Start with an Archangel

Chapter 347 Fishing in troubled waters

The archangel is a level 14 creature of the human race. Although the undead dragon is not a ghost dragon of the undead race, it is definitely a level 14 creature.

These two level 14 ultimate creatures are flying towards this side quickly, and behind them are a large group of silver pegasus and griffins in the air.

Then a fleet appeared on the distant sea.

Soon the Archangel and the Undead flew over the Ship Designers Association. The Undead were hovering in the sky, and the Archangel returned to his human form and landed next to Da Liang.

The members of the Ship Designers Association immediately realized that the army marching here belonged to Daliang.

The masters of the jury said angrily: "Count Daliang, do you know what you are doing? This is Beixing City, not your Shangjiang City. Are you coming with the army to provoke a war between Beixing City and Shangjiang City? "

Daliang said: "I want to provoke a war between two cities, and I will not bring such a small number of people. The army that comes with me to Beixing City this time is my private fleet, and its size will not pose any threat to Beixing City. As long as I do not attack the facilities of North Star City, it is legal for my fleet to sail in the waters of North Star City.

Now, I'm being treated unfairly here, my personal fleet arriving just so I can enjoy my rights.

The only thing you need to do now is to apologize to me and promise to judge the battleship I designed fairly. "

The Ship Designers Association belongs to North Star City, and the ship designers here also receive protection from North Star City. Therefore, these ship designers quickly returned to normal after experiencing the initial shock.

"In Beixing City, your fleet can't scare anyone, and it won't have any effect. As long as you dare to attack here, I guarantee that Beixing City's army will wipe you out immediately."

Daliang looked at the approaching fleet and said with a smile: "Of course I have no intention of attacking you. I just want to attract the attention of the rulers of North Star City and then tell them what happened to me. I want the ship designer to After the news spreads that the association made its own rules but did not follow them, what will everyone think of you?

At that time... Liar should be the word that describes you.

Look, someone is here at the North Star City Center. Do you think we should ask His Majesty the King of Bohai to make a fair judgment on our current dispute? "

The masters became a little flustered.

At the end of each seminar, a review of newly designed warships is conducted to identify potential ship designers. This is a rule set by the Ship Designers Association when it was founded.

This rule is also well known to people, and some accomplished ship designers have grown up step by step through this rule.

Nowadays, the masters do not judge the ships designed by Daliang because it is impossible for a single-masted battleship to increase the ship speed by 8. If this matter was only known to the circle of ship designers, relying on the reputation of the masters and the ship designers' knowledge of the sloop, nothing would happen.

But once it gets publicized, it becomes a scandal.

What's more, the other party is a noble, a king's earl of a main city.

If things really get serious and the Donghai King of Shangjiang City comes out to publicly condemn the Ship Designers Association, it will be a big stain in the lives of these five jury masters.

At this time, North Star City is in a tense period, and the three gangsters who assassinated Titan have not yet been caught.

Therefore, when the Archangel and the Frost Dragon arrived at North Star City with a large number of flying troops, several heroes from North Star City immediately flew towards them.

The masters of the jury became red-faced. The identity of Earl Daliang was enough to attract the attention of King Bohai. If the matter reached the palace of Beixing City, it would be too late.

"I'm very sorry, Lord Count. I think there is a little misunderstanding between us. We have no intention of not evaluating your battleship. This is the rule of the association and no one will violate it..."

Before the heroes landed in North Star City, the masters finally relented and apologized to Daliang.

"What happened here? Who do the archangel and the undead dragon belong to?"

A blue-skinned warlock landed. He looked at Julian and Astro, and then asked everyone.

Daliang took out his earl badge and said: "They are all my subordinates. My private fleet was invited by the Ship Designers Association to participate in the experiment of the ship's carrying capacity for air forces. My fleet is about to arrive, now You can see that most of the ships in the fleet are merchant ships used to carry flying troops."

The blue-skinned warlock looked at the approaching fleet, and sure enough, except for two three-masted warships and a few two-masted warships, most of them were merchant ships.

Such an army would not do any harm to North Star City. The warlock was slightly relieved. The battle that took place in the center of the city made him too nervous.

He turned to the personnel of the Ship Designers Association to confirm what Daliang said.

The masters all said that this fleet was indeed invited by them to participate in the ship design seminar, and its purpose was to test the ship's carrying capacity for air arms.

The fleet did not pose a threat to North Star City, and with the guarantee of the masters of the Ship Designers Association, the blue-skinned warlock regarded it as a false alarm. After reminding everyone to pay attention to safety, he took the people and flew away from here.

The invited Blackfire fleet now docked at the dock of the Ship Designers Association in full view of everyone.

Da Liang, who succeeded in his plan, smiled and said to the masters on the jury: "Now, you masters can board my 'Speed ​​Enhanced Single Mast Ship No. 1' and start the evaluation."

Seeing the arrogant Daliang, the masters of the jury were filled with anger, but they could not release it.

"Count Da Liang, don't be too proud. Without the use of alchemy technology, it is impossible for a single-masted battleship to increase its speed by 8. No matter how hidden you hide this speed-increasing alchemy equipment, we will find it. By then... not only It’s you, even Giss, who will pay the price you deserve.”

After the threat was too great, the masters of the jury boarded the speed-enhanced single-mast No. 1 ship together.

After entering the cabin, the masters did not immediately ask to sail away from the dock. Instead, they used their own magic energy detection equipment to look for a certain alchemical item that had been "hidden" and had a speed-increasing effect.

But of course they can't detect anything that isn't there in the first place.

"How is it possible? If there are really alchemy items on this ship, there is no way it will not be discovered by us."

"I didn't find anything suspicious. Now we can only conduct a sea trial on the ship. Maybe when the ship starts moving, we can discover the hidden tricks."

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