association is located on the seaside. The cooperative relationship with North Star City allows them to have their own dock and a shipyard.

Guis and Daliang stepped off the alchemy magic car. In front of you is a three-story building made of white stone. There is a battleship statue on the square in front of the building. A group of stonemen and mages provided by North Star City serve as guards to guard the place.

Since a large number of top ship designers will arrive during this seminar, the guards here have been strengthened again. Among the guards patrolling the building, the building saw gods and monsters (academic level nine creatures) and Nagas (academic level ten creatures). first-level creature) figure.

Da Liang followed Giss to the door of the building. Just when Giss was about to show the invitation, a gargoyle landed next to Giss from the sky and took out a letter and handed it to him.

Guise opened the letter, took a look at it, then summoned a flame and burned the letter to ashes.

Then Gis gave the invitation letter to Daliang and said: "I have an urgent matter to deal with, and you will participate in this seminar on my behalf."

After saying that, Jisi didn't give Daliang any time to speak, and directly used the flying magic to fly away with the gargoyle.

It was strange that there was something important that prevented Ghislaine from attending the ship design seminar. He was very fond of this academic exchange meeting.

However, Daliang knew a mysterious secret of Gis, but Daliang did not intend to add Gis to his multi-line mission chain.

Following Gis, you only learn ship design and don't care about other things. If you continue to care about it, it will really tire you to death.

Showing the invitation letter, Daliang successfully walked into the headquarters of the Ship Designers Association.

This seminar will be held in the conference hall on the second floor. Walking up the stairs and walking through the corridor, Da Liang entered the highest hall that all ship designers want to enter.

This is a stepped conference room that can accommodate a hundred people. At this time, because the seminar has not started, the conference room is only less than half full.

Da Liang found a seat in a corner and sat down. After turning on the video recording function, he contacted Xu Man.

In the war against the Dongyue Territory, the College Alliance achieved a complete victory. The Judgment Fleet still stayed in the Dongyue Territory. Under the threat of artillery, the negotiations between Xu Man and Zui Xiyang went smoothly.

Now Shangjiang Yunxiao Territory, Weihai Dongyue Territory and Liaodong Tianyu Territory have reached a preliminary intention to form an alliance. Of course, Dongyue Leader and Tianyu Leader were not willing to be just pawns in Xu Man's blueprint. They wanted to gain as much say as possible in the new alliance.

At the same time, Xu Man is also worried about how binding this alliance reached by force will be. How to avoid being stabbed in the back by these two territories in the future will definitely test one's political skills.

"You have to have both a carrot and a big stick. Hitting too hard and making too many compromises may cause hidden dangers in the future. The territory has suddenly become so big, and I feel a little overwhelmed." Xu Man's tone showed a bit of fatigue , "You are relaxed now. After the battle, the people disappeared. I am carrying such a big stall all by myself. If there is nothing important for you, come and help quickly."

Daliang replied: "What I am doing now is really important. Do you want to replace all the main forces of the Yunxiao Fleet and the Judgment Fleet with two-masted battleships?"

Hearing the two-masted battleship, Xu Manren immediately became energetic: "Of course I want to change. The single-masted battleship does not have the ability to go to sea independently. When going to the waters around Japan, you need to follow the supply ship. The originally fast ship is slowed down. Yes. Our gold mine near the Japanese area has been targeted by players in the Japanese area. We will inevitably have to fight with them in the future, and we will definitely not be able to fight with a single-masted battleship.

Now that you have advanced to the intermediate level of ship designer, you can design a brigantine battleship? I heard that the production rate of brigantine warship blueprints is frighteningly low. There is no sketch that can greatly improve the success rate. Even if you drop tens of thousands of gold coins, you may not be able to produce a brigantine warship blueprint. "

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