Start with an Archangel

Chapter 351 Preparing to Enter the Kingdom of Death

"I have been away from the Kingdom of Death for a long time. I have long forgotten how long it was. Although I also believe in the God of Death, I still advise you to try not to have anything to do with the Unsullied Holy See in the Kingdom of Death. The original meaning of the Unsullied Doctrine , is to persuade those rotten undead souls to complete the final journey of life, but now... it is the ruling tool of the Death Lord, and even uses cruel punishments such as fire to kill those so-called 'exiles who betrayed the God of Death'.

Remember what I say, it will save you a lot of trouble. "

Marquis Stanley was obviously very dissatisfied with the actions of the Unsullied Holy See, which was probably the reason why he did not return to the Kingdom of Death.

But after all, Marquis Stanley still believed in the God of Death, so Da Liang did not dare to discuss with him the "Wizards' Guild" that denied the existence of the God of Death.

"Thank you very much, Lord Marquis, for your advice to me. My only purpose in going to the Kingdom of Death is to obtain the territory construction blueprints. When I meet the missionaries of the Unsullied Church, I will definitely run as far as I can."

Marquis Stanley chuckled and said: "I believe that with your mind, Brother Daliang, your journey in the Kingdom of Death will be very smooth. I have already prepared the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's dividends this month for you. Bring more with you to the Kingdom of Death." Money will definitely be of great help to your mission.”

Every living undead has spiritual sustenance, and the undead who pursue wealth account for a large proportion. They have no need for survival and consumption, they just like the shiny look of gold coins and gems.

Daliang also liked gold coins very much, especially after seeing the warehouse filled with 5 million gold coins. Under the gold mountain, he felt that the whole world was golden.

"This...this...all these gold coins belong to me?"

Although Daliang knew that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce was very profitable, he did not expect that the money earned would be so ruthless.

Marquis Stanley looked at the gold coins in front of him and was very intoxicated.

"Of course, these are all yours. Don't look so surprised. In fact, my gold coins are much more than these. I think my wish will come true in a few years. After I fill this castle with gold coins, I will I have to build another castle. Putting gold coins no longer shows my wealth. Putting gems is more challenging."

"Ahem, cough, cough, the taste of the Marquis is really impressive."

In this way, Daliang returned to the Black Fire Territory with the newly harvested 5 million gold coins and the four-headed bone dragon.

The bone dragon was thrown into the evil prison, and the frost dragon came out.

Daliang felt that his transformation of the bone dragon seemed to be trapped in a two-for-one spell. The four-headed bone dragon actually successfully transformed into a two-headed frost dragon, but he was unlucky and turned into a three-headed one.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as just one success.

There are two giant frost dragons, one named Bite Roar and the other named Hurricane.

Coupled with Astro and Julian forming the ultimate military team, Daliang's top-notch military strength entering the Kingdom of Death this time can ensure that Daliang wins a low-intensity war.

After completing the transformation of the frost dragon, Da Liang began to transform the newly recruited ghosts into demons.

The ghost looks like a floating half-skeleton wearing a black cloak. It belongs to the flying class, but its attributes are all unsatisfactory.

One by one, the ghosts were sent to the evil prison by Da Liang.

After a failed sacrifice, a ghost was successfully transformed into a demonic undead.

Demon spirit: (Level 7 half-undead, half-demon creature)

Attack: 9

Defense: 9

Kill: 60-80

HP: 250

Characteristics of the unit: life recovery (increases blood volume by 250 every ten minutes), energy tide (energy-type attacking creatures, if there is a demon within ten meters around, the killing damage is increased by 10%, can be superimposed, the upper limit is 30%, one demon can only attack An energy-attacking creature provides a tide of energy)

The ghost is upgraded to a demon, and its offensive and defensive attributes are not outstanding at the same level. The HP of 250 finally allows the life recovery feature to play some role.

And Daliang feels that the weakening of the monster's attributes is completely balancing the skill of energy tide.

Energy attacks, attack magic is an energy attack. Three monsters can increase the damage by 30%, which is simply more powerful than wearing a piece of top-quality equipment. If the monsters' own attributes were more powerful, it would be too abnormal. .

In addition, the magic mage's attack method is an energy attack. If three monsters provide energy tides, the magic mage's lethality will also increase by 30%.

It is definitely a substantial improvement for Daliang's distant troops, and the demon spirit itself is a flying unit. When the magic mage unit is attacked by enemy flying units, it can also provide aerial cover for the magic mage unit.

A magician and a magician are a perfect match.

With a large number of skeleton soldiers and walking corpses, Daliang has no shortage of melee units for consumption.

The primary task in the Kingdom of Death is defense, and there is no need for large-scale equipment for offensive flying units.

The core of defensive warfare is the distant troops, and the magic mage cannot be strengthened too much.

All the ghosts recruited in the territory these days have been transformed into demon spirits.

About a quarter of the conversion rate allowed Daliang to obtain 93 monsters.

And the number of magic mages...

After being canonized as an earl and able to recruit monks, Daliang has been accumulating monks. Now he has 42 monks in his hands. After all of them have been transformed into magic mages, plus the ones that existed before, there are a total of 53 magic mages.

The production capacity of ghosts is so low that one magic mage can't even get two.

Only when the territory is upgraded to level six can a new spiritual tomb be built, and the few demon spirits can only be used as much as possible on the blade.

93 demons.

Da Liang needs 3 for himself.

With one magic mage left and two, there are 45 magic mages equipped with magic spirits.

The remaining eight magic mages were handed over to Sidney to provide strategic magic support for the Blackfire Fleet.

The Blackfire Fleet has a large number of flying troops and archers, and there is no urgent need for the magic mage's long-range attack capabilities.

The human troops and the Blackfire Fleet all remain in the main world.

Now Sidney has received the rewarded battleships, four three-masted battleships and 10 brigantine battleships, allowing his Blackfire fleet to undergo a substantial expansion.

In order to once again enhance the combat effectiveness of the Black Fire Fleet, Daliang provided Sidney with 20 drawings of two-masted battleships and one hundred drawings of single-masted battleships.

At the same time, Sidney was given 1 million gold coins to pay for the training and expansion of the Blackfire Fleet.

Daliang ordered the Black Fire Fleet to complete reorganization and form combat effectiveness as soon as possible, and to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the territory and fiefdom.

The defense system of the main world is well arranged.

Under Da Liang's order, all crew members in the Black Fire Fleet were replaced by humans, and all the replaced undead gathered in the territory, preparing to enter the kingdom of death.

Before the army entered the kingdom of death, Daliang led Julian and Astro through the portal and entered the world of death.

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