Start with an Archangel

Chapter 344 Gemstones and potions are not as good as a good name

In this way, the Prophet sneaked underground, while Da Liang, Geese and Nicole continued to stay in the room.

The entire North Star City is still searching for the three assassins who killed Titan. Even the Ship Designers Association is also being searched.

Four soldiers from Beixing City walked into Daliang's dormitory.

Giese was invited here, and with a certificate from the Ship Designers Association, there was no problem with his identity. Daliang is a disciple of Gis and the earl of Shangjiang City. Without any evidence to prove that Giese and Daliang were assassins, the searching soldiers retreated respectfully.

During the entire search process, no one of the four soldiers with eight eyes saw Nicole in the room.

As Nicole says, she's lightning fast.

In fact, in Daliang's eyes, Nicole just released a silent arc, and then appeared from one end to the other, jumping all the way so that she was always in a blind spot that the four people could not see, until the four soldiers left. , none of them noticed that there were actually three people in this room.

It can be said that Daliang admired Nicole for this skill. It was simply a magical skill for killing people, stealing goods, and running away to save their lives.

After the four soldiers left, Da Liang immediately closed the door, and then said eagerly to Nicole: "Miss Nicole, what kind of magic was you jumping around there just now?"

Speaking of this magic, Nicole said: "This is a little trick I researched not long ago. I have never thought of a name. I want to call it Arc Flash. Do you two think this name is very nice?"

Daliang's face darkened, such a handsome skill was called by such a crude name.

"What a name," Daliang clapped his hands and praised, "I just saw Miss Nicole jumping in the arc, and suddenly a name flashed in my mind. Now that I taste it, although the momentum is enough, the artistic conception It is much weaker than "Arc Flash". "

Of course, Nicole was very happy to be praised. Although she called this skill a little trick, in fact, it can be seen from her face how proud she is of this magic. It is a space-like spell that has no lead time and can be cast instantly. The transmission distance is slightly shorter and impeccable.

Hearing Daliang say that he thought of an impressive name, Nicole asked: "What name did you think of? Tell me."

"The Art of Flying Thunder God."

Daliang has no shame at all about plagiarism.

Nicole's eyes lit up, she murmured the name, and then said shamelessly: "Although it is indeed much worse than 'Arc Flash' in terms of artistic conception, the momentum is very much to my liking. From now on, this skill will be called 'Flying'" "Thunder God's Art". Hahahaha... Young man, no wonder both the Prophet and Gith value you so much, you are indeed very popular, my sister thinks highly of you."

Unexpectedly, Nicole's laughter contained a bit of brother's madness.

Daliang quickly climbed up the pole and said, "Sister Nicole, can you teach me your 'Flying Thunder God Technique'?"

Nicole said: "If you want to learn my 'Flying Thunder God Technique', you must first master advanced air magic and learn the door of different dimensions. But if you want to achieve the best results, you also need someone with the air element like me." body."

Advanced air magic, door to another dimension, body with air elements.

Daliang doesn't know any of them, so he seems to be greedy for this skill.

"However," Nicole said: "If the prophet is willing to provide me with some rare medicinal materials, I can make a prop for you through alchemy that can release the 'Flying Thunder God's Technique', such as a ring."

Daliang quickly shouted: "Prophet, do you hear me? I will add some rare medicinal materials to the reward of the Far Titan's corpse."

The prophet's voice appeared in the room: "Yes, but... I have the ring of 'Flying Thunder God'."

At this time, the prophet has teleported in, and it seems that he is also very jealous of this skill.

At this time, Keith said: "I want one too."

Nicole said to Keith: "Daliang provided the name, and the prophet provided the medicinal materials. Do you want me to do it for you for free?"

Giss took out a stone from somewhere, with a deep purple glow that was soft and condensed.

"The air element crystal can absorb the air element ability from the outside to achieve self-charging. If it is used as the energy core of the ring, it will not only improve the effect of air magic, but also allow the 'Flying Thunder God Technique' to be continuously released. This piece In addition to the amount of air element crystal used to make the ring, the rest should be enough for you to strengthen your body."

Nicole caught the air element crystal on her finger from the air, and then quickly put it away: "As expected of a pirate before, there are many good things in my hand. If you still have the air element crystal, take it out some more."

"Yes, but I'm not going to give it to you, and I need a ring."

Seeing that Geese looked like he was definitely not giving away the air element crystals in vain, Nicole could only say: "Okay, but you have to carve the shape and magic circle for me. If I do such a delicate technique, I will definitely waste a lot of air element crystals. , and you can draw more magic circuits than I can.”

To make the "Flying Thunder God Technique" ring for himself, Geese would of course go all out.

Daliang on the side was a little dumbfounded. From the prophet's willingness to provide rare medicinal materials, and the fact that Jisi took out the very awesome Qi element crystal, he could see how powerful the "Flying Thunder God Technique" was.

Instant teleportation spells are just a few more lives for these advanced heroes.

However, I got it just by providing a name. Will I be struck by lightning when I go out?

It has to be said that women are all emotional creatures. I am afraid that in Nicole's heart, a good name is more important than rare medicinal materials or elemental crystals.

Three heroes who didn't know their level but knew each master's skill at a glance were preparing to make the "Flying Thunder God Technique" ring in this hut.

The prophet took out the corresponding rare medicinal materials based on the names Nicole said, and then made various alchemical potions and powders based on the steps and formulas mentioned by Nicole.

Keith took out the tools he used to carve ship models, and under Nicole's instructions, he carved magic circuits on three air element crystals that were cut out to be only the size of a finger.

Nicole needs to coordinate the movements of herself, Geese, and the Prophet to complete the final step of smelting and enchanting.

The three people moved very carefully, and the entire process of making the "Flying Thunder God's Art" ring was carried out bit by bit.

Da Liang watched for a while, but he didn't understand anything except being amazed at the skills of the three people.

Knowing that there are so many different lines, Daliang didn't even think about learning sculpture, alchemy, or potions. He simply watched the replays of the filmed seminars and studied his own ship design.

The next day, the Ship Designers Association informed the seminar to continue.

Giss was busy making the "Flying Thunder God Technique" ring and could not participate, so Da Liang continued to attend alone.

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