Start with an Archangel

Chapter 352 High-Danger Plane

[Dear Lord Da Liang, you will enter an extremely dangerous plane. In order to prevent your territory from being targeted by a powerful creature, we strongly recommend that you do not use the name of the main world in the dangerous plane. You can use a second name. Name as your identity in the Danger Plane. 】

This was the first time that Daliang chose to teleport to the Kingdom of Death, but he did not expect to receive such a prompt from the system first.

There are many extremely powerful creatures in some dangerous planes. A Holy Bella will regard the heroes of Shangjiang City as nothing. The Kingdom of Death, as the base camp of the undead equivalent to Yunzhong City, has existences that are equal to or even stronger than Holy Bella. .

The player's territory is very weak. Once he offends a big shot in a dangerous plane and his identity is known, it is likely to be a disaster for the territory of the main world.

Therefore, after the player enters the dangerous plane, the system allows the player to give himself a second name to hide his true identity.

What is the best name for the second identity?

Da Liang doesn't even trust himself in his name-making ability, otherwise he would enter the game directly using his own name.

"Quietly watch you pretending to be cool"

Daliang first thought of his name in the Lords Forum.

[Quietly watching you show off, are you sure? Your title affects an intelligent creature's first impression of you. 】

"No, no, no, I'll think about it again."

The NPCs in the Kingdom of Death are probably all highly intelligent. If you say this when introducing yourself, they will probably slap you back to the city.

The Kingdom of Death is the base camp of the undead tribe, and names such as lofty and majestic will probably lose points there.

Then call me brother.


This kind of name, which is almost like a service industry to the undead, should be easy to get good points.

[Eviscerate, are you sure? Your title affects an intelligent creature's first impression of you. 】


[Hello Lord Eviscerate, please choose your landing point. If you do not make a choice, you will be teleported to a random location between 500 kilometers and 1000 kilometers away from any city in the Kingdom of Death. Note that once selected, the descent point cannot be changed. 】

Daliang quickly took out the letter of introduction given to him by Saint Bella.

The address written on the letter is the City of Sighs where the Seventh Sorrowful Lord belongs.

"Teleport to the City of Sighs!"

[The teleportation beacon is generated at the Bone Burial Ground, 659 kilometers southeast of the City of Sighs. When the teleportation begins, please complete the defense of the teleportation area as soon as possible. 】

The light flashed before his eyes.

The originally bright sky and azure ocean disappeared, and everything in sight was a mass graveyard of unknown size.

The grave was overgrown with weeds, and the collapsed tomb revealed the rotten coffin inside.

There were countless broken bones scattered throughout the cemetery.

The wind blows through the dead trees and makes a faint sound in the gaps between the trees. It seems that the sound is not coming from the gaps in the trees, but the ghost is whispering.

The sky was gray, as if there was a thick layer of haze floating on it.

The sun cannot be seen, its position can only be guessed from the bright spots in the sky.

Da Liang took a deep breath.

Even the air has a depressing smell.

This is the kingdom of death.

The world of the dead.

"Death..." Astro, the giant frost dragon under Daliang's seat, also took a deep breath of the air here, and then slowly exhaled: "This is the pure breath of the undead, and there is a little sulfur in this wonderful aroma. The spicy flavor is so comfortable. I'm sure there is a sulfur mine nearby. If you can occupy it, please give this sulfur mine to me and my people as the nest of our frost dragon. "

As a hired creature, the Frost Dragon needs a weekly salary.

For a frost dragon, Daliang must pay 1,000 gold and one unit of sulfur every week.

The expenditure for this batch of sulfur has been obtained through transactions with Joshua.

Fortunately, the frost dragon was made by Da Liang himself from the dragon corpse and was not under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Death. Otherwise, he would have to pay an additional employment fee to Yunzhong City just like he hired Julian.

It's just that now the number of frost dragons in Da Liang's hands has increased, and his consumption of sulfur has also increased. If it is true, as the Frost Dragon said, that there is a sulfur mine nearby, it really solves a big problem.

Daliang said to Astro: "No problem, as long as we grab the sulfur mine, you can live wherever you want."

"Thank you very much, Lord."

"Can you determine the location of the sulfur mine? Let's go over and investigate to see if it is occupied by anyone else."

Astro sniffed around: "I found its direction, but we have to deal with the undead here first."


Only then did Da Liang find undead creatures emerging from the soil around him.

There are skeletons, walking corpses, skeletal wolves, zombie snakes...

The originally empty bone burial ground was filled with skeletons and zombies in a short period of time.

Looking around from Astro's back, on the ground in the distance, in addition to a large number of low-level undead creatures constantly crawling out of the ground, there are actually many large creatures rushing towards here.

The undead bear standing more than two meters high, the skeletal mammoth five meters high...

How did you teleport to the monster spawning area?

The high-danger plane certainly deserves its reputation.

However, once the teleportation location is determined, it cannot be changed. The two-way teleportation array leading to the Black Fire Territory has already been launched here.

If the ten-meter-diameter teleportation array is rushed into by these undead, the Black Fire Territory will soon be occupied by them.

If you don't want these undead creatures to rush into the Black Fire Territory, you can only fight first.

Astro roared angrily, dragon's breath spurted out from his air, and the low-level undead fell down wherever he passed.

Julian continued to maintain his human form. After all, the archangel form was too big. It would be more convenient to deal with these low-level undead if he was smaller.

The angel's wings spread out, and Julian galloped back and forth at a high speed. His sword swept across with sword light, and a group of undead creatures were cut into two pieces from the waist.

Julian and Astro blocked the onslaught of undead, protecting the portal behind them.

Then a large group of ghosts emerged from around Astro, grabbing the undead that rushed in, and throwing them back into the tide of the undead one by one.

"Haw, Hurricane, come in quickly!"

An archangel and a frost dragon's attacks on low-level undead were all instant kills. But there are too many undead, and there is no fear of death unless morale is affected. They surged forward together, stepping on the corpses of the undead in front of them and rushing toward the middle layer by layer, forcing Julian and Astro to retreat step by step.

At this time, two giant frost dragons appeared from the teleportation array. After coming in, Eatroar and Hurricane immediately took over the two defenses.

Three giant frost dragons and one archangel each guarded one direction to block the impact of the undead tide.

However, as the number of undead deaths increased, the wall of corpses piled up quickly became taller, making defense gradually more difficult.

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