Start with an Archangel

Chapter 341 Seminar

The proficiency of primary ship design is very easy to improve, and you can easily master it as long as you are willing to spend money. This is also the reason why both sides can easily pull out hundreds of single-masted battleships in a lord war.

What limited the size of the sloop was not the blueprint, but the cost of building and arming the ship.

But it's different when it comes to brig-class ships.

The world is so big and there are so many players, there must be someone who has become an intermediate ship designer.

However, the number of two-masted ships, especially two-masted battleships, is still very small. This is because the basic drawing rate of two-masted ships is too low. It is basically impossible to obtain normal drawings without sketches and using blank drawings.

Through Daliang's words, Xu Man guessed that he might have been promoted to an intermediate ship designer. Although the drawing rate was a bit poor, it was still promising.

Da Liang said with a smile: "I am not an intermediate ship designer yet, but I will be soon. In addition, I have also found a way to improve the drawing rate of the two-masted battleship, and I am currently working on this task. If you really need me there, Help, I’ll go over now.”

"No, no, no," the brigantine battleship gave him the confidence to speak at sea in the future. How could Xu Man dare to delay such an important matter? "You can just go about your task with peace of mind. Leave the negotiation to me. As long as we can pull it off quickly." We will send out a large-scale fleet of two-masted warships, Dongyue Territory and Tianyu Territory, whether they are dragons or tigers, they will listen to us honestly."

With the presence of the two-masted battleship alone in Daliang, Xu Man felt relieved and had some new ideas about negotiations.

After discussing some details of the negotiation with Daliang, Xu Man said: "Gu Tao has successfully worshiped the elf envoy Saroyan as his disciple. The letter of introduction from Holy Bella played a big role. Of course, Taozi's temperament is also very special. For the taste of elves, the test was basically passed without any danger. Now that she has left the dreamland, it is estimated that we will have a powerful mage in the near future, but she may have to miss this large-scale naval battle plot."

Talking about the naval battle between Shangjiang City and Jeju City, Daliang said: "In this large-scale naval battle, the players are still sweeping the corners. Our opponents are the players in Jeju City. We don't need to comply with the 'Ultimate Creature Restriction Convention' to fight them. Shu Akatsuki and her Frost Dragon can basically guarantee our side's air superiority. As long as we act steadily and don't touch the Jeju fleet, there is no problem in following the Shangjiang fleet to reap the benefits.

Now that Howard is king, the Navy has completed unified command ahead of schedule. I have read Joyce's war plan. This battle seeks stability first. The Shangjiang Fleet does not plan to have a premature decisive battle with the Jeju Fleet. They will gather on the edge of the sea outside Sangjiang to launch defenses, shorten their own supply lines, and wait for the Pudong Fleet. After completing the integration with the Chongming fleet, we will look for opportunities for a decisive battle.

In the early days of the war, the mission of our legions affiliated with the Shangjiang Fleet was to actively press forward to establish a maritime information blockade zone to prevent players from Jeju City from breaking through to destroy and obtain intelligence. At the same time, we conducted harassing attacks on the Jeju Fleet and obtained intelligence.

You can involve the Dongyue Fleet. Aren't they in Nantong waters? In this way, our strength at the player level has an overwhelming advantage over Jeju City. We can directly avoid the Jeju fleet from the west of Jeju Island and press it into their inland sea, preventing their player ships from leaving the port. "

Affected by the war, the University Alliance has made every effort to build its own fleet. Since no large-scale naval battle broke out, the maritime power of the Shangjiang players led by the University Alliance has surpassed that of the Jeju Island players. If the Dongyue Fleet is added, if Jeju City players do not seek foreign aid and basically do not have the strength to compete with the university alliance at sea.

There are no strong enemies on the sea, which is why Daliang prepares to take this time to go to the Kingdom of Death.

Xu Man did not worry too much about the plot of this naval battle. His strength was there. Even if the entire Korean sailing players came out in force, the college alliance would still have the confidence to fight them.

Daliang talked about some more plans he knew about the Shangjiang fleet, and then ended the call with Xu Man.

At this time, the seminar hall was full of people, and a master ship designer was talking about his vision for a second-level battleship on the podium in front.

Nowadays, second-level battleships are an eternal theme in the field of ship design around the world. Every ship design master hopes to be the first to design a second-level battleship.

How to increase the speed of a larger ship is the bottleneck of this breakthrough.

The master of ship design on the podium was talking about the current mainstream idea of ​​a second-level battleship, which is to reduce the dead weight of the hull to achieve the purpose of increasing speed.

As for the research on second-level battleships, Geese, who has mastered the bulbous bow technology, is undoubtedly at the leading position in this field.

If you want to add a bulbous bow to the hull, you need to do enough research on the lateral resistance generated when the ship sails. Therefore, even if you know that a bulbous bow can increase the speed of the ship, you cannot add it to the hull without understanding its design principles. Bulbous bow design.

By listening to the lecture, Daliang could understand the extent of current mainstream ship design research on second-level battleships.

It is a very simple matter for ship design masters to reduce the dead weight of the ship body to increase the ship speed. The difficulty is how to not significantly weaken the ship's defense.

How to increase the internal pressure of the ship body through design, thereby reducing internal materials and reducing its own weight.

This is the idea of ​​​​the Taiwanese ship design master's design of second-level battleships, but his theory is not perfect yet and is not enough to design a second-level battleship that meets the standards.

The ship design masters spoke one after another. Daliang listened carefully and made a video for further study.

Then a speech by a ship designer aroused his strong interest.

This is a senior ship designer, but a senior ship designer who is qualified to speak at such a conference must have a recognized talent.

He proposed the idea of ​​a watertight cabin, believing that designing a watertight cabin inside a ship could increase the ship's survivability while reducing the ship's defense and increasing its speed.

Watertight cabins were first applied to ships in ancient China, which can greatly improve the anti-sinking ability of ships. Modern ships still widely use watertight cabin technology.

Isn’t it a bit too abrupt for this watertight cabin theory to suddenly appear in the context of Western fantasy? It's just like proposing the bulbous bow myself, it's too ahead of its time.

Players, there must be player influence behind this senior ship designer.

Daliang never thinks that he is the only lucky person in this game. There are so many opportunities in the game. As long as he can grasp it well, he can soar into the sky and become a super player.

It was just that Daliang was a little surprised to encounter competition from players so quickly in terms of ship design.

There have been a lot of social activities these days, and all the saved articles have been used up. There will be two updates today and normal updates will resume tomorrow.

Feel sorry.

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