Start with an Archangel

Chapter 343 Three Assassins

He hid himself from the sight of the guards, and then walked out swaggering near the shipyard.

After saying hello to the guards, Da Liang opened the door.

Then a huge force pulled Daliang into the room, and then he saw a ball of light pressing towards his face.

"Stop it, Nicole. He's my disciple."

Giese's voice stopped the attack.

The restraints on Daliang's body were untied, and then he saw two people appearing in the room.

One is, of course, Da Liang's ship design instructor Giese. He is still wearing a black smock, but it is full of holes and dust, and there is also a faint green smoke after the flames are extinguished.

The other is a woman.

She has light purple skin, which is a sequelae of the elementalization of her body. In order to pursue their affinity for a certain element, some academic sorcerers will change or even reshape their bodies through alchemical means. Therefore, some high-level warlocks are mostly colorful, and purple represents that the woman in front of her has very strong air magic ability.

Nicole released the magic that imprisoned Liang's actions, and then asked Keith: "Is this person trustworthy?"

Giese took off his tattered black blouse, revealing his skeleton, then put on a new one in front of the two people, and said, "It should be trustworthy. At least the prophet still trusts him."

Hearing the prophet, Nicole relaxed her guard against Daliang, and then asked Keith: "How much does he know about us?"

Without waiting for Guis to answer, Daliang said: "I don't know anything about you, and I don't want to know. I just hope that this promotion to intermediate ship designer will go smoothly, and then I will go to the kingdom of death, and you can do whatever you want. I have nothing to do with it.”

"Earl Daliang, we need your help."

A voice came from behind Daliang. Daliang turned around and saw that the prophet was already standing there.

He walked forward slowly and gave Daliang a warm hug: "After you left Songjiang, although we didn't meet again, I have always been paying attention to you. You are a trustworthy friend. If you are like this If you can help us this time, I can give you another recovery potion, a dose that can temporarily revive the four-headed dragon."

On Qingye Island, Daliang had three salvaged black dragon and dragon red corpses, plus Shi Fei's golden dragon, Daliang happened to have four dragon corpses.

If he can get four doses of recovery potion, he can get four bone dragons. According to the current probability, he can add two more frost dragons to his army.

This is definitely good news for Da Liang, who is about to go to the kingdom of death.

As for the origin of the recovery potion?

Daliang asked: "Excuse me, sir, has your lover been resurrected?"

The prophet's expression turned gloomy, and he replied: "I didn't succeed. Even if I used a living archangel, I didn't make a resurrection potion. If I want to resurrect her, I have to look for the fountain of life..."

Fearing that the prophet would say something he shouldn't have said, Nicole reminded: "Prophet, remember our agreement."

"I know." The prophet also realized that he had revealed some information that should not be disclosed. He turned to ask Daliang: "A recovery potion can be exchanged for your help, right?"

"Of course," Da Liang secretly wrote down the name of the Fountain of Life, and then smiled: "But you need to tell me clearly what happened just now, and how I can help you."

The three people were obviously led by the prophet. He said: "We robbed an important thing in North Star City near the Cloud Palace of North Star City. Now North Star City has opened a magic network to monitor the magic changes in the entire city. I can't use remote control." Use teleportation magic to send us and that thing away from here. Therefore, we hope that Lord Earl can use your fleet to transport it out of North Star City."

Daliang asked: "What?"

The prophet looked at the other two men and said, "Titan, the body of a Titan."


Da Liang cursed in his heart.

Titans are the ultimate creatures of the academy. They are not constructed creatures created by academic warlocks, but are relics of the gods living in the Thunder Cloud Temple plane. According to legend, the God of Thunder created them with lightning, giving them the ability to release thunder. .

Titans are the only long-range arms among the ultimate creatures, and their powerful bodies also give them excellent melee capabilities.

These three people actually killed a Titan in the center of North Star City. This was no different from hunting an Archangel in Shangjiang City.

No wonder Beixing City is now not only closed to the air, but also deployed a magic net. This is already red-eyed.

Daliang asked: "Titan, where is Titan's body?"

The prophet said: "Just under the water at the Ship Designers Association dock, I sent him to that place before the magic net was deployed in North Star City. Now after the magic net is deployed, we can only send him out by ship."

A Titan died in Beixing City. The whole city must be sealed off to search for it. There is no need to think about transporting it out by land, but by water...

North Star City must have thought that the murderer of Titan would transport Titan's body away by water, so the sea must have been sealed off, and it would not be easy to transport Titan's body out.

But in order to restore the potion, I had to try it anyway.

It just so happened that the Black Fire Fleet was still staying in the Weihai waters, less than a day away from North Star City.

Order Sidney to lead the Black Fire Fleet to North Star City. As for how to transport the Titan's body out, we will wait until the fleet arrives.

After receiving the order, the Blackfire Fleet began to sail towards North Star City.

Daliang then asked: "How big is Titan? I'll find a way to arrange shipment."

"Eight meters high."


Da Liang couldn't help but cursed in his heart. The eight-meter-long guy was underwater at the dock, so salvaging it would be a problem.

The three big bosses who are causing trouble in North Star City are in this room. If anyone opens the door and comes in, as long as he is not silenced in time, he will attract all the high-level heroes in North Star City. I am afraid that the Ship Design Association will be blown up directly. God.

Daliang asked: "What are your plans these days? It will be very troublesome if you are discovered."

Keith said: "No one has seen my appearance. I am a master ship designer and was invited to participate in the seminar. Without enough evidence, North Star City will not embarrass me."

The prophet with a special appearance said: "Short-distance teleportation, I have a way not to be noticed by the magic network. I found a cave underground. Although it is not big, it should be no problem to hide two people. Where are you, Nicole? Do you want to come with me?" Hiding underground for two days?”

Nicole imagined herself huddled in an underground cave with the prophet, and shuddered: "No, I won't go anywhere, I will stay in this room. If a stranger comes in..."

The three of them looked at Nicole together.

"I'll hide. Don't look at me like that. No one will notice me. I'm as fast as lightning."

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