Start with an Archangel

Chapter 346 Camera Obscura

The single-masted combat ship started and slowly left the dock and sailed towards the outside sea.

While the jury was evaluating the single-masted battleship, Da Liang walked up to the player.

"Excuse me, brother, what do you call me? We all study ship design. We need to help each other more in the future."

That player had already recognized Daliang.

Daliang's reputation is so great that there are not many players in China who don't know him. But he didn't expect that Daliang would take the initiative to come and make friends. After all, they were enemies in the same industry. Especially this time, there was only one winning prize for ship design, and the two of them were competitors.

"Hello, Boss Daliang, my name is Kui Tu, and I am the ship designer of the Dominion Legion."

The person who dominates the legion, Shi Fei.

Da Liang did not expect that he had just had a confrontation with Shi Fei at sea, and so soon met him on the design of the ship. It could be said that they were enemies on a narrow road.

But it’s right to think about it.

Shi Fei's territory is in Hainan, and his strength development direction is to rely on the South China Sea to expand to the entire ocean. He must cultivate his own ship design masters.

This player named Kui Tu was probably the master of ship design in Shi Fei's previous life, and he was recruited into the legion in this life.

To be able to participate in this seminar held by the Ship Design Agreement so quickly and come up with an independently designed single-masted battleship is indeed the talent that Shi Fei has chosen.

As for digging into the corner of the stone, Daliang also thought about it in his mind.

However, Shi Fei is now a successful big boss, and he has lost hundreds of millions of eyes in national and naval battles without batting an eyelid. And where is myself? Living in a two-bedroom apartment, he seems to have a lot of wealth in his hands, but he can't figure out why he should let people give up the master who has a bright future and work hard with himself.

Daliang said haha: "I said at the seminar, how could anyone come up with such a brilliant design plan for a watertight cabin? It turns out that I met a player. I can complete the watertight cabin design of a single-masted battleship so quickly. Brother, you will definitely be able to play in the game in the future. Let’s do something big here.”

Aoi Tu was surprised: "You can actually enter the hall to listen to the seminar? Is your instructor a master ship designer?"

Daliang asked strangely: "Didn't you go in?"

Hearing Da Liang's answer, he was obviously qualified to attend the seminar. Aoi Tu, who was originally a little proud of designing a single-masted combat ship, immediately became frustrated: "Only master-level ship designers are qualified to lead a single-masted combat ship." The disciples were observing the seminar, but my instructor was only a senior ship designer. Although he was very talented in ship design, he could not bring me in."

Daliang did not expect that Baijis as a mentor would have such benefits.

But...since you are Shi Fei's person, I can't help it.

I have a video, but I just won’t talk about it.

"I've met your mentor. He is indeed very talented. He is probably not far away from being promoted to the master level. Maybe next time you will be qualified to attend."

"Hopefully...see the jury is back."

The evaluation of the watertight cabin is actually relatively simple. You only need to test whether there are changes in other attributes when the ship is sailing, and then fire a round of cannon to test the pressure resistance of the ship body.

Kuito's single-masted battleship quickly reached the shore.

"It's very good. Although this is just a single-masted battleship, it proves that watertight cabin technology is indeed feasible on ships. This is a great discovery, and it will give our future ships better survivability. . I suggest that this year’s design award be given to the designer of this single-masted combat ship to thank him for his contribution to ship design.”

"Yes, a ship with a watertight cabin will not sink easily. This design is of extraordinary significance. I agree to give this year's winning award to its designer."


What do you agree with!

Da Liang didn't want to do it anymore.

A ship as big as my brother is standing in front of you. If you haven't even gotten on the ship, you have to give the winning prize to someone else. The secret operation is too obvious.

"Wait, wait." Seeing that the other judging masters wanted to give the winning prize to Kui Tu, Daliang quickly stopped him: "Masters, I am also here to participate in the judging. Where have you not seen my boat?"

One of the leading masters said to Daliang with a puzzling smile: "You are a disciple of Master Gis, right? Why didn't Master Gis come with you?"

Geese is following the Prophet and Nicole to make the ring of "Flying Thunder God Technique".

Of course, this cannot be said.

Daliang replied: "My mentor is feeling a little unwell. As you all know, he has been ill for a long time."

Several masters showed expressions that were indeed true.

"Ghis' talent is very high. If someone asked me in the past who could be the first to design a second-level battleship, I would definitely say Gith. But Gith also got into trouble because of his talent. His thinking was very Chaos cannot distinguish right from wrong. As members of the same association, we have an obligation to help him correct his mistakes. We don’t know how you used Gith to agree to accept you as a disciple, but if you use Gith’s reputation to cheat, we will not sit idly by and watch. in spite of.

We would be protecting the reputation of the Gith by not reviewing your ship at this time.

In addition, we are giving you a piece of advice. We are ship designers. Without special requirements from our employer, we have to design ships that can be produced using conventional materials. To participate in the evaluation of ship enchantments is an insult to all ship designers. .

If Giss was sane, he wouldn't let you mess around like this. "

Da Liang could hear the irony in the masters' words. They were ridiculing him for tampering with the battleship he designed without telling Giese.

Being constantly suspected, these masters at the same time said that they were liars in front of so many people. This made Daliang very angry, and...

Daliang directly took out his earl badge and said sternly to several masters: "I am the earl of Shangjiang King. What you just said insulted a noble and seriously provoked the majesty of Shangjiang City. I ask you to apologize to me immediately. , and notarize the evaluation of the single-masted battleship I designed, otherwise you will be responsible for all consequences."

The masters did not expect that Daliang turned out to be a nobleman, an earl, and a person of status among the noble class.

But this is North Star City, and those who can become master ship designers basically enjoy the title of nobility in their respective cities. Although the title of Earl of Daliang surprised the masters, a foreign noble really did not scare them.


The leader of the master was about to scold Da Liang, but something suddenly appeared in the distant sky, causing him to stop talking.

An archangel and an undead dragon.

They are flying quickly towards the dock where the ship design association is located.

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