Start with an Archangel

Chapter 353 Undead versus Undead

This is a typical undead attack mode.

There is no strategy, tactics, reconnaissance, or testing, just throw away the army and fight directly.

Now Daliang was attacked by the sea of ​​undead. The increasingly taller wall of corpses reminded Daliang of the scene when he attacked the entrance of the stone cave.

The undead must be prevented from continuing to build walls, otherwise they can jump directly into the teleportation array from above when they gain a height advantage.

However, Julian and the Frost Dragon could only maintain a front within this range and had no energy left to push the battlefield outward.

"Two thousand-man brigades of skeleton soldiers came in and sent all the stored stones inside."

Under Da Liang's order, a large group of skeleton soldiers appeared from the teleportation array.

Da Liang quickly threw the first group of skeleton soldiers into the battlefield, and cooperated with the Archangel and Frost Dragon to push the battle line thirty meters outward, crossing the newly formed corpse wall, forming a circular defense with a diameter of 80 meters. Wire.

Da Liang's skeleton soldiers are also low-level soldiers. Even if the brigade is equipped with many skeleton whippers to improve the combat effectiveness of the skeleton soldiers, the skeleton soldiers are still cannon fodder and consumables.

A brigade of skeleton soldiers that entered the battlefield was quickly consumed.

A subsequent group of skeleton soldiers came in along with a batch of stones.

"Build a city wall around the previous battle line, and then come in with a group of skeleton soldiers."

Daliang assigned a team of thousands of skeleton soldiers to carry stones to build the city wall. At the same time, a group of skeleton soldiers built forts and arrow towers in the inner circle of the city wall.

A team of 1,000 skeleton soldiers was also dispatched to supplement the injured skeleton soldiers on the front.

Then let those who are temporarily idle drag the corpses of the dead back and throw them into the teleportation array. The personnel from the Black Fire Territory will carry away these corpses and throw them directly into the sea.

However, the speed at which skeleton soldiers cleared corpses could not keep up with the number of deaths on the front line, and new walls of corpses piled up again.

The current front line maintained by Julian and the Frost Dragon with the Skeleton Soldiers has reached its limit. If it is pushed outwards, it is easy for there to be holes that the ultimate creatures cannot fill in time.

"All combatants step back five meters, and another team of thousands of skeleton soldiers will come in."

In this short confrontation, Da Liang could feel that these undead were not led by heroes and their combat effectiveness was not high. The same skeleton soldiers, the skeleton soldiers of the Black Fire Leader, with the bonus of their respective commanders, could defeat three or four skeletons of the same level one by one. There is no problem with the soldiers.

But the truly terrifying thing about the Sea of ​​the Undead is their number. Looking at them, they are all undead. You don’t know how many there are. No matter how big the gap in combat power is, as long as you can’t kill the opponent with one blow and be counterattacked, a small number will become a large number, which also makes Da Liang’s The skeleton soldiers were consumed quickly.

A skeleton soldier brigade and a skeleton soldier brigade entered the battlefield.

In the constant resistance with refueling tactics, the skeleton soldiers behind finally broke out a two-meter-high city wall.

The fort was connected to the city wall, and subsequent incoming artillery pieces were pushed onto the fort and pressed against the outer extension of the city wall.

"Boom boom boom..."

The fury of the artillery resounded throughout the battlefield, and the scattered bullets fired from the muzzle swept away the undead.

More and more artillery fired began to cover the undead tide, and soon a blockade was formed around the city wall.

The charging undead suffered a large number of casualties on the blockade, and the troops fighting the undead on the front line suddenly felt that the pressure was greatly reduced.

Immediately afterwards, the six-meter-high arrow tower was also completed.

Da Liang scanned the entire battlefield and found no enemies with long-range attack capabilities, nor did he see any flying units.

"Monica enters with the magician."

Monica led the long-range troops of the Black Fire Territory into the battlefield, and the magic mages climbed onto the towering arrow tower. Groups of demon spirits wandered around the arrow tower, providing energy tides for the magic mages to strengthen their attack power, while guarding against them. Possible attacks by flying undead creatures.

The arrow tower is higher than the entire battlefield, allowing the magic mage inside to attack the undead further away.

The basic lethality of the Magic Mage is a huge waste when used to kill these low-level undead, not to mention that with various blessings, the damage dealt to low-level undead is doubled.

With Archangels, Frost Dragons, and Skeleton Soldiers pressing the line in the short range, and artillery shells controlling the field in the mid-range, Daliang did not let magic mages attack those low-level undead creatures.

The war has reached this point, and the giant undead that originally spawned in the distance has approached the center of the battlefield.

These are the undead souls of large beasts, which are larger and stronger than low-level skeletons and walking corpses.

The undead bears, skeletal mammoths, and other large undead creatures advanced at full speed, and all undead creatures in front of them were knocked away or trampled over.

In the tide of undead, the large undead violently opened a road, then roared "hissing" and charged towards the "invaders".

However, what greeted them were bunches of energy balls.

Even the strongest undead creatures could not withstand more than two attacks from the magic mage. Those seemingly powerful undead creatures with huge bodies fell down one by one.

However, death cannot threaten the undead. No matter how great the damage is, no matter how strong the enemy is, they will not stop once they attack.

This war of invasion and counter-invasion continues and is destined to end with the defeat of one side.

In terms of close combat, mid-range, and long-range, Blackfire's leading army has initially completed a defense system, and the better it is at mid-range and long-range, the lighter the pressure in close combat will be.

Several more forts were built, and new artillery was pushed onto the city wall.

The gunners assigned by Daliang had all served on the Black Fire Fleet and were very skilled in operating artillery.

Clearing the chamber, charging, reloading, and firing are all done in one go without any time wasted. The places where the artillery attacks are all the places where the undead are concentrated. One shot sweeps over and falls like wheat.

The number of undead that broke through the artillery blockade was greatly reduced, and Daliang joined another group of skeleton soldiers, pushing the battle line forward 50 meters.

Then a large group of skeleton soldiers drove the skeleton horses to pull the stones out of the city wall, and continued to build a new city wall in the circle newly drawn by Daliang. The construction of the forts and shooter towers protected by the new city wall also began.

And the original city wall began to be raised.

The war continued. The tireless undead met the tireless undead. The two undead armies launched a non-stop offensive and defensive battle.

The Blackfire Leader Fleet, which has multiple strike capabilities and construction capabilities, relies on the city defense system to gradually expand the scope of its occupation.

During the three-day war, Daliang established three internal and external city defense systems with the teleportation array as the center.

The inner wall is six meters high, the middle wall is four meters high, and the outer wall is two meters high.

The entire city wall was densely covered with roaring artillery. Daliang had reserved 200 artillery pieces for himself from the artillery eliminated by the Pudong fleet, and all of them were put into the city defense system.

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