Start with an Archangel

Chapter 354 Six-pointed Star

Shi Fei once said in the lord section that before the territory construction reaches level five, do not easily enter the respective base camp plane. Lords can build architectural drawings before the fifth level of the main world, so that the Lords can accumulate a certain scale of military strength and resources when entering the base camp plane.

Daliang, who arrived in the kingdom of death, deeply understood the meaning of Shi Fei's words.

He also realized that Shi Fei had probably developed to a certain extent in the magical realm of the Elf Base Camp, otherwise he would not have said this on the lord forum, nor would he have been able to recruit the golden dragon easily.

Thinking of Shi Fei, even though he defeated him twice, Daliang still felt a pressure.

Shi Fei has had a business plan for the game since he entered the game. From Dreamless Wings, Half Moon Cat, and Kuitu, we can see how many talents Shi Fei has attracted by relying on the reputation and financial resources he has created.

Although he suffered successive setbacks in the war against Daliang, his overall strength was still developing steadily.

The more he fought with Shi Fei, the more confident he felt. For the mountain he managed, Daliang felt that he had only dug out a few big rocks.

Da Liang felt that all he could do was to catch up. When he and Shi Fei stood in front of his future wife, he would not become a green leaf to accompany Shi Fei in front of his wife.

But...where is my brother's wife?

Shi Fei is a public figure. Every time he appears in public, he attracts everyone's attention and frequently appears on the headlines of major media. Even though Shi Fei suffered consecutive setbacks in Shangjiang, his position in the headlines was higher than that of the College League and Daliang.

Therefore, Shi Fei's private life is also like that of a star, and is paid attention to by the gossip media.

Also attracted the attention of Da Liang.

However, Shi Fei has not had any scandals leaked out. Although there are many female subordinates around him, they all keep a distance and their interactions are purely work-related.

Shi Fei is also very low-key outside the game. He never meets any players he knows in the game. No one knows who he is.

Therefore, Shi Fei's love life is completely blank. His wealth and power make him an ideal partner for female players in the game.

Shi Fei's actions made Daliang feel that he wanted to protect his persistence.

Shi Fei can still insist on Brother Green from his rebirth to now. It seems that his future wife is really attractive.

Who is she?

Shi Fei must know who she is, but why hasn't he contacted her yet?

The stable battlefield made Daliang's thoughts somewhat divergent.

The undead in the Boneyard continued to attack the Black Fire Army. Seeing that all the undead in the field of vision were rushing towards this place, Da Liang didn't know when he would be able to eliminate them all.

He was somewhat thankful that he had stored enough stones to build a quarry for reclamation.

I am also thankful that 200 artillery pieces were brought in as a precaution.

However, the Black Fire Leader's army is limited, and nearly 5,000 of the 25,000 skeleton soldiers recruited by Daliang have been consumed.

Continuous firing will also cause great damage to the durability of the artillery. This batch of artillery has been taken back to the territory in turn for renovation twice, and will be completely scrapped after being used up.

The artillery that Daliang urgently transferred from Shangjiang is still in transit, but it is not an option to continue fighting like this.

All this consumes is money.

Although Daliang obtained 5 million gold coins from Marquis Stanley, if he continues to fight like this, it will all be spent in a short time.

And experience?

For Da Liang's level, there is basically no experience gained from killing such low-level undead.

This battle must be ended as soon as possible.

For a monster spawn area, there are too many undead in the Boneyard. They are constantly drilling upward from the ground, far exceeding the normal number of spawns.

There is definitely something special about this land.

Daliang transferred a batch of tung oil from his territory, sprinkled it all on the outside of the city wall, and then withdrew all the troops outside the wall into the city wall.

The tung oil was ignited, forming a ring of fire around the perimeter of the fortifications. Low-level undead were burned to death if they could not get out of the fire ring, and the impact of the undead on the city wall was alleviated.

Daliang asked his undead heroes to replenish his army, and the magic mages also began to rest in batches.

Leave Julian inside the fortress and Monica to deal with the unexpected.

Da Liang rode Astro and flew into the air with his roar and hurricane. He wanted to see how big the scope of this undead spawn place was.

Looking down at the entire ground from a high altitude, all you can see is a desolate scene of gray and khaki.

The whole world is lifeless, and the constant sound of cannons from the fortress is the only sound here.

Hovering in the air, Da Liang saw the edge of the undead spawning ground, with a radius of about five kilometers, encompassing the entire burial ground.

Da Liang also discovered that the spawn points of these undead were not evenly scattered on the ground, but had many concentrated spawn areas.

These centralized refresh areas are not large, but undead emerge from them like fountains. Large undead creatures also emerge from these centralized refresh areas.

After these undead came out, they immediately marched towards the fortress built by the Black Fire Territory, and then merged with the undead that emerged from other places, forming a huge tide of undead.

In addition, Da Liang also found that the distribution of these concentrated refresh areas was very regular and seemed to form a certain pattern.

Da Liang took out a blank drawing for designing ships, marked the discovered undead concentrated refresh areas on the paper according to their positions, and then connected the points with lines.

A six-pointed star.

The hexagram is a commonly used magic array. Many magic arrays are variations on this basic hexagram to produce different effects.

However, in the Kingdom of Death, the use of the six-pointed star is prohibited because it is the symbol of the largest exile organization, the "Wizards' Guild".

Daliang didn't expect that he would encounter the wizard's guild just after entering the kingdom of death.

This magic circle should have the effect of stimulating the rapid production of a large number of low-level undead, or... a large number of high-level undead.

Because Daliang discovered that the location of the Black Fire Leader's teleportation array was pressing on a magic array node, which should also be a concentrated refresh point for the undead, but the original magic point there was destroyed by the teleportation array.

The structure of the entire magic circle was damaged, and the effect was naturally greatly reduced.

Such a large-scale magic circle is definitely not set up to summon low-level undead, and the cost-effectiveness is completely disproportionate. Looking at the large undead creatures that occasionally appear, you can guess that the function of this magic circle should be to generate a large number of large undead creatures, but after being destroyed, it turned into low-level undead.

In any case, the installation of this magic circle must have consumed a lot of resources from the Wizards Guild, and it must have been of great use, but it was destroyed by Daliang.

I originally wanted to join the Wizards Guild when I came to the Kingdom of the Undead. Is there any hope now?

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